谁是艾沃·古德森?Who is Ivor Goodson?

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To advocate teachers to write and tell their own stories,
This post shares my thoughts on two questions so that more teachers may realise that research is everywhere and they can study themselves in a way; sometimes, some of them have never thought.
谁是艾沃·古德森?Who is Ivor Goodson?
Why knowing his story and reading his work would be helpful to your career in education?
Who is Ivor Goodson?
From my point of view, this scholar is someone who is dedicated to building bridges.
Reading his work is like talking to an experienced and wise human in some fields you want to know more. He does not feel superior and chooses to treat each reader equally; his writing will convince you that he firmly believes and practice this style: we may be at different phases of pursuing knowledge, but when we communicate, we are absolutely equal. I am very willing to build up our author-reader relationship in a way we trust each other and talk with honesty.
The stories and experiences, thoughts, reflections so that new connections will be built for, in my metaphor, a new bridge.
There are more links for you to know more about him in different perspectives. There are already many resources on the internet, either relevant research or translated books. So I do not feel it is necessary to move these to my original platform, which mainly is for sharing my thoughts.
我印象中(可能记得对,也可能记错)第一次读他的书是2017年秋冬之交的某一天,在UCL 教育学院图书馆五楼书架上随便翻看的时候发现的。这本叫做《教师的生活与事业》的书(编者之一是他)有吸引到我。我后面也看了一些他写的书,在这里就不掉书袋了,说我的感受。
But I do need to express my gratitude to two universities for enabling me to have access to know him and his work.
My most recent experience is to the live broadcast organised by ICI in ECNU.
In my memory (which could be right or wrong), the first time I read about him was in the UCL IoE library(fifth floor) in 2017, surfing around the bookshelves between autumn and winter. One of his books (Teachers' lives and Careers, edited by Stephen Ball and Ivor Goodson) caught my eye as it looked like something delightful to read.
Why knowing his story and reading his work would be helpful to your career in education?
There are many times that I feel reading a book is getting a key to be a traveller across time and space.
Some authors who also embrace the book's role as a key would try their best to get the reader (you) to experience more diversity, not to tell you what you have to do for some standard. Instead, they let you read different kinds of stories, narratives, and keep your brain with you, not to wash them for their good, but to let you draw up conclusions and take home what you want to take home:
Aha, I can think in this way.
Em, this sounds good, I can put into my practice.
I always want to do this, so someone actually did it and in this fascinating way!
Awesome, I can do something to make me feel good too.
So my summary would be:
Having an opportunity to read his work, you will firmly walk with more confidence(in both your life and career).
You are more likely to get closer to the know yourself in "who you are and what you want to achieve", as you realise research and research teachers/education may not be that 'scientific-data' and 'objective' as you thought it had to be.
更多资料可以看 sources (accessed 07-11-2020):
https://book.douban.com/subject/1323137/ (《环境教育的诞生》)
李静(2015). 艾沃·F·古德森自传课程理论研究. 西南大学硕士论文.
Besides, in case someone wants to be picky, I am not saying other research or scholars' work is not worthy. I am not downplaying other ways of doing research. I do not make a comparison. I say they co-exist as ways of doing research. It does not sound right to say just because one thing exists, then other ways of doing research should be considered inferior.
I am not referring to others as the title already limits the focus and boundary of this post/blog. This is what I prepared for misinterpretation. I cannot control what my reader think, and I have no intention to control. Done.