视频 | 别了,卡西尼号

The final chapter in a remarkable mission of exploration and discovery, Cassini's Grand Finale is in many ways like a brand new mission. Twenty-two times, NASA's Cassini spacecraft will dive through the unexplored space between Saturn and its rings. What we learn from these ultra-close passes over the planet could be some of the most exciting revelations ever returned by the long-lived spacecraft. This animated video tells the story of Cassini's final, daring assignment and looks back at what the mission has accomplished.


虽然卡西尼号非凡的探索和发现之旅即将终结,但它的“大终章”在很多方面依然如同一次全新的任务。22 次,这是 NASA 的卡西尼号将要穿越土星及其光环间尚未有人探索过的空间的次数。这艘服役许久的飞船将与土星极近距离地擦过,并向我们揭秘最让人期待的信息。这段动画视频讲述了卡西尼号最后一次勇敢的飞行,也回顾了它已经完成的不凡之旅。



