表达正在做某事还在用 while 引导吗?快来认识一个新短语吧

While 作从属连词时,可用来引导时间状语从句,从句的动词一般是延续性动词,并且常用进行时,这也是它与 when 和 as 的主要区别之一,而且在所有引导时间状语从句的连词中唯一一个可以被省略的连词

当引导时间状语从句时,while 强调同时性或某时间段内一种情况发生时另一种情况出现,例如:
You can go swimming while I'm having lunch.
I'll keep you company while you're waiting.
a.-> I found these photos while I was cleaning out my cupboards.
b.--> While cleaning out my cupboards, I found these photos.
c.---> Cleaning out my cupboards, I found these photos.
解析:句 a 中主从句的主语都是 I,因此可以去掉主语和 be 动词变成句 b,然后可以继续省略变成句 c,此时的句 c 是精简的省略,也不会造成悬垂结构或错位修饰语。

正是因为有的时候 while 也可以被省略,所以常常引起悬垂结构或错位修饰语,而且很容易跟现在分词混淆起来,因此在学习的时候要引起注意,除非是炉火纯青,否则不要凭空省略,省略是有原则嘀。
但是如果你对 while 引导时间状语从句的省略规则还不是很清楚的话,别担心,我们可以换一种表达方式,如 in the act (of doing sth) 来表示,有时相当于 while doing sth,此时 doing 的动作发出者跟主语必须是同一个人,或者相当于 while sb is doing sth,此时 doing 的动作发出者跟主语不是同一个人。
In the act of doing sth,意为“正在(做某事),当场”,常与 catch 连用,例如:
He was caught in the act of stealing a car.
He was caught while stealing a car.
解析:be caught 和 steal 的动作都是同一个人 he.
The police caught the robbers in the act of ransacking another house.
The police caught the robbers while they are ransacking another house.
解析:caught 和 ransack 的动作不是同一人。
She turned round to catch him in the act of trying to run upstairs.
She turned round to catch him when he was trying to run upstairs.
I suspected that my friend was stealing money from me, and then I caught her in the act.
