雅思口语新题季 | Part1::Borrowing/lending

1 apprehensively/,æprɪ'hɛnsɪvli/   adv.担心地

She had studied my face apprehensively before I lent money to her. 在我借钱给她之前,她担心地审视我的脸。

2 a stack of books 一摞书

She borrowed a stack of books from me. 她向我借了一摞书。

3 seasoning 调料

My neighbours often borrow seasoning, like soy sauce, pepper and the like . 我邻居常常借调料,像是酱油,胡椒之类的。

4 offer to loan sb. sth. 主动提出借给某人某物

He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit. 他友好地主动提出了借给我们展览会所需的全部植物。

5 run out of money 没钱

If I'm running out of money, I tend to borrow some cash from my brother. 如果我没钱了,我就会问我弟弟借点。(虾仁的中国好弟弟


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