文:深圳乐乐妈妈,乐乐3岁4个月这次清明节,是带宝贝第一次出去游玩,从去年开始计划的旅游,因为疫情,严重滞后。我告诉宝贝Travelling is the perfect combination of entertainment and education. The world is huge and filled with exciting places to visit. 所以这次虽然只有三天假期,还是决定一定要带着宝贝出去玩一次。出发前一周,开始跟宝贝讨论我们的出游计划。Let's discuss our itinerary. 时间短,我们决定去邻近的城市广州。Guangzhou is a dynamic city.
出发了,我们先去搭高铁,可能大家都是好久没出来玩了,高铁站到处人挤人。During holidays, we can see numerous people in Shenzhen.从深圳到广州坐高铁虽然只有半小时,但是我们习惯了要在高铁上读书Reading is our favorite pastime when we travel by train. By reading and traveling, children are exposed to an exciting new world.快到广州时,我们输入了destination(目的地)到广州后,我们先去酒店办理入住手续,酒店的工作人员非常友好,耐心。趁机跟宝贝说The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.
由于之前订票搞错了,没有买酒店加景区的套票,无法直接去safari park,于是我们决定办完入住手续后先去一趟博物馆 Let’s go to the museum first. Museums are a great asset of our country.在博物馆,看到了心心念念的恐龙化石,一直在念叨,wow, dinosaur fossils,妈妈补充,yes, we can see numerous dinosaur fossils in this museum. “现在还有恐龙吗”?Dinosaur lived on the earth a long time ago. Suddenly, they all died out. Nobody knows why.一看到海洋动物,宝贝:mommy,mommy, 是whale, shark and green sea turtle...因为这些都是海洋动物模型,所以宝贝看到whale模型问,现在还有whale吗?妈妈:由于非法捕杀和海洋污染,whales 变得越来越少了。之前学过有关whale的卡片句子用起来:Due to ocean pollution, whales are becoming harder and harder to find. we should call for a global ban on whaling. Poaching should be banned so animals can be protected.顺便复习海洋生物名词:we can see corals,sperm whales, crabs, crocodiles...
一早起来吃自助餐早餐,之前看了郑老师的有关吃自助餐的文章【详情见文章:在英国吃自助餐也能学到这么多重点核心英文!(14600核心词汇之66))】,有好多词汇摘抄了下来,但是由于记得不熟练,无法脱口而出,只输出了we can see a wide range of foods. Those foods are tempting ,inviting and captivating.另外就是宝贝自己输出了milk,bread,cupcake,banana and pear后面想到,其实还可以输入A nutritious and delicious breakfast is of great importance.吃完早餐,酒店离动物园有一段距离,决定打的过去,坐穿梭巴士免费,但是太慢了。宝贝当时很兴奋,我说you are ecstatic when mommy says we can go to the zoo by car.先去坐缆车,空中俯瞰全员风景,由于我有点恐高,在缆车上太紧张了,脑子一片空白。缆车下来,就按照地图观看动物,We can see a wide variety of animals. We can see black bears, koalas and pandas.
宝贝边看边说动物名称:parrot、boa constrictor、bald eagle、spider monkey、Chimpanzee、peacock(Peacocks have splendid feathers)、ostrich .进入青龙山区,门口有一个紫色的机器人导游,输入教案:More and more often, robot can replace human labor, thus freeing people from doing repetitive work.
高端英语学员朗读机器人教案句子中途去坐小火车游览非洲大草原,超多游客,排队等候了两个小时:Look, there are many tourists. Tourism is an important industry for our city.等候过程中,宝贝出现不耐烦:Baby, have a little patience. Those who persist will achieve ultimate success.穿越非洲区,we can see giraffes,elephants,zebras,tigers and lions...最后,参观镇园之宝pandas, 又和孩子聊了很多郑老师前面带安可去四川大熊猫基地聊的话题和内容。【详情点击文章了解:暑假游玩好去处,四川大熊猫基地!(第81期14600英语核心词汇)】
游览结束,大家都很累了,Mommy is exhausted. A decent rest will revive me. It was an unforgettable/memorable journey.后面还想到,其实刚进园时还可以用教案Since the zoo is large, walking a lot is inevitable if you want to see different kinds of animals. Therefore, it’s a great workout that can help you keep fit.旅游充满了乐趣,和孩子边玩边学的模式让我觉得时间变得更加有意义。贴近生活的句子,随时拿起来使用,高效的学习让孩子觉得不一定只有坐在书桌前才能学到知识,旅途中同样可以。我想这样的机会还有很多,还是应了文章开头的那句话Travelling is the perfect combination of entertainment and education.