2. Installation requirement for ECDIS 电子海图的安装要求(二)-外接设备要求
1) ECDIS should be connected to the ship’s position fixing system, to the gyro compass and to the speed and distance measuring device(log). For ships not fitted with a gyro compass ECDIS should be connected to a marine transmitting heading device
电子海图系统要求必须有船位系统/电罗经以及速度距离设备(计程仪), 对不配有电罗经的船舶需要有船首向发射装置,这个设备简单说是提供船舶真船首向的电子设备,它的船首向信息可以来源于定位系统的计算信息,也可以是磁罗经船首向修正后的信息
2)The ECDIS display may also be used for the display of radar, radar tracked target information, AIS, Echo Sounder and other appropriate data layers to assist in route monitoring.
3)ECDIS should not degrade the performance of any equipment providing sensor inputs. Nor should the connection of optional equipment degrade the performance of ECDIS below this standard
As per current requirement only above mentioned 3 signal need to integrate into ECDIS, other signal not compulsory to be connected, of course in our fleet, the Navmaster model we used manufactured by PC Maritime是将雷达信号及物标、自动识别系统和测深仪连接到ECDIS的
按照目前的国际公约的要求电子海图系统只要求上边陈述的3种信号输入叠加,其他信号都不是强制的,当然我们公司配备的PC MARITIME生产的NAVMASTER 型号电子海图是有连接雷达OVERLAY 、雷达物标、自动识别系统和测深仪的信息
3. Voyage recording for ECDIS 电子海图的航行记录
1) ECDIS should store and be able to reproduce certain minimum elements required to reconstruct the navigation and verify the official database used during the previous 12 hours. The following data should be recorded at one minute intervals:
a. to ensure a record of own ship's past track: time, position, heading, and speed; and
b. to ensure a record of official data used: ENC source, edition, date, cell and update
a. 船舶航迹,时间,船位, 船首向和船速
b. 航用图来源,版期,日期,航用图号以及更新状态
2) In addition, ECDIS should record the complete track for the entire voyage, with time marks at intervals not exceeding 4 hours. 另外,电子海图系统应能记录完整的本航次航迹,并有不超过4小时的时间标记
3)It should not be possible to manipulate or change the recorded information。所记录的信息不应能被篡改。
4)ECDIS should have a capability to preserve the record of the previous 12 hours and of the voyage track. 电子海图系统应有能力保存过去12小时的记录和航迹
In viewing of above requirement all officers should familiar with ECDIS playback function, and knowing how to recall last 12 hour track and track for current whole voyage, this operation may be requested by external inspector during inspection
鉴于以上要求,驾驶员要熟练掌握电子海图的回放功能操作, 并知道如何调出过去12小时的航迹以及本航次的航迹,这些操作很可能在外部检查中被检察官要求操作
二. ECDIS passage planning 电子海图航行计划
Trusted last PPT topic passage plan was read by all of you and understood well, so basically
the theory and procedures for preparing and implementing passage plan by ECDIS is same
with paper chart. So I will not explain again in this PPT
相信大家都读过我上篇主题是航行计划的PPT并都很好的理解了,基本上在电子海图上编制航行计划并执行航行计划的理论和程序基本和纸板海图一致(见4月份的passage plan公众号),在此不具体讲述
三. Key element of passage planning for ECDIS 电子海图航行计划关键要素的详解
1.ENC cells (航用图单元)
ECDIS 通过由一系ECDIS displays continuous coverage by making up of a series of indi
vidual ENC files known as “ENC cells”, each cell is less than 5MB in size, in most cases producers
allow you to licence ENC cells individually so that you can build the exact coverage that you require列称为“ENC 单元”的单独 ENC 文件组成来保证全球海区的连续覆盖,每个单元的文件尺寸小于 5MB,在大多数情况下,生产商允许单独申请你所需要的ENC 单元许可,以便可以构建准确的所需要的海区覆盖范围
2. ENC cells naming rule(航用图单元命名原则)
ENC cells are named using a unique eight character identifier together with a three character file type extension 每个航用图单元使用8个字符外加3个扩展名字符组成
v如下图所示, 前2位字符CC代表海图发行商的代码,这个代码是根据S-62标准制定的,S-62把每一个IHO的成员国以及其他组织都给与一个代码, 比如印度发行的海图代码为IN, 英国GB,新加坡SG,中国CN,这个想必大家都熟悉
v 第3个字符P 代表这张海图的用途,如下图所示,1-6个数字分别代表不同比例尺的海图,见下图
3. ECDIS chart 1
ECDIS users can check that their systems are capable of displaying the new symbols intro
duced in the IHO S-52 Presentation Library edition 4.0 by opening the ECDIS Chart 1 datasets. ECDIS Chart 1, which includes a legend of symbols used in ENC's, should be installed on all type approved ECDIS.
Master and officers should be familiar with opening ECDIS CHART 1 in own ship ECDIS and knowing how to verify if the legend displaying is complying with S-52 standard
电子海图使用者在核实本船系统是否能够根据国际水道测量局的S-52的显示图库4.0版本来显示图标,要使用ECDIS CHART 1,它包括了用于电子海图显示的所有图例,见左下图
公司使用的电子海图系统NAVMATER 可以打开帮助菜单调取ECDIS CHART 1, 见下图
船长和驾驶员需要熟练掌握调取本船设备的ECDIS CHART 1,并知道如何比对本船设备显示图例是否符合S-52标准
4. Presentation Library 4.0(显示图库4.0)
All Mariners must familiarise themselves with the function in their ECDIS that will display the
edition number of the IHO Presentation Library as this varies across ECDIS manufactures.
This function will be required when Port State Control officers want evidence that the ECDIS
is up-to-date to the latest IHO standards.
所有海员应熟悉如何查询本船电子海图系统IHO 显示图库的版本,查询方法因设备而异,通常PSC检察官会通过查询版本来核实本船是否电子海图系统已更新至最新的IHO标准,目前显示图库版本是4.0, 大家要了解如何查询,
5. Traditional and Simplified symbols 经典和简化图标显示模式
ECDIS can display chart symbols in either traditional or simplified form, traditional symbols
are very much like those used for paper charts, simplified form has been designed for
optimal display on a screen, simplified symbols are primarily used for the display of buoys
and beacons
电子海图系统显示模式有2种,一种是经典模式一种是简化模式,经典模式非常接近于纸 板海图的显示方式,简化模式是一种优化的显示模式,只要在显示浮筒和灯桩有差异
6. New Symbols 新的图标
Some new symbols based on the features contained within the ENC data have been introduced to meet the specific requirements of ECDIS display
a.Dredged area 疏浚水域
Dredged areas are shown by a grey dotted area fill pattern, see below picture 疏浚水域会用灰色点充填格式显示,见下图
Depending on how the producer nation has captured the dredged area feature, the dredged / maintained depth value may not always display automatically. Where the value is not visible, the ECDIS pick report function can be used to view the value
疏浚水域的水深资料显示方式取决 于海图发行商的设计,有的设备不会直接显示水深资料,需要使用PICK REPORT工具来查看具体
b. Precautionary area/ prohibited area/caution area/ anchoring prohibited area
below symbols have individual features in ECDIS, and these symbols may appear in one of two sizes, smaller example depicts point application , larger example depicts area features where symbols will appear at the center of area depicted.
In some area appear contradictory information, see below screenshot , means the anchorage is allowed to drop anchor with certain restriction, may only allowed small craft only, have to see pick report有些水域会显示表面矛盾的图标,需要关注,如下图实际上代表着这个水域允许抛锚,但有一些限制,比如可能只允许小型船舶等等,需要和港方核实,在PICK REPORT里不一定有描述
7. Unknown Symbols 未知图标
Where the ECDIS encounters a feature in the ENC data that it is unable to determine how to display properly, it will default to displaying the symbols illustrated below with question marks(for point, line and area features respectively} either alongside, or in place of, the appropriate symbol.
There are a number of reasons why this symbol may appear. For example 有几种情况会导致这个标志显示在电子海图上,比如:
a) The ECDIS may not have the latest S-52 Presentation Library installed, and so does not have the necessary instructions on how to draw a new type of feature contained in the ENC data. In this case, a large question mark will be displayed in the position of the feature which can be interrogated using the ECDIS pick report function.
如果船上电子海图设别没有安装最新的S-52显示图库,就会导致某些数据不能正确显示出来,就有在这个数据附近打一个问号,可以通过打开PICK REPORT来查询
b) The feature in the ENC data is missing key attribute information needed by the ECDIS to determine how to draw the feature exactly. In this case, the ECDIS will display a small question mark next to the feature as illustrated in the example below where the ENC producer does not know the exact shape of the beacons. By interrogating the feature using the ECDIS pick report function it may be possible to identify which information is missing.
如果航用图数据丢失了关键的用于被电子海图系统识别特征的属性信息,也会显示问号,比如海图发行商不确定 某个灯桩的实际形状,同样可以打开PICK REPORT来查询具体信息见下图
c)The feature in the ENC data contains an unexpected, non-standard entry in one of the attributes associated with the feature. This may be the result of a data entry error by the ENC producer, but is more likely to be because the real world object does not conform to expected standards and feature categories. For example, a buoy may be painted in a colour that does not conform to its function (such as a lateral buoy painted yellow).
Now list some examples for unknown symbols 下面具体列举几个未知图标
8. Un-surveyed areas and No data areas未经测绘的水域和没有海图数据的水域
a.Un-surveyed areas未经测绘的水域
ENC producers will display these areas on their charts where there is no survey data, or
where only basic survey data is available in complicated waters with many hazards to navigation, and which is therefore not adequate to support safe navigation.
See below screenshot, filled grey symbol with a dashed line pattern marking alphabet ”U” to indicate
b. No data areas 没有海图数据的水域
When compiling the display, the ECDIS software will start by filling the screen with the default grey “no data” pattern. overwriting this grey display with the data that is installed in the ECDIS, giving first priority to the most appropriate scale ENC data that is available where there is no data available, or may have data but not of a suitable scale to display
9. Magnetic Variation and anomaly 磁差及地磁异常
a.Magnetic Variation磁差变化
A new magenta arrow symbol is used to represent magnetic variation in positon or in an area, 通常会使用洋红色箭头来标识某个位置或某个区域的磁差,具体磁差和变化率需要打开PICK REPORT查看
b. Magnetic anomaly地磁异常
A hollowed out version of the magnetic variation symbol is used to indicate areas of local magnetic anomaly.中空的磁差图标来标识这个水域有地磁异常存在
10. ECDIS display modes 电子海图系统显示模式
Total three display modes: 有3种显示模式:
1) Base’ Display”:This is the minimum level of information which has to be displayed at all times. It is not intended to be sufficient for safe navigation. Never be used in passage planning and implementation stage,
2) Standard' display:may be considered to be the minimum information that must be displayed at all times, some important features such as soundings, submarine cables, and pipelines are not included in this display mode, and so must be switched on using the appropriate 'Custom' display settings available.
示的,有些特征比如 水深、海底电缆和管线等不在标准模式显示中,应在自定义中手
3) Other: Displayed all the information available in the ENC data. The ECDIS display is
likely to be very cluttered when this mode is used, particularly if there is a lot of textual
descriptions or magenta information symbols on display. This tailoring of the display is
commonly referred to as 'Other' or 'Custom' display mode, depending on ECDIS type.
其他模式:显示航用图的所有数据, 但是信息显示太多会显得很杂乱,尤其是是有很 多的文字描述显示和洋红色的信息图标, 这种显示通常叫做其他模式或者自定义模 式,取决于设备型号
从上面的3张图可以清晰 的看出显示的差异,基础模式只显示岸线,岛屿,陆地等,没有额外的信息。其他模式显示的信息是最全的,当然也会显得有些杂乱
Display details and precaution 显示模式详解及须知
a.Data displayed for standard and other modes could be referred to left chart which derived from IMO performance standards,
b. It is strongly recommended that at some stage in the voyage planning process that 'Other’ display mode is used to visually inspect the intended route. Once a detailed voyage plan has been completed, it will be possible to reduce the Level of detail shown much closer to the 'Standard’ display so as to provide clarity of display during voyage monitoring, not recommended to display standard mode only without additional feature, particularly soundings
c. Feature objects which are not being displayed because of their selected ECDIS display mode settings, or are obscured from display by other detail, should still be detected by the ECDIS's alarm functions. However, mariners should not rely on automated alarms alone
To be continus....
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