








(被授予 2016年度 和平使者。无关政治 无关经济,共同的理念: truth & peace )











总体,我把我的研究看做是一个探索过程,因为它是有关史前的,本来就缺乏资料,而中国的历史考古又不客观,甚至是长期明确地压制中国文明西来说的研究,所以中国今天并不具备成熟的学术研究条件。我是自由作家,属于没有任何资源的独立研究,这样一个庞大艰难的学术工程对于我几乎是impossible mission。所以我对于我的研究工作有一种很放松的态度,我对于我的工作定位是一种文化呼吁与研究兼有的活动。我并不是历史专业出身,尽管我认为我的整体研究思想是有价值、有力的,但真正的严肃学术活动还是要等后人去继续完善。现在我的著述都属于科普性质,前期的一些研究非常粗糙,所以即便有人希望出我全集我也也都会拒绝了。比如之前在华人和基督徒中比较有影响的《向东向东,再向东》我一般就不建议再版,当然这本书在中国大陆实际上因为讨论《旧约》已被禁。香港的一些电视台曾经推荐过这本书,他们还专题推荐了拙著《汉字起源新解》。我后期的研究有三四本书我认为比较有价值,有的还获奖了,可以考虑再版,比如《汉字起源新解》《文明大趋势》《新文明简史》《苏三大历史:忽然》等。其中的三本书其实都已经有英文翻译,但英文书尚未出版,我还没有找出版社,多看阅读 duokan 网上有这些书的英文版。


苏三 Susan Xu

wechat: susanxuxuxu




Speech at Tai Tung Art Museum

Greetings to everyone !  I am Susan Xu from Beijing.

I would like to extend my gratitude to Peace Mediafor providing me the opportunity to introduce myself and to give an update regardingmy research.

I was born in the central district of Henanprovince, now residing inBeijing. In early 80’s Ireceived university education specialised in English literature. There weremany teachers who came from different parts of the world, in particular,England and the United States. As it happened during the post culturalrevolution time, the situation was very isolated from the rest of theworld. My spiritual world at that time was no differentfrom the mainstreams in China today: ferventlyadored Chairman Mao, acted extremely patriotic, and be proud of Chineseethnicity. We would intensely conduct debates with whoever dared to criticiseChina. However, during university period, we were starting to doubt theso-called system of knowledge as laid down in the standards of Chineseeducation.  To us, it was like gradualcollapse of the world, subsequently falling into a long term period of loss anduncertainty. We started to ponder on the focus of Chinese civilisationvis-a-vis the history of world civilisations. Thereafter, I had worked ineducation field for ten years. I also had experience working in foreign enterprise.  All these constitute the complexity of myworking career. Finally in 2002, I decided to quit teaching and returned tostudy. The main focus was on the contemplation and exploration of Chineseissues.

Accidentally, I came cross a book regarding therelics of San Sing Dui in China’s Szechuan province. Some Chinesearchaeologists claimed that Chinese civilisation started independently and thatSan Sing Dui is solelyChinese domesticculture. I doubtedthistheory. I know a lot of Chinese are quite subjective in the study of our ownhistory. They would promote only the pride of inclusive ethnicity instead offrom independent scientific perspective. This was what Ireckoned during university study. I know that they were wrong. However, archaeology is not a discipline(field?) that I can easily get into. With strongdetermination, I began to venture into the arena for a long term wrestle withChinese archaeologists as well as historians on the subject of the beginning ofChinese culture. Subsequently, I published ten books based on my research ofChinese civilisation. I became the pioneer and leader in the area ofcontemporary study of Chinese civilisation originated from the west.

After ten years, the study concerning the origin ofChinese civilisation has become very different from the past. Today,archaeologists could no longer argue for independent origin of Chinesecivilisation. They accept the assumption of interactive exchange with westerncivilisation. I think this kind of attitude is still insufficient to sustain.From a broad perspective, Chinese civilization is indeed a synopsis of westerninfluence. Certainly it was interactive from micro-perspective.

Around 2006, the theory“Humanity originated from Africa”has begun to be globally recognised. A lot ofscholars thought that human beings had independent origin at differentlocations. Chinese also believed inindependent origins including the languages. As such, there are different origins of worldcivilisations. However, with emerging theory and acceptance of “Humans out of  Africa”, it essentially overrules the oldtheory of the origin of civilisation, i.e. the independent emergence ofcivilisations in different parts of the world. As this is such a gigantic scholasticquestion, it will take a period of years for scholars to properly assess.Moreover, as the core relies on China, the pace for development will furtherdelay for a while. Fortunately, prior to the publication of “HumanityOriginated From Africa”, I had extensive research in overturning the old theoryof the origin of global civilisation. Therefore, I became a leading figure inpromulgating the trend of “Origin of Chinese Civilisation from the West”. Itstirred up a lot of attention. Those in China who had claimed that I wasbaffling now reversed to change their statement.  In China, inasmuch as the research on historyis very different from the time when I was in university with certain advanceddevelopment and in addition to internet, it has yet reached the stage ofcomplete openness and freedom. For instance in 2006, the publication andmagazines such as “Qiu Shi Journal”( “Red Flag”) had criticised my research asnull and void.of ethnicity, and the leftists in China claimed that I am abetrayer of Chinese culture. Beijing People’s Radio Broadcast ever asked me forinterview and told me to revert my stance inclined to favourable statementstowards Chinese. They questioned my motive in engaging research against theChinese  Basically the meaning of the intervieweris that my research has adversely affected ethnic pride and my conducts aremistaken. Henceforth, Chinese historians will not accept objectivity andneutrality. This is not a simple question of simple political environment. Itis a question of the level of being civilised. There are a lot of ethnicpromoter among the rightists and the moderates. They cannot accept theperspective of Chinese civilisation originated from outside. Therefore, thisresearch is not a question of trend. It is a question of Chinese society.

Notwithstanding the outcome, Molecular anthropologyhas gradually been promoted. Despite a lot of disturbance and blames and someeven near barbaric attack casted by the ethnic promoters, the question whetherChinese independently established themselves or originated from Africa remainsa broad question for debate. Insofar as the scholars are concerned, the widelydiscussed question of origin relies on a crucial questions on the techniques ofmetal plating and the construction of horse carriage, etc. Today, Chinesearchaeologists recognised that these are imported from the west. From a narrowperspective, the so-called origin of civilisation also include similarsubjects. Therefore, the agenda of the origin of civilisation has aroused aheated stage of discussions and debates. The previous theory that Chinesecivilisation originated locally has no place for discussion. Clearly speaking,the respective research still has a long way to go and we need to continue toobtain encouraging support from various parties of the society.

Through the research of the origin of civilisationand in addition of the research of the origin of human beings, I discoveredthat the pace of human development has gradually come to light.  This is a very interesting topic. Not only itis helpful for us to re-examine the outcome of global development, it gives usa new anchor in examining China’s global position or to re-establish newpoints. As such, I propose the following points of thoughts that may affect contemporaryresearch.

1.    “Discovery” of Old Stone Age

2.    China has fallen behind since ancient time

3.    Influence of Chinese civilisation from the west

4. Laws of civilization

I believe when this research matures, it willinfluence the way of looking at global civilisation. It is China that becamethe representative of entire east Asia. With vast territory, the position andtrend of the development of in East Asia had to a certain extent determined andinfluenced the pace of global civilisation development.

It was believed that human beings have respectiveorigin and independent rise. There was no such thought as the rhythm of thedevelopment of civilisation. People in different locations had respectivedevelopments. But now my theory proclaims otherwise. The entire globalcivilisation stems from the same root. Then the question follows as how theentire world has gradually developed.

The development of global civilisation has closelink with early human who left Africa. Though the root linkage with northeastAfrica has been removed, the dissemination of people around the world is indeedthe origin and the dissemination of human civilisation. It means the result ofthe dissemination of human civilisation—-this in fact is the core of myresearch. Chinese civilisation is one of the branches of early human out ofAfrica. Europe towards the west is another one. All the rest could arrive atthe same explanation. As the centre of civilisation originated from easternpart of Mediterranean Sea or the old middle east district. America civilisationis a branch of Asia. Of course, Japan and Korea’s civilisations alsodisseminated from western part of China. This is the overall rhythm ofdissemination.

the development of human civilisation is of coursevery complicated. It also concerns a lot of areas. For instance, the continuousinfluence of climate changes. The pace of the development of civilisationbasically relies on the pace of geological changes. There were major changes aswell as numerous minor changes.These changes can provide explanation for thedevelopment of civilisation in certain districts. This is specifically the casein China. Not only can these changes provide explanation for the history in thepast, it can also provide explanation for the situation today and even makeprediction for the development of civilisation in future. Therefore, my research hasaroused a lot of attention of the think tank in China.I believe it will equallyarouse tremendous notice by international think tank.It is because the world isclosely looking at the trend of development of human civilisation, especiallyChina’s development. This is exactly the core of my research. ( Originallythere was a plan to make documentary film concerning the pace of human development.I have brought the materials that I can share with you. One is titled “ Susan’s BigHistory : All in a Flash” or to be renamed as “What is the Rhythm of HumanDevelopment ?”

It is difficult for me to publish my books inChina. This is inevitable. It requires trmendous patience and compromise. Sonormally I do not take the initiative to publish unless there is someone whohas the status to make it happen. Then I will coordinate. However, I havealways maintained promoting my research on the internet.

Overall, I take my research as a process ofexploration. As the subject concerns pre-historic period, there is alwaysdifficulties for lack for materials. As Chinese archaeological materials arenot objective with long term opposition on the proposition of Chinesecivilisation originated from the west, basically there is no resource forindependent study on the subject. To me it is an enormous project and almost animpossible mission. So I began to hold a more relaxed attitude towards my work.It is more a call for true value of culture and research. In fact, I am not ahistorian .Although I believe in the overall firm value of my research and mythoughts, the serious scholastic research awaits other professionals to perfectit. My work belongs to popular science, I had declined proposal for publishingthe entire collection of my research. For instance, the publication on “Eastwardand Eastward “ though it was popular among the Christians in China, I do notrecommend for subsequent publication. Of course this book was barred frombookshelf in China due to the discussion on “Old Testament”. This book togetherwith the book “New Explanation of Chinese Characters” were actually promoted bya television channel in Hong Kong. Thereafter, 3-4 books with more values werepublished. Some even received commendations and re-publications, i.e. “NewExplanation of the Origin of Chinese Characters”, “The Great Trend ofCivilisation”, “A Brief of New Civilisation”, “ Susan’s Big history : All in aFlash”, etc. Three among the books were translated into English now awaitingfor publisher. Please read more on “duokan” on the internet with Englishversion of some books .

Basically this is an overall update of mysituation. Thank you very much.

Susan Xu


facebook : 徐苏三




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