叶读34——Dolores 2

Dolores (Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs)

By Algernon Charles Swinburne




Hast thou told all thy secrets the last time,

And bared all thy beauties to one?

Ah, where shall we go then for pastime,

If the worst that can be has been done?

But sweet as the rind was the core is;

We are fain of thee still, we are fain,

O sanguine and subtle Dolores,

Our Lady of Pain.




By the hunger of change and emotion,

By the thirst of unbearable things,

By despair, the twin-born of devotion,

By the pleasure that winces and stings,

The delight that consumes the desire,

The desire that outruns the delight,

By the cruelty deaf as a fire

And blind as the night,




By the ravenous teeth that have smitten

Through the kisses that blossom and bud,

By the lips intertwisted and bitten

Till the foam has a savour of blood,

By the pulse as it rises and falters,

By the hands as they slacken and strain,

I adjure thee, respond from thine altars,

Our Lady of Pain.




Wilt thou smile as a woman disdaining

The light fire in the veins of a boy?

But he comes to thee sad, without feigning,

Who has wearied of sorrow and joy;

Less careful of labour and glory

Than the elders whose hair has uncurled:

And young, but with fancies as hoary

And grey as the world.




I have passed from the outermost portal

To the shrine where a sin is a prayer;

What care though the service be mortal?

O our Lady of Torture, what care?

All thine the last wine that I pour is,

The last in the chalice we drain,

O fierce and luxurious Dolores,

Our Lady of Pain.




All thine the new wine of desire,

The fruit of four lips as they clung

Till the hair and the eyelids took fire,

The foam of a serpentine tongue,

The froth of the serpents of pleasure,

More salt than the foam of the sea,

Now felt as a flame, now at leisure

As wine shed for me.




Ah thy people, thy children, thy chosen,

Marked cross from the womb and perverse!

They have found out the secret to cozen

The gods that constrain us and curse;

They alone, they are wise, and none other;

Give me place, even me, in their train,

O my sister, my spouse, and my mother,

Our Lady of Pain.




For the crown of our life as it closes

Is darkness, the fruit thereof dust;

No thorns go as deep as a rose's,

And love is more cruel than lust.

Time turns the old days to derision,

Our loves into corpses or wives;

And marriage and death and division

Make barren our lives.




And pale from the past we draw nigh thee,

And satiate with comfortless hours;

And we know thee, how all men belie thee,

And we gather the fruit of thy flowers;

The passion that slays and recovers,

The pangs and the kisses that rain

On the lips and the limbs of thy lovers,

Our Lady of Pain.




The desire of thy furious embraces

Is more than the wisdom of years,

On the blossom though blood lie in traces,

Though the foliage be sodden with tears.

For the lords in whose keeping the door is

That opens on all who draw breath

Gave the cypress to love, my Dolores,

The myrtle to death.




And they laughed, changing hands in the measure,

And they mixed and made peace after strife;

Pain melted in tears, and was pleasure;

Death tingled with blood, and was life.

Like lovers they melted and tingled,

In the dusk of thine innermost fane;

In the darkness they murmured and mingled,

Our Lady of Pain.





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