
Dear chairmen, professors, deans, teachers and friends from all countries: Although COVID-19 has disrupted the whole World, but it could not stop our Cultural Exchange Alliance in FOWCAAS. With remote communication technology, we have overcome overseas boundaries and time differences with just a click of a button. (Part 4)
On the 8th of May in the year 2021, FOWCAAS is honoured to host FOWCAAS Cultural Link Meeting, lead by FOWCAAS Chief Global Councillor, Grand Master Jason Tan and Prime Minister of State of Birland, H.R.H. Princess Prof. Eden Soriano Trinidad.
We are honoured to have the presence of His Royal Majesties, H.R.M Prof. Dr. HC. M.S.P.A Iansyahrechza Fachlevie F.W. Ph.D. / H.R.M King Prof. Archbishop Chancellor Bhungane III / H.R.M Dr King Letsitsa III Moloi (Monarchy) / H.R.M. King Dr. Emir A. Haiyawi / Ghana, H.R.M King Denis Ekafork Chinedu / H.R.H Igwe Dr. Herbert N. Ukuta / HRH. Chief Dr. (DTH) Patrick N. Mashele / Professor Fang Sanxin, Indo-Thai Royal General Prof. Rathaphattaya Sumphand / R.S. Fang etc, To take part in the First Cultural Link Meeting across the continent of Africa, Europe and Asia.
During this meeting, His Royal Majesties have exchanged their views and the wonderfully unique culture. While at the same time, we have shared our core beliefs and vision with each other, establishing mutual respect and understanding between cultural differences.
Beside His Royal Majesties, we are honoured to have leaders, Professor and Doctors (Ph.D) from South Africa, Botswana, Nigeria, Ghana, State of Birland, Nepal, India, Greece, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and host country Singapore; where meaningful insights were being exchanged during the session.
Once agian, FOWCAAS would like to thank each and every honoured guest who has successfully participated in our FOWCAAS Cultural Link meeting.