When Ah Hao is walking in the corridor, Miss Zeng comes.
Come here, Ah Hao. I think we should have a talk.I saw you reading a book named Exoterdontaguish in the classroom. You know what? Students should not read such kind of novel.Are you kidding me? (confused)Seriously. I think you are a little bit dangerous in mental. You need to see a doctor.No way. I am nomal. (angrily)No, I am an Alien in fact.I have called the doctor for you. Please wait.A few minutes later, the doctor comes.Miss Zeng, is this the boy you told me?Yes! Please check on him!Don't use the electriccal instrument! Please!Why and why not? ( turns to the boy and check)Do not move, Ah Hao! (catches his arms)The sky turns dark, and the bright light shocks. A UFO flies and Ah Hao is taking away in 3 seconds. The two ladies stand in silence.
--The end--
英文剧本写作是根据课本教学单元 The Million Pound Banknote《百万英镑》开展的写作训练,目的是让学生熟悉英文剧本的结构和格式,并将校园生活进行情境化,该活动通过小组分工协作,完成一场独幕剧的剧本写作。
从文本结构来看,剧本的主要构成元素包括:标题title、场次scene、人物character、台词lines和舞台说明stage directions等。