

有缘遇到你,每天说英语。大家好,我是曾老师,you can also call me James.

take my breath away

呼吸,世界上最重要的事,却常常被忽略,而一旦呼吸被停止,哪怕瞬间,也让人颤栗,警醒,所以take my breath away,表达让我无法呼吸,让我大吃一惊,极度兴奋的意思,life is not the amount of breaths you take , it’s the moments that take your breath away,生活不在于你呼吸的次数有多少,而在于那些使你无法呼吸的时刻.


如果觉得这短语长,就换个词breathtaking, Michael Jackson’s performance is breathtaking ,I wish I could watch his live concert, 迈克尔杰克逊的表演真是一绝,我多希望能看看现场表演呀;

breathless/short of breath/out of breath

以上的breath都和呼吸没什么关系,生理上喘不上气是breathless和short of breath,或者out of breath, 比如,Please slow down a little, I cannot catch you up, I am breathless now; 请慢点,我跟不上你了,我已经上气不接下气了;

smell one's breath

还有,如果你的呼吸能被别人闻到,说明你有口臭,比如,Wow! Brush your teeth now ! I can smell your breath! 快去刷牙,你有口臭!

还有,当某人紧张或不镇定时,我们可以说,take a deep breath,就是calm down和chill的意思,冷静点,深呼吸,Don’t do anything stupid when you are angry, just take a deep breath and calm down yourself!生气时别做蠢事,深呼吸冷静一下再说!


  1. life is not the amount of breaths you take , it’s the moments that take your breath away;
  2. Michael Jackson’s performance is breathtaking ,I wish I could watch his live concert;
  3. Please slow down a little, I cannot catch you up, I am breathless now;
  4. Wow! Brush your teeth now ! I can smell your breath!
  5. Don’t do anything stupid when you are angry, just take a deep breath and calm down yourself!

— END—


