'My job is a teacher' 竟然是错的?怎么用英语正确表述你的工作呢?
“My job is a teacher”'为什么是错的?

Think of it like this. A teacher is a person who teaches. A job is something a person does. 'My job is a teacher' is incorrect because a job isn't a person who teaches: YOU are the teacher.
可以这样想。Teacher是指那个教书的人。Job是指一个人做的事情。“My job is a teacher”是不正确的,因为工作并不是一个教书的人:而你是那个教书的人。
You can say 'I am a...' to introduce your position, and 'My job is to...' to introduce your responsibilities.
你可以用“I am a...”来介绍你的职位,或者'My job is to...' 来介绍你的工作内容。
'My job is to treat patients. I am a doctor.'
'His job is to teach teenagers. He is a High School teacher.'
'Their job is to sell houses. They are Estate Agents.'

office worker 办公室职员
computer programmer 计算机程序设计员
veterinarian 兽医
street vendor 街边小贩
factory worker 工厂员工
miner 矿工
teacher 教师
real estate agent 房地产经纪人
bellboy 脚夫
gas station attendant 加油站服务员
speaker 发言人
delivery man 配送员
butcher 屠夫
pharmacist 药剂师
receptionist 接待员
politician 政治家
tour guide 导游
entrepreneur 企业家
ballet dancer 芭蕾舞演员
astronaut 宇航员
judge 法官
customes officer 关(务)员
lawyer 律师
cashier 出纳员
taxi driver 出租车司机
plumber 水管工
musician 音乐家
chef 厨师长
baker 面包师
artist 艺术家

waiter 服务员
paramedic 护理人员
dentist 牙科医生
train conductor 列车长
nurse 护士
electrician 电工
doctor 医生
businessman 商人
American football player 美式足球球员
student 学生
surgeon 外科医生
doorman 门卫
secretary 秘书
soldier 军人
repairman 修理工
scientist 科学家
reporter 记者
construction worker 建筑工人
professor 教授
police officer 警官
postman 邮差
photographer 摄影师
pilot 飞行员
catholic nun 天主教修女
painter 油漆匠
mechanic 机修工
magician 魔术师
lifeguard 救生员
lunchroom supervisor 餐厅主管
clown 小丑
housekeeper )管家
gardener 园丁
geisha 艺妓
footballer 足球运动员
forest ranger 护林员
builder 建筑者
foreman 工头
farmer 农民
flight attendant 空中服务人员
fireman 消防队员
engineer 工程师
carpenter 木匠
architect 建筑师