
The reason I loveoptical illusions so much is because they play such crazy mind tricks on you.
Take this chair for example.
Looks like your ordinary chair,except when I sit on it,the illusion is broken.And you realize that the camera set up at a perfect angle to make that one illusion work when in reality,you sit this direction, and we've even had to curve the wood and measure in a way that again,it's all about perspective from right over there.
千层门 还是 走廊?
So this next illusion is created by a designer named Vivian Chow.And I absolutely love this piece.I call it the infinity illusion.And you might be wondering what kind of furniture it is.You wanna take a guess?
Now if you guessed a chair, you'd be correct, but it's actually 11 chairs.
Get this, each piece comes out from the smallest miniature chair all the way ,to the last chair, which is the 11th.Now, for this next solution, we need to lose the light.
下一个错觉是由一个叫Vivian Chow的设计师设计的 。我超级喜欢这个,我叫它无限幻觉。然后你可能想知道这是什么家具。猜猜看?
如果你猜是一把椅子, 对是对了,但实际上是11把椅子。从最小的迷你椅子一直到最后一把椅子,也就是第11把。
So we're in this darker room to show off this next illusion with the three chairs.I want you to try to spot the difference between one of these chairs.One is not like the other.We have the green chair,the blue chair, and the red chair.Got your selection?
I'm gonna reveal in three, two,one.So the blue chair if you watch it very closely,right now it's doing this weird like trippy following the camera motion wherever it goes.And the reason it's doing that is because it's three printed and engineered in a way that it's actually pointing the opposite direction.So the illusion doesn't break apart until you get to see the other side,trippy huh?
所以我们在这个黑暗的房间里展示下一个三把椅子错觉。我想让你试试找出椅子中一个比较独特的 ,跟其它不一样的。
我会在三,二,一 后揭晓......是蓝色的椅子!如果你靠近看,它现在正在奇怪地变化,神奇地跟着摄像机的运动而动 。它这么动因是因为它是3d打印出来的,而且设计的方式实际上是指向相反的方向。所以这种错觉会保持到除非你从另一边看,奇特吧?
视频来源:Youtube:Zach King