每日口语| 你这么美,说什么都对!

每日口语| 你这么美,说什么都对!


表示同意,最简单的说法,I agree with you. 除此之外,还有以下几个:

1. You bet! 当然,必须的! Would you like to hang out tonight? You bet!今晚想出来玩吗?那还用说?

2. Absolutely! 绝对的!必须的!这是最简单的认可别人说法的表达,有点你说什么都对的意思;

3. I could not agree more! 我不能再同意了!是I agree with you 的升级版;

4. Tell me about it! 这个就不能按照字面翻译啦,和告诉不告诉没关系,表示特别同意,Hangzhou’s winter is even more freezing than it in Beijing! Tell me about it! 杭州的冬天比北京还冷!可不是吗!A: My boyfriend fell in love with my best friend! B: That's too bad; A: Tell me about it 我男朋友爱上我闺蜜啦, 那太糟糕了,可不是吗!

5. Word!这是网红词汇,西方年轻人特别喜欢用的最简短的“同意”Sichan food is actually not as spicy as it in Hunan. 川菜没有湘菜辣,Word!完全同意!



