Dr Szalay, ever handy with an astronomical analogy, compares the most common current approach to the examination of images of cancers—which is to look in great detail, but at only a few tumours-to studying the universe using the Hubble Space Telescope. This instrument can focus on only a restricted area of the sky, but is then able to record what it sees with immense precision by spending lots of time taking long exposures.
Szalay博士一直擅长天文类比,他将目前最常用的检查癌症图像的方法——即观察大量细节,但只观察少数肿瘤——与使用哈勃太空望远镜研究宇宙进行了比较。 这台仪器只能聚焦天空的一个有限区域,但通过长时间的长时间曝光,它可以非常精确地记录下所看到的东西。
dimension /dɪˈmenʃn/ n.方面,尺寸
dimensional /dɪmenʃənl/ adj.空间的,...维的
measure /ˈmeʒə(r)/ v.测量,估量
immeasurable /ɪˈmeʒərəbl/ adj.不可估量的