2021年金球奖将花落谁家? Gold Derby点名这四名女演员
When making your predictions for the 2021 Golden Globe TV winners, it’s always smart to air on the side of caution and go with the newest, shiniest contenders. After all, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association is notorious for voting for the most recent things they watched, which gives a huge advantage to shows that aired at the end of the calendar year.
在为2021年金球奖电视节目获奖者做出预测时,最聪明的做法是小心谨慎而且一定要在新鲜出炉的剧集里选 。毕竟,大家都了解好莱坞外国媒体协会的臭毛病:投票给他们刚刚看完的剧集,这为日历年末播出的剧集提供了巨大的优势。
Per Gold Derby odds, two of the four Golden Globes handed out to female actors will unsurprisingly go to those in new roles: Anya Taylor-Joy (“The Queen’s Gambit”) and Gillian Anderson (“The Crown”). The other two actresses are predicted to prevail after starring on their shows for two years and six years, respectively: Olivia Colman (“The Crown”) and Catherine O’Hara (“Schitt’s Creek”).
按照Gold derby的预测,四个金球奖中的两个女演员奖将毫无意外地颁给新角色:安雅·泰勒·乔伊(《后翼弃兵》)和吉莉安·安德森(《王冠》)。预计另外两位女演员,分别是奥利维亚·科尔曼(《王冠》)和凯瑟琳·奥哈拉(《富家穷路》),将在两年和六年后登上领奖台 。

Best TV Drama Actress winner prediction: Olivia Colman (“The Crown”)
Colman won this prize last year in a bit of a surprise, as many pundits thought Jennifer Aniston (“The Morning Show”) would claim victory. That marked Colman’s third Golden Globe win on her third nomination — that’s right, she’s never lost. Her prior victories were for “The Night Manager” and “The Favourite.” Colman’s triumph for “The Crown” came three years after Claire Foy won for playing the same role in the first season, proving the HFPA voters can’t get enough of Queen Elizabeth II.
去年,科尔曼有些出乎意料地获得了这一奖项,因为许多业内人士本来认定詹妮弗·安妮斯顿会获得胜利。这标志着科尔曼在她的第三次提名时第三次获奖 -是的,她从未输过。她先前的胜利是《夜班经理》和《宠儿》。科尔曼获得《王冠》的胜利是在克莱尔·福伊在第一季扮演同样角色而获胜之后的第三年,这证明好莱坞外国记者协会投票者对伊丽莎白二世皇后怎么也不会腻。

Predicted runner-up: Laura Linney (“Ozark”).

Best TV Comedy Actress winner prediction: Catherine O’Hara (“Schitt’s Creek”)
Shockingly, O’Hara has never been nominated for a Golden Globe for her decades of work in the industry. That should likely change this year. O’Hara is the odds-on leader in this category after winning the Emmy last year as part of a record-making “Schitt’s” sweep. The only problem is that Golden Globes voters don’t seem to like “Schitt’s Creek” — or perhaps they’ve never seen it? The Canadian laffer has yet to receive a single nomination, and now this is its final chance as the show has walked off into the sunset.
令人震惊的是,奥哈拉拥有数十年的从业经验却从未获得金球奖提名。今年这种情况可能会改变。奥哈拉在去年赢得艾美奖之后,成为该类别中胜算的领先者。唯一的问题是,金球奖的投票者们似乎不喜欢富家穷"奖"-也许他们还没看过?这部加拿大的喜剧还没有获得任何提名 ,该剧已经步入夕阳,这可是最后一次机会。

Predicted runner-up: Elle Fanning (“The Great”).
预测亚军:艾丽·范宁(《凯瑟琳大帝 》)。

Best TV Movie/Limited Series Actress winner prediction: Anya Taylor-Joy (“The Queen’s Gambit”)
This Netflix program debuted at just the right time, as its water cooler buzz dominated the end of 2020. Taylor-Joy stars as a chess prodigy who deals with addiction problems. Over the course of the seven episodes, we see her character Beth Harmon age from a child to an adult, so Globe voters will really feel as though they know her by the time all is said and done. Taylor-Joy gets extra credit points as she also appears in the film “Emma,” which is getting Oscar buzz.
最佳电视电影/连续剧最佳女主角得奖者预测:安雅·泰勒-乔伊 (《后翼弃兵》)
该Netflix剧集 推出的时间点太完美了,因为该剧引发的讨论在2020年底依旧不绝于耳。安雅·泰勒扮演有成瘾问题的国际象棋神童。在这七集中,我们看到她的角色贝丝·哈蒙从小到长大成人,因此投票者们真的感觉到好像看完剧就跟看着她长大一样。泰勒·乔伊 也获得了额外的分数,因为她还出现在电影《艾玛》中,这引起了奥斯卡的关注。

Predicted runner-up: Shira Haas (“Unorthodox”).
预测亚军:希拉·哈斯 (《离经叛道》 )。

Best TV Supporting Actress winner prediction: Gillian Anderson (“The Crown”)
We know the Golden Globes already love Anderson, as she won once before for “The X-Files” in the late-1990s. Anderson made her grand debut on “The Crown” during Season 4, which streamed last November on Netflix. She takes on the role of UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, an adversarial character to Colman’s Queen who drives much of the political drama in the 10 new episodes. Of note, Anderson received unanimous reviews for her performance from TV critics.
我们知道金球奖钟爱安德森,因为她在1990年代后期曾凭借“ X档案”获此殊荣。安德森在“王冠”第4季首次亮相,该片去年11月在Netflix上播出。她担任英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔的角色,这是科尔曼扮演的女王的对手角色,后者在10集新剧集中都扮演着重要的政治角色。值得一提的是,安德森的表现受到电视评论家的一致好评。

Predicted runner-up: Uzo Aduba (“Mrs. America”).
预计亚军:乌佐·阿杜巴(《美国夫人》 )。

star [stɑːr]
If an actor or actress stars in a play or film, he or she has one of the most important parts in it
n. 行家;权威
...a well known political pundit.
runner-up[ˌrʌnər ˈʌp]
Winner: Kay Hall. Runner-up: Chris Platts