
《東京製造 Made in Tokyo》

作者: 黑田潤三 / 貝島桃代 /塚本由晴

「 编 者 介 绍 」
Momoyo Kaijima & Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
(Atelier Bow-Wow)
1992年,贝岛桃代和冢本由晴在东京成立了犬吠工作室。工作室以其对于住宅于文化建筑的研究而闻名,尤其是有关微型/临时城市空间的研究。代表书目有<Graphic Anatomy>《公共性——行为的生产》等著作,代表建筑作品有分离町屋(Split Machiya),塔之屋(Tower House)等。
Atelier Bow-Wow is a Tokyo-based architecture firm, founded in 1992 by Yoshiharu Tsukamoto and Momoyo Kaijima. The firm is well known for its domestic and cultural architecture and its research exploring the urban conditions of micro, ad hoc architecture. Their representative books include "Graphic Anatomy", "Publicity - The Production of Acts", and their representative works include "Split Machiya" and "Tower House".
(左)冢本由晴 (右)贝岛桃代
<Graphic Anatomy>
<Graphic Anatomy>内页
分离町屋(Split Machiya)
Junzo Kuroda

Born in 1968, M.S., Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has been a visiting lecturer at Nippon Institute of Technology and Chiba University and is currently a visiting lecturer at Tokyo University of Science.

「 内 容 介 绍 」

Made in Tokyo is a book about the everyday phenomenon of unnamed buildings in the city of Tokyo, which lists 70 types of 'Da-me Architecture' ( non-good Architecture) that existed in Tokyo in the early 21st century. The term 'Da-me Architecture' means a building that gives a priority to stubborn honesty in response to their surroundings and programmatic requirements, without insisting onarchitectural aesthetic and form.

As an architect with long roots in Tokyo, the author questions the mainstream standard regarding to overseas cases or Japanese classics, based on the 'shameless spatial compositions and functional combinations' of Tokyo buildings. For if that were the case, Tokyo would become a city filled with nothing more than worthless buildings that should be scorned. If the city landscape around you is a miserable sight, then following the standard is just a way to show your own interest and taste and expand your unnecessary longing for beautiful images.
1. 类型分类的秩序
2. 含有物理构造的技术秩序
3. 使用方式形成的秩序
In response to the "shamelessness" of Tokyo, the author proposes the concept of the'environmental unit', which is the unit that maximizes the integration and connection between the urban design level and the surrounding environment. and proposes three orders created by the integration of the "environmental unit":
1. the order of category
2. the order of strcuture
3. the order of use
If the order is consistent is recorded as on, the order is not consistent (or we can think of a "misalignment") is recorded as off, according to which the "environment unit" is classified.
「 节 选 阅 读 」
27 / 交流道球场 interchange court
36 / 双重下水道御苑 twin deluxe sewerage garden
45 / 隧道神社 tunnel shrine
70 / 射击墓场 shooting graveyard
「 结 语 」
犬吠工作室将他们的研究方法称为 “建筑民族志”(Architectural Ethnography),意在将实地考察和观测摆在城市研究的重要位置,从而通过当地人,而非建筑师和规划者的视角,去了解人们的生活环境,最终用建筑绘图的方式,将具有地域特色的研究表现出来。
贝岛曾在采访中批评道,全球化、设计产业化和建筑教育使我们被困在了某种固定思维中——建筑师们认为“只有一种生活方式,即一种与标准化的尺寸相联系的生活方式”——而对犬吠来说,建筑的视野应当被放在更宽广的语境里,引发建筑师思考建筑背后和之外的东西,去发现“建筑背后的原因,整个历史和建筑工业,改变中的材料和技术,以及气候与环境” ,去思考 “人们生活的方式、文化和行为。”
文/ 黄乂  编/ 柒杯
参考资料 /
有方专访 | 犬吠工作室创始人贝岛桃代:设计师应滋养行为的种子

《东京制造》——空间效益最大化的“精明建筑学”  豆瓣@猫崽

