

New Words
coffee grounds 咖啡渣
deodorant [dɪ'odərənt] adj. 除臭的;防臭的n. 除臭剂
onion ['ʌnjən] n. 洋葱;洋葱头
stench [stɛntʃ] n. 恶臭;臭气vt.使…散发恶臭vi. 发恶臭
mask [mæsk] n. 面具;口罩;掩饰vi. 掩饰;戴面具;化装vt. 掩饰;戴面具;使模糊
deodorizer [di'odə,raɪzɚ] n. 除臭剂,防臭剂adj. 止臭的,防臭的
baking soda [无化] 小苏打;[无化] 碳酸氢钠;发酵粉
exfoliator[iks'fɔlieitə] n. 去角质
gritty ['grɪti] adj. 坚韧不拔的;有砂砾的;多沙的;像砂的
smoother [smʊð] n. [公路] 路面平整机;弄平的人;[机] 修光工具;滤波器
hair gel 发胶
hairspray ['hɛrspre] n. 头发定型剂
darken ['dɑrkən] vt. 使变暗;使模糊vi. 变黑;变得模糊
1.A great deodorizer轻巧除臭剂

Maybe you left an onion in your fridge and now the stench is overwhelming every time you open the door. Don't worry. You can use some coffee grounds to mask the smell. It's far more pleasant, and it's a great deodorizer, especially if you don't have any baking soda.

2. A great exfoliator 轻松去角质
Maybe you handled fish, and now you can't get the stench off no matter how many times you've washed your hands. In that case, use coffee grounds. Not only will your hands smell nicer, but the grounds are a great exfoliator, so your hands will feel smoother.

3.It’s great for your hair 还你闪亮秀发
If you want your hair to shine, you don't need to waste cash on Pantene when you've got coffee grounds.

Work some coffee grounds into your hair using your fingers the next time you take a shower. The grounds are so gritty that they'll get rid of any hair gel or hairspray build-up, leaving your hair nice and shiny. As a bonus, the grounds will also darken your hair color too.
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