
In our main, intention-to-treat analysis, the rate (±SE) of episodes of acute otitis media per child-year during a 2-year period was 1.48±0.08 in the tympanostomy-tube group and 1.56±0.08 in the medical-management group (P=0.66). Because 10% of the children in the tympanostomy-tube group did not undergo tympanostomy-tube placement and 16% of the children in the medical-management group underwent tympanostomy-tube placement at parental request, we conducted a per-protocol analysis, which gave corresponding episode rates of 1.47±0.08 and 1.72±0.11, respectively. Among secondary outcomes in the main analysis, results were mixed. Favoring tympanostomy-tube placement were the time to a first episode of acute otitis media, various episode-related clinical findings, and the percentage of children meeting specified criteria for treatment failure. Favoring medical management was children’s cumulative number of days with otorrhea. Outcomes that did not show substantial differences included the frequency distribution of episodes of acute otitis media, the percentage of episodes considered to be severe, and antimicrobial resistance among respiratory isolates. Trial-related adverse events were limited to those included among the secondary outcomes of the trial.
在6~35月龄的复发性急性中耳炎患儿中,鼓膜置管术与药物治疗相比未能显著降低2年期间的急性中耳炎发作率。(由美国国立耳聋和其他沟通障碍研究所[National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders]等资助;在ClinicalTrials.gov注册号为NCT02567825。)
Among children 6 to 35 months of age with recurrent acute otitis media, the rate of episodes of acute otitis media during a 2-year period was not significantly lower with tympanostomy-tube placement than with medical management. (Funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders and others; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02567825.)

Tezepelumab in Adults and Adolescents with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma
我们开展了一项3期、多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照试验。患者(12~80岁)被随机分配接受每4周1次tezepelumab(每次210 mg)或安慰剂皮下给药,持续52周。主要终点是52周期间哮喘的年发作率。我们还在基线血嗜酸性粒细胞计数<300个细胞/μL的患者中评估了这一终点。次要终点包括第1秒用力呼气量(FEV1)以及哮喘控制问卷6(Asthma Control Questionnaire-6,ACQ-6;范围,0[无受损]~6[最严重受损])、哮喘生活质量问卷(Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire,AQLQ;范围,1[最严重受损]~7[无受损])和哮喘症状日记(Asthma Symptom Diary,ASD;范围,0[无症状]~4[可能的最严重症状])评分。
We conducted a phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Patients (12 to 80 years of age) were randomly assigned to receive tezepelumab (210 mg) or placebo subcutaneously every 4 weeks for 52 weeks. The primary end point was the annualized rate of asthma exacerbations over a period of 52 weeks. This end point was also assessed in patients with baseline blood eosinophil counts of less than 300 cells per microliter. Secondary end points included the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and scores on the Asthma Control Questionnaire–6 (ACQ-6; range, 0 [no impairment] to 6 [maximum impairment]), Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire (AQLQ; range, 1 [maximum impairment] to 7 [no impairment]), and Asthma Symptom Diary (ASD; range, 0 [no symptoms] to 4 [worst possible symptoms]).
共计1061例患者接受了随机分组(529例被分配接受tezepelumab,532例被分配接受安慰剂)。在tezepelumab组和安慰剂组中,哮喘的年发作率分别为0.93(95%置信区间[CI],0.80~1.07)和2.10(95% CI,1.84~2.39)(率比,0.44;95% CI,0.37~0.53;P<0.001)。在血嗜酸性粒细胞计数<300个细胞/μL的患者中,tezepelumab组和安慰剂组的年发作率分别为1.02(95% CI,0.84~1.23)和1.73(95% CI,1.46~2.05)(率比,0.59;95% CI,0.46~0.75;P<0.001)。第52周时,在支气管扩张剂用药前FEV1(0.23 vs. 0.09 L;差异,0.13 L;95% CI,0.08~0.18;P<0.001)以及ACQ-6(-1.55 vs. -1.22;差异,-0.33;95% CI,-0.46~-0.20;P<0.001)、AQLQ(1.49 vs. 1.15;差异,0.34;95% CI,0.20~0.47;P<0.001)和ASD评分(-0.71 vs. -0.59;差异, -0.12;95% CI,-0.19~-0.04;P=0.002)方面,tezepelumab组的改善幅度超过安慰剂组。两组的不良事件发生率和类型不存在有意义的差异。
Andrew Menzies-Gow, Jonathan Corren, Arnaud Bourdin, et al. Tezepelumab in Adults and Adolescents with Severe, Uncontrolled Asthma. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2034975

Vemurafenib plus Rituximab in Refractory or Relapsed Hairy-Cell Leukemia
毛细胞白血病(HCL)是CD20+惰性B细胞癌,其中BRAF V600E激酶激活突变起着致病作用。在纳入难治性或复发性HCL患者的临床试验中,应用口服BRAF抑制剂维莫非尼靶向BRAF V600E可使91%的患者达到缓解,使35%的患者达到完全缓解。然而,停药后的中位无复发生存期只有9个月。
Among the 30 enrolled patients with HCL, the median number of previous therapies was 3. A complete response was observed in 26 patients (87%) in the intention-to-treat population. All the patients who had HCL that had been refractory to chemotherapy (10 patients) or rituximab (5) and all those who had previously been treated with BRAF inhibitors (7) had a complete response. Thrombocytopenia resolved after a median of 2 weeks, and neutropenia after a median of 4 weeks. Of the 26 patients with a complete response, 17 (65%) were cleared of minimal residual disease (MRD). Progression-free survival among all 30 patients was 78% at a median follow-up of 37 months; relapse-free survival among the 26 patients with a response was 85% at a median follow-up of 34 months. In post hoc analyses, MRD negativity and no previous BRAF inhibitor treatment correlated with longer relapse-free survival. Toxic effects, mostly of grade 1 or 2, were those that had previously been noted for these agents.
在此项小规模研究中,维莫非尼联合利妥昔单抗这一不含化疗药物,且无骨髓毒性的短疗程治疗方案使大多数难治性或复发性HCL患者达到持久完全缓解。(由欧洲研究理事会[European Research Council]等资助;HCL-PG03在EudraCT注册号为2014-003046-27。)

Ad26.COV2.S COVID-19 疫苗1–2a期试验的期中结果
In this multicenter, placebo-controlled, phase 1–2a trial, we randomly assigned healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 55 years (cohort 1) and those 65 years of age or older (cohort 3) to receive the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine at a dose of 5×1010 viral particles (low dose) or 1×1011 viral particles (high dose) per milliliter or placebo in a single-dose or two-dose schedule. Longer-term data comparing a single-dose regimen with a two-dose regimen are being collected in cohort 2; those results are not reported here. The primary end points were the safety and reactogenicity of each dose schedule.
队列1和3的805例参与者接种第1剂疫苗后,以及队列1的参与者接种第2剂疫苗后,最常见的征集的不良事件包括疲劳、头痛、肌痛和注射部位疼痛。最常见的全身性不良事件是发热。队列3的全身性不良事件发生率低于队列1,接种小剂量疫苗后的全身性不良事件发生率低于接种大剂量疫苗后。接种第2剂疫苗后的反应原性较低。不论疫苗剂量或年龄组如何,在接种第1剂疫苗后第29日,我们均在≥90%参与者体内检出抗野生型病毒的中和抗体滴度(几何平均滴度[GMT],224~354),并且队列1a在截至第57日时达到100%,且滴度进一步升高(GMT,288~488)。滴度保持稳定至至少第71日。第2剂疫苗使滴度升高至之前的2.6~2.9倍(GMT,827~1266)。刺突结合抗体应答与中和抗体应答相似。第15日时,我们在队列1中76%~83%参与者和队列3中60%~67%参与者体内检出CD4+ T细胞应答,明显倾向于1型辅助T细胞。CD8+ T细胞应答总体稳定,但在队列3中较低。
After the administration of the first vaccine dose in 805 participants in cohorts 1 and 3 and after the second dose in cohort 1, the most frequent solicited adverse events were fatigue, headache, myalgia, and injection-site pain. The most frequent systemic adverse event was fever. Systemic adverse events were less common in cohort 3 than in cohort 1 and in those who received the low vaccine dose than in those who received the high dose. Reactogenicity was lower after the second dose. Neutralizing-antibody titers against wild-type virus were detected in 90% or more of all participants on day 29 after the first vaccine dose (geometric mean titer [GMT], 224 to 354), regardless of vaccine dose or age group, and reached 100% by day 57 with a further increase in titers (GMT, 288 to 488) in cohort 1a. Titers remained stable until at least day 71. A second dose provided an increase in the titer by a factor of 2.6 to 2.9 (GMT, 827 to 1266). Spike-binding antibody responses were similar to neutralizing-antibody responses. On day 15, CD4+ T-cell responses were detected in 76 to 83% of the participants in cohort 1 and in 60 to 67% of those in cohort 3, with a clear skewing toward type 1 helper T cells. CD8+ T-cell responses were robust overall but lower in cohort 3.
Ad26.COV2.S的安全性和免疫原性支持我们进一步开发这一候选疫苗。(由强生公司及美国卫生和人类服务部[Department of Health and Human Services]生物医学和高级研究与开发管理局[Biomedical and Advanced Research and Development Authority]资助;COV1001在ClinicalTrials.gov注册号为NCT04436276。)