「NET TALK」精华再现|称重:控制体重最有效的方法?

David A. Levitsky教授
康奈尔大学(Cornell University)营养科学分支和心理学系的营养学和心理学教授
Professor of Nutrition and Psychology in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Psychology, Cornell University
David A. Levitsky是康奈尔大学(Cornell University)营养科学部和心理学系的营养和心理学教授。1968年在罗格斯大学获得博士学位后,他进入康奈尔大学,担任美国国立卫生研究院博士后研究员。1970年,他被任命为助理教授,并获得了国家卫生研究所颁发的五年新领导奖。David A. Levitsky教授在营养和心理学领域发表了150多篇科技文章,还著有两本著作。他的研究是关于人体体重的控制和食物摄入的决定因素。David A. Levitsky教授在教学方面获得了许多奖项,包括纽约州校长奖、美国营养学会(ASN)颁发的营养卓越教育奖、农业与生命科学学院颁发的埃哲顿职业教学奖。他曾被授予康奈尔大学授予的最高教学奖—斯蒂芬·H·韦斯(Stephen H Weiss)总统研究员。
David A. Levitsky is a Professor of Nutrition and Psychology in the Division of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Psychology, Cornell University. After receiving his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 1968, he entered Cornell as National Institute of Health Postdoctoral Fellow. He was appointed Assistant Professor in 1970 and received a five-year New Leadership Award from the National Institute of Health. Professor Levitsky has published more than 150 scientific publications in the fields of Nutrition and Psychology as well as written two books. His research is on the Control of Body Weight and Determinants of Food Intake in humans. Professor Levitsky has won many awards for his teaching including the New York State Chancellors Award for Teaching, the Excellence in Nutrition Education Award by the American Society for Nutrition (ASN), Edgerton Career Teaching Award by the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. He has been honored as a Stephen H Weiss Presidential Fellow, the highest teaching award bestowed by Cornell University.
The Weigh to Control Your Weight: The Only Way
The purpose of the talk is to provide an alternative explanation to the classical biological theories of human feeding behavior and explain why daily self-weighing is the most effective way to prevent age-related weight gain. Suppressing age-related weight gain is our best hope of reducing the prevalence obesity, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and several kinds of cancer.
First of all, let's understand the control of eating behavior. Is eating behavior controlled by a biological signal?
Eating behavior is modulated by many neurochemicals which are not behaviorally specific. Biological theory of eating is based on the concept of energy homeostasis. Many neural circuits that are thought to orchestrate feeding behavior overlap with brain’s reward circuitry both anatomically and functionally. Manipulation of numerous neural pathways can simultaneously influence food intake and reward. There are two key systems underlying these processes: homeostatic feeding and hedonic feeding, and both of them are treated as independent. Homeostatic feeding is necessary for basic metabolic processes and survival, while hedonic feeding is driven by sensory perception or pleasure. Despite this distinction, their functional and anatomical overlap implies considerable interaction that is often overlooked. Here, we argue that the neurocircuits controlling homeostatic feeding and hedonic feeding are not completely dissociable given the current data. We urge researchers to access behaviors extending food intake investigations of the neural control of feeding. More research is needed to access behaviors to extend the food intake investigations of the neural control of feeding.
There are 4 factors associated with positive food priming that cause overeating.
看到食物:研究表明,在观看广告的同时吃零食可能会导致消费量增加。 Seeing food: Studies show that eating snack while watching advertisements could result in more amount consumed.

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分量大小:较大的食物份量会让人们吃的更多。 Portion sizes: Larger portion sizes are associated with higher food consumption.

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种类:食物种类也会影响食物的摄入量。 当有更多的食物选择时,人们往往会吃的更多。
Variety: Food variety will also influence the amount of food intake. Total consumption of food increased when there are more food options.

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Social Facilitation: The amount of food consumed is positively associated with the number of people who are eating together.

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Is there any hope to stop gaining weight? The answer is, and Dr. Levitsky introduced the following several negative food primes. Negative food prime blocks the effects of a positive food prime. Studies have shown that watching exercise video, discussing health and self-weighing are examples of negative food prime to stop weight gain.
体重变化是由长时间连续起作用的细微食物引发因素引起的。 Weight change is caused by subtle food priming factors operating consistently for long periods of time.
“肥胖病流行”的原因不是生物学原因,而是行为(环境)的原因。 The cause of the “epidemic of obesity” is not biological, but behavioral (environment).
通过每天进行自我称重,可以控制防止与年龄有关的体重增加。 It is possible to control prevent age-related weight gain by practicing daily self-weighing.
Q& A
Does the dietary record have a similar meaning to self-weighing in terms of weight control?

David A. Levitsky
Thank you for the great presentation! You said that chronic leptin injection did not suppress body weight in obese men. I am wondering would the body composition change due to leptin injection? Like lowering body fat mass?

David A. Levitsky
我想向 Levitsky 博士咨询一些年轻人的饮食建议,比如如何吃东西。年轻人有必要像老年人一样吃得健康吗?如何平衡健康的饮食习惯与日常工作压力或外出参加社会工作?
I'd like to ask Dr. Levitsky for some dietary advice for young people, like how to eat. Is it necessary for young people to eat as healthily as old people? How to balance healthy eating habits with daily work stress or eat out for social work?

David A. Levitsky
Since I'm studying the relationship between diet and academic achievement, I’m wondering what’s the relationship between diet and education.

David A. Levitsky