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Thanks PuBang Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by PuBang Design.


PuBang Design: Small faint in wild, Greatest genius often lies concealed. High-level reclusive life is to find the quietness in the bustling city.

01 场地解读 Site Interpretation

区位概况/Location overview


The project is located on the north side of Songshan Lake Avenue in the south of Liaobu Town, Dongguan, where is part of the Fansong Lake area. This plot has a good traffic condition and is close to the high-speed railway station. The southwest of the plot is adjacent to Songshan Lake Avenue. Residents can reach Songshan Lake and Dongguan City in a short time. There’s a road on the northeast of the site and makes a lot of noise. The southwest of the site is a weedy river with poor landscape. The designer believes that planting a large number of trees around the site helps to form a noise barrier. In the meanwhile external landscape could be blocked and the view will be guided to internal space of the site.

▼项目视频 Video

02 场地思考 Site Thinking

起伏地形/Undulating terrain


How to take advantage of the undulating terrain, create a rich landscape function space?


Using the height difference of the site, combined with the uplift of the gallery frame, we create a high point of the site and broaden the view of the scenery, while the space underneath the veranda becomes a children’s playground, forming a double-layer activity space.

场地高差/Site height difference


How to resolve the disadvantages of the landscape caused by the height difference and ensure the landscape effect in the exhibition area?


The sunken road is designed, and curved landscape retaining walls are built along the garden road to accommodate both the inside and outside to block the external landscape; the light shines on the feature wall, attracting attention to the words on the wall, and guiding the line of sight inward.



How to improve the landscape of the river and reduce the impact of rivers on the landscape of the exhibition area?


We use large trees to cover the edge of the site, and set up the parking lot next to the river to build a wide partition area to separate the exhibition area.

03 设计理念 Design Concept

整体风格/Overall style


Our design is dominated by a simple, atmospheric and modern style, and emphasizes the creation of artistic spirit and venue spirit.

流线设计/Streamlined design


The traffic circulation of the site is organized mainly through the outer municipal roadway and sidewalk, and the internal vehicle flow and walking route. Both of the entrances of the car and pedestrians are in the north of the site, and the traffic flow is parallel to the river. The parking lot is designed with a one-way loop flow line, which is connected with the traffic flow at the same entrance and exit; the pedestrian visit flow line is designed as a winding path. The garden road presents every corner of the exhibition area and finally gets into the building.

布局理念/Layout concept


The design adopts the space concept of “growth first and restraint”, which shows the introverted character of garden craftsmen since ancient times.


We compressed the space to a small scale through the tortuous trail, and present it with a central elevation space to give guests a strong spatial contrast, rich spatial changes, and emphasizing the landscape center of the site.

▼总平面图 Plan

书页景墙/Book page view wall


The masterplan emphasizes the sense of the site. At the same time, the art wall is used to separate the space in order to isolate the impact of the expressway on the site., and the sculptural wall extends forward like the texture of time.


The book page feature wall has the inclusiveness of an artistic sculpture space, which “contains” the site into a place space beyond imagery, accommodates people’s emotions and strength, and establishes an internal emotional connection between people and space.

04 技术难点 Technical Difficulties

曲面景观墙/Curved landscape wall


Precise control and release of the line, maximum restoration of the shape. Since the modeling of the feature wall is a flow of “bottom-high-low” into a ribbon trend, for a better understanding of the working drawings, we interpret and control the design by the three dimensions of plane, elevation and three dimensions.

▼曲面景观桥搭建与砌筑施工现场 Construction process of the curved landscape wall


The top of the feature walls (elevation + coordinates) and the bottom (elevation + coordinates) have to be clarified. The feature wall itself also has the front and back tilting curvature to advance the top and bottom elevations of each turning arc of the scene wall. The relationship between height differences the laying out have to be controlled accurately so that we can get a better outcome of flow-type feature wall, and accurately calculate the structure of the feature wall.

地形高差/Terrain height difference


Create a bridge of time and connect multi-dimensional spaces. We utilize the original spatial characteristics of the site to emphasize the three-dimensional space, use the original topographical characteristics of the site to create a landscape bridge in the center of the site to turn the site center camp into a multi-dimensional and multi-level communication vitality space. We hope that an emotional exchange that beyond materials will be created by the space. Let the time gallery bridge becomes a connection of the site.  The space under the bridge is a Gensokyo full of childishness, and the space on the bridge is the piano score of memories.

▼景观桥搭建与地形塑造施工现场 Construction process of the landscape bridge

摄影团队:景观周 三映摄影团队

Project Name: Poly Gemdale Lingfeng Landscape Design
Project Location: Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China
Client: Poly Bay Area Investment Development Co., Ltd./ Dongguan Gemdale Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design: PuBang Design
Design Area: 13800㎡
Design Time: April 2020
Completion: September 2020
Photography Team: Archina, Shining Laboratory

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