黄文琪雅思口语|Part1新题: Reading 高分语料

non-fiction books 非小说类书籍

I tend to like non-fiction books because I like to read things that I can learn something from, so I love to read books on culture and religion and different things.我一般会读一些非小说类书籍,我喜欢读一些能学到东西的书。所以喜欢一些关于文化和宗教相关的书。

science fiction books科幻小说

I like to, I especially like to read fantasy and science fiction books. I love all kinds of reading but I guess one of my favorite books come from that genre so I really, yeah, I really love that kind of book. 我喜欢读书,特别是奇幻,科幻小说。我喜欢各种各样的读物。但我觉得自己最喜欢的书就是那种类型,所以真的喜欢这种书。

a really meaningful book 一本很有意义的书

I actually ended up re-reading the book twice or three times I think because I just fell in love with the characters and stories of adventure and fun and making friends and going through hardships together. And so it was a really meaningful book for me at the time. 我最后还把这本书再读了几遍,我喜欢书里面的角色,冒险的故事,有意思的事,怎么交的朋友,还有一起度过难关。所以对我来说这本书很有意义。

