PNAS| 中科院分子植物科学卓越创新中心王二涛研究组在水稻共生和免疫信号研究中取得新进展

植物在自然界中的适应性依赖于对共生微生物和致病微生物的适当响应。几丁质是菌根真菌细胞壁的重要组成部分,是一种主要的微生物相关分子模式(MAMP),可激活模式识别受体,触发植物免疫。MAMP触发的免疫如何被共生真菌抑制以建立共生关系仍然不清楚。本研究,我们发现CO4(壳聚糖四糖)共生受体OsMYR1不仅可以启动共生信号,而且可以通过消耗受体类激酶OsCERK1来抑制水稻免疫,从而阻止免疫复合物OsCERK1 - OsCEBi的形成。我们提出,水稻中OsCERK1受体的竞争是识别防御和共生信号的开关的基础。
植物在自然界中会遇到各种微生物,因此必须对共生或病原微生物做出适当的反应。 在水稻中,受体样激酶OsCERK1参与识别共生和免疫信号。 但是,如何通过OsCERK1识别这些相反的信号仍然未知。本研究,我们发现受体竞争可以区分水稻中的共生和免疫信号。
一方面,共生受体OsMYR1及其短链壳寡糖配体OsCERK1和OsCEBiP之间的复合物形成,并抑制OsCERK1磷酸化下游底物OsGEF1,从而降低了水稻对微生物相关分子模式的敏感性。 实际上,OsMYR1过表达株系更容易受到稻瘟病菌的感染,而Osmyr1突变体显示出更高的抗性。
另一方面,OsCEBiP可以结合OsCERK1,从而阻止OsMYR1-OsCERK1异聚体形成。 一致地,在感染的早期,Oscebip突变体表现出较高的菌根定植率。 我们的结果表明,OsMYR1和OsCEBiP受体竞争OsCERK1,以确定共生和免疫信号的结果。
Plants encounter various microbes in nature and must respond appropriately to symbiotic or pathogenic ones. In rice, the receptor-like kinase OsCERK1 is involved in recognizing both symbiotic and immune signals. However, how these opposing signals are discerned via OsCERK1 remains unknown. Here, we found that receptor competition enables the discrimination of symbiosis and immunity signals in rice. On the one hand, the symbiotic receptor OsMYR1 and its short-length chitooligosaccharide ligand inhibit complex formation between OsCERK1 and OsCEBiP and suppress OsCERK1 phosphorylating the downstream substrate OsGEF1, which reduces the sensitivity of rice to microbe-associated molecular patterns. Indeed, OsMYR1 overexpression lines are more susceptible to the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae, whereas Osmyr1 mutants show higher resistance. On the other hand, OsCEBiP can bind OsCERK1 and thus block OsMYR1–OsCERK1 heteromer formation. Consistently, the Oscebip mutant displayed a higher rate of mycorrhizal colonization at early stages of infection. Our results indicate that OsMYR1 and OsCEBiP receptors compete for OsCERK1 to determine the outcome of symbiosis and immunity signals.
