Stretched one’s tired back; teased sb; hurry back; hurried outside; go /walk across the shallow river;
stepped inside; Alan froze; lay still; squeeze out; paused; set off to do sth; pulled over;
grabbed sth; hopped out of the car; shook one’s head; got accustomed to doing;
wrapped them in a tissue; placed them beside my computer; dropped it into the rubbish bin;
yelled; rolled one’s eyes and walked away; laughed out loud; put on a bright smile;
Alan’s stomach tightened;Muttered sth; Spoke up; Take a shift; Frowned
Spot animal tracks along the river; Whispered;
She reached for a small white envelope in her pocket. In it was an invitation to Jennifer’s party.
9. 被绑着;穿过树林;摔倒了;她的心越来越重。注视某人;
Be Tied; Walk through the woods; Dropped; Her heart grew heavier. Keep an eye on sb;
10. 检查;伸手;转过身;勉强地笑了笑;
Checked; Reached over; Turned around; Managed a grin;
11. 当她默默祈祷“谢谢你,上帝”时,喜悦的泪水涌上眼眶
Tears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently, “Thank you, God.”
Sth caught my eye; An excited feeling bubbled up inside Ally as she searched the sky.
轻柔地拉Pulled gently;;
直视她的眼睛look directly into her eyes;
紧密地匹配closely match;
稍有不同地be slightly different from;
不耐烦地掠过impatiently skimmed;
立即回答answered instantly;
开玩笑地责骂jokingly scolded;
绝对安全absolutely safe;
骄傲地咧嘴笑Grinned proudly;
体贴地放置considerately placed;
焦急地等待waited anxiously;;
清楚地记得clearly remembered;
呼吸沉重breathed heavily;;
紧握squeeze tightly;
热情地帮助warmly helped;
几乎晕倒nearly fainted;
浅浅的河流Shallow river;
柔和的声音in a soft voice;
陌生的诊所unfamiliar clinic;
我珍藏的戒指my treasured rings;
退休的经理a retired manager;
凯利感到一阵温暖的光辉Kelly felt a warm glow.
彻底搜查了made a thorough search of;
一条一动不动的蛇a motionless snake;
频繁地拜访餐馆frequent restaurant visits;
It was a desperate, heartbreaking and embarrassing situation for a father.
读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
It was a rainy November morning. Overcome with anger I knew if I didn't leave the house soon I would lose my temper with my husband, Joe. As rain came down in sheets, Joe offered to take me to work. I struggled into my jacket, seized my bag and teaching plans and ignored him.
He insisted and reached for his boots. I looked at the piles of newspapers and the dirty dishes still on the table. " Don’t you have enough to do? I can take care of myself "I stormed out,not even kissing him good-bye. Joe shouted after me not to take the shortcut(捷径).
Joe and I had been eagerly looking forward to our retirement when a heart attack that past spring forced him to leave his job earlier than we had planned. As the medical bills mounted we realized I would have to continue working full-time while Joe stayed home and took over the housework.
The new arrangement was a disaster. Exhausted after a day of full work, all I wanted was a hot home cooked meal and a good night's sleep. However, what greeted me at the table was a microwave package. Sometimes he would serve oatmeal(燕麦)for several nights in a row. One night when I dragged myself to bed, I was terrified to discover Joe had turned our white sheets blue. He told me he had found out how to save on water, soap and electricity. He patted his blue trousers and announced proudly washing everything together was just the secret.
Ten minutes later, ignoring Joes warning I turned off the main route (道路).I thought it hadn’t trained enough to flood the road, but as I rounded the corner water rushed across my path. After a few feet, the car got stuck. I opened the door and water poured in. I hurriedly closed the door. I couldn’t risk walking in this almost 20 minutes passed. The car began to shake. I got frightened to death when I heard three long honks (喇叭声).
Paragraph 1:
Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a truck.
Paragraph 2:
I screamed that I couldn’t make it.
Paragraph 1:
Looking over my shoulder, I stared into the flashing lights of a truck. It was Joe! I couldn’t help bursting into tears. Joe shouted to me not to be frightened. Then he threw a thick rope so that I could hang on to it and walk straight toward him. I opened the door, grabbed it and inched out. However, a sudden fall left me in the rushing water. I struggled to my feet, only to find a branch blocking the way right in front of me.
Paragraph 2:
I screamed that I couldn’t make it. Joe, however, remained calm! He urged me to take one step at a time and assured me I could make it. I moved forward slowly and cautiously before I fell into his arms. Sobbing against his chest, I apologized that I shouldn’t have taken the shortcut. Joe patted me saying his primary concern was my safety. Only then did I realize Joe actually understood how to take care of me despite his trouble with the housework.