
卢贵武(1964.4—),甘肃省甘谷县人,理学博士,教授,博士生导师,美国化学学会会员,中国光散射学会会员,《J. Phys. Chem.》, 《化学学报》,《化学物理学报》等杂志审稿人。1985-1989年北京师范大学物理系,获理学学士学位;1995-1998年中国石油大学无线电物理专业,获理学硕士学位; 1999-2002年山东大学物理与微电子学院凝聚态物理专业,获理学博士学位;2002-2004年北京化工大学化学工程学院博士后。1989-2005在中国石油大学(华东)物理学院工作,曾任材料物理系副系主任,无线电物理研究所所长,主讲《大学物理及实验》、《计算物理》、《应用统计力学》、《高等固体物理》等本科和研究生课程。2005年6月至今在中国石油大学(北京)数理系工作,从事物理教学和相关领域的科研工作。
[1] 朱阁,卢贵武,李英峰,蓝建慧,晶体生长机制和生长动力学的蒙特卡罗模拟研究,人工晶体学报,2006,35(1):24-31. (EI)
[2] 蓝建慧,卢贵武,王增梅,袁多荣,夏海瑞,Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 晶体的拉曼光谱分析,光谱学与光谱分析, 2006,25(5)861-864.
[3] 朱阁,卢贵武,张军,蓝建慧,李英峰,王新强,许东,夏海瑞, [MnHg(SCN)4(H2O)2]·2C4H9NO (MMTWD)晶体的光谱分析,光谱学与光谱分析, 2006, 26(2):267-270. (SCI)
[4] Gui-wu Lu, Chun-xi Li, Wen-chuan Wang, Zi-hao Wang, A Monte Carlo simulation on structure and thermodynamics of potassium nitrate electrolyte solution, Molecular Physics, 103(2005)599-610. (SCI)
[5] Guiwu Lu, Chunxi Li, Wenchuan Wang, Zihao Wang, Jiteng Guan, Hairui Xia, Lattice vibration modes and thermal conductivity of potassium dihydrogen phosphate crystal studying by Raman spectroscopy, Materials Science and Engineering, B116(2005)47-53. (SCI)
[6] Jianhui Lan, Guiwu Lu, Zengmei Wang, Duorong Yuan, Hairui Xia, Raman scattering spectra of Ca3NbGa3Si2O14 (CNGS) crystals,Phys. status solidi (b), 242 (2005) 1996-2004. (SCI)
[7] 蓝建慧,卢贵武,黄乔松,李英峰,朱阁,从头计算分子动力学模拟及应用, 石油大学学报(自然科学版),2005(4)143-146. (EI)
[8] 张立红,李英峰,张军,卢贵武,硬壁狭缝中硬球流体的密度泛函理论研究,石油大学学报,2005(5)144-146
[9] H. R. Xia, G.. W. Lu, P. Zhao,and S. Q. Sun, Lattice thermal vibration and its nonharmonic effect in Nd-doped rare-earth vanadates, J. Mater.Res., 20(2005)30-35. (SCI)
[10] Gui-Wu Lu, Chun-Xi Li., Ru Tian, Zi-Hao Wang, Wen-Chuan Wang,Representation of the nonideality of electrolyte solutions using the cluster expansion theory, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 218 (2004) 77–84. (SCI, EI)
[11] G. W. Lu,C. X. Li.,W. C. Wang,Z. H. Wang,Z. M. Wang,D. R. Yuan, H. R. Xia,Raman scattering spectra of La3Ga5SiO14 (LGS) crystals, phys. stat. sol. (b), 241(2004) 439–446. (SCI)
[12] Gui-wu Lu, Chun-xi Li, Wen-chuan Wang, Zi-hao Wang, Structure of KNO3 electrolyte solution: A Monte Carlo study,Fluid Phase Equilibria,225(2004)1-11. (SCI, EI)
[13] 卢贵武,李春喜,汪文川,王子镐,计算机分子模拟中静电相互作用能的计算及参数优化,化学物理学报,2004,17(5)547-553 (SCI)
[14]张霓,卢贵武,李春喜,王子镐,四氯化碳催化加氢制氯仿的实验研究, 北京化工大学学报, 31(2), 2004, 18-20 (EI)
[15] Gui-wu Lu, Chun-xi Li, Wen-chuan Wang, Zi-hao Wang, Hai-rui Xia, Huai-jin Zhang, Xian-lin Meng, Li-xia Li, Lattice vibration and absorbance of Er:Yb:YCOB single crystals, Chem. Phys. Lett.368(2003)269-275. (SCI)
[16] Gui-wu Lu, Chun-xi Li, Wen-chuan Wang, Zi-hao Wang, Hai-rui Xia, Peng Zhao, Raman investigation of lattice vibration modes and thermal conductivity of Nd-doped zircon-type laser crystals, Materials Science and Engineering B98(2003)156-160. (SCI,EI)
[17] 卢贵武,李春喜,汪文川,王子镐,夏海瑞,孙洵,高樟寿,固液界面阴离子集团构型的密度泛函理论研究,化学学报,2003,61(2):181-185. (SCI)
[18] 卢贵武, 李春喜, 王子镐, 夏海瑞, 孙大亮, 于锡玲,关继腾,KDP溶液晶体台阶生长动力学的激光干涉实验研究,化学物理学报,2003,16(4):289 (SCI)
[19] G. W. Lu and X. Sun. Raman study of lattice vibration modes and growth mechanism of KDP single crystals, Crystal Research Technology, 37, (2002) 93-99. (SCI)
[20] G.W. Lu, H. R. Xia, D. L. Sun, W. Q. Zheng, P. Zhao, X. Q. Wang, D. Xu, M. K. Lv. D. R. Yuan, Y. Chen, Y. Q. Zhou. Vibration spectrum and structure of CMTC single crystals, Physica status solidi (b), 231(2002)554-560 (SCI)
[21] 卢贵武,夏海瑞,孟宪林,刘雪松,杨卫兵, 掺Nd锆石类激光晶体的喇曼光谱研究,物理学报,51(2002)424-429 (SCI)
[22 ] 卢贵武,夏海瑞,关继腾,张世奇,陈勇,周瑶琪, KDP晶格振动模和生长机制的喇曼光谱研究,光散射学报,14(2002)27
[23] Hai-rui Xia, Gui-wu Lu, S. J. Zhang, Z. X. Cheng, Raman measurement and thermal properties of SmCa4O(BO3)3 crystals, Journal of materials research, 17 (2002) 2465 (SCI)
[24] Gui-Wu Lu, Hai-Rui Xia, Shi-Qi Zhang, Xun Sun, Zhang-Shou Gao, Ji-Yang Wang. Raman scattering investigation of the effect of EDTA on the growth habit of KDP, J. Crystal Growth, 233 (2001) 730-736. (SCI)
[25] G.W. Lu, H. R. Xia, D. L. Sun, W. Q. Zheng, X. Sun, Z. S. Gao, and J. Y. Wang. Cluster formation in solid-liquid interface boundary layers of KDP studying by Raman spectroscopy, Physica status solidi (a), 188, (2001) 1071-1076. (SCI)
[26] G. W. Lu, H. R. Xia, Q. Z. Xue, P. J. Liu, S. T. Ai, Monte Carlo simulation of the polarization and depolarization properties of order-disorder ferroelectrics, Material Science and Engineering B 87, (2001) 130-133. (SCI)
[27] G. W. Lu, H. R. Xia, X. Q. Wang, D. Xu, Y. Chen, Y. Q. Zhou. Raman scattering investigation of the zinc cadmium tetrathiocyanate single crystals. Material Science and Engineering B 87, (2001) 117-121. (SCI)
[28] Guiwu Lu, Hairui Xia and Pijun Liu. Polarization properties of ferroelectric superlattice studied by Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Material Science and Technology, 17, (2001) 167. (SCI)
[29] 卢贵武, 夏海瑞, 铁电晶体相变X-Y模型的蒙特卡罗计算机模拟研究,功能材料,32(2001)402-404 (EI)
[30] Gui-Wu Lu, Hai-Rui Xia, Shi-Qi Zhang, Xun Sun, Zhang-Shou Gao, Ji-Yang Wang. Raman scattering investigation of the effect of EDTA on the growth habit of KDP, J. Crystal Growth, 233 (2001) 730-736. (SCI)
[31] G.W. Lu, H. R. Xia, D. L. Sun, W. Q. Zheng, X. Sun, Z. S. Gao, and J. Y. Wang. Cluster formation in solid-liquid interface boundary layers of KDP studying by Raman spectroscopy, Physica status solidi (a), 188, (2001) 1071-1076. (SCI)
[32] G. W. Lu, H. R. Xia, Q. Z. Xue, P. J. Liu, S. T. Ai, Monte Carlo simulation of the polarization and depolarization properties of order-disorder ferroelectrics, Material Science and Engineering B 87, (2001) 130-133. (SCI)
[33] G. W. Lu, H. R. Xia, X. Q. Wang, D. Xu, Y. Chen, Y. Q. Zhou. Raman scattering investigation of the zinc cadmium tetrathiocyanate single crystals. Material Science and Engineering B 87, (2001) 117-121. (SCI)
[34] Guiwu Lu, Hairui Xia and Pijun Liu. Polarization properties of ferroelectric superlattice studied by Monte Carlo Simulation, Journal of Material Science and Technology, 17, (2001) 167. (SCI)
[35] 卢贵武, 夏海瑞, 铁电晶体相变X-Y模型的蒙特卡罗计算机模拟研究,功能材料,32(2001)402-404 (EI)
[36] 薛庆忠,卢贵武,聚苯乙烯-钛酸钡复合材料的介电特性研究,复合材料学报,18(2001)55-57 (EI)
[37] Pijun Liu, Guiwu Lu, Xiangdong Liu, Yueyuan Xia Yong Chen, Yaoqi Zhou. Investigation of weak damage in Al0.25Ga0.75As/GsAs by using RBS/C and Raman spectroscopy, Physics Letter A, 286(2001)332-337 (SCI)
[38] 卢贵武,张军, 第二位力系数与体积关系的理论证明,大学物理,2000.2
[39] K.X. Zhou, G. W. Lu, Q. C. Zhou, J. H. Song, H. R. Xia, S. T. Jiang , Monte Carlo simulation of liquid water in a magnetic field, J. Applied Physics, 88(2000)1802-1805 (SCI)
[40] 张军,卢贵武,周开学,王军,徐先锋,用微扰理论计算磁场对低浓度磁性胶粒体系热力学性质的影响,化工学报,51(2000)523-526