大家好, 我是Wind
每日听写栏目之前是每天挑选视频中一个句子进行精讲, 是文字版
预告一下: 我从去年6月18日开始第一次做听写, 到现在已经400次了!
这周末我会出一篇文章, 复盘一下坚持1年的经验心得
2 -But, um, Mitchell, I really need to know by Monday. Otherwise, I have to move on to someone else, okay? -Okay.
-但是, 额, Mitchell, 我真的需要周一之前得到答复. 不然, 我就得去找别人了, 好吗? -好的
used for writing the sound that people make when they are thinking about what to say next, or when they are not sure how someone will react to what they are going to say
一种是因为在思考要说什么, 所以用um停顿一下;
另一种是想让自己语气听起来不要太强硬, 所以用um柔和一下
by Monday=截止周一
一般会理解为截止周一结束时, 截止周一的COB(close of business)
比如之前的by the time you’re 45表示截止你45岁的末尾

I have to move on to someone else包含哪些发音规则?
move on连读
someone else连读
合起来读作[aɪ hæv tə mu vɑn tə ˈsʌmwʌn nɛls]
网上要找美剧和电影的字幕并不难, 但字幕常常有错误. 你用有错误的字幕做精听练习, 很容易被带到沟里去. 下边是我听写并精校过的答案, 请放心使用~
1 -Okay, well, why didn’t you tell me about this? -I’m going to give you guys a minute.
-哦, 嗯, 你为什么没告诉我这件事? -我先闪了
2 -But, um, Mitchell, I really need to know by Monday. Otherwise, I have to move on to someone else, okay? -Okay.
-但是, 额, Mitchell, 我真的需要周一之前得到答复. 不然, 我就得去找别人了, 好吗? -好的
3 -It was nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you. -Bye!
-很高兴见到你 -很高兴见到你 -拜!
4 Okay, I’m- I’m sorry. I- I didn’t tell you about the job.
嗯, 我…不好意思. 我…我没有告诉你这个工作邀约
5 It’s — it’s just — It’s a big change, and I wanted to make this decision on my own.
它是…它是一个巨大的改变, 我想要独立做这个决定