


我从美国财政部跳槽到谷歌,大家觉得还可以理解,但当我再次跳到Facebook时,有很多年,别人一直问我,你怎么想的?你要给一个23岁的毛头小子打工?当时,没有人知道Facebook会成为下一个My Space或者Friendster。

Facebook Documentary—— AndI thought about, you know what I wanted to say. What would I pass on if you aretrying to be an entrepreneur; if you are trying to be a leader. And if you aretrying to be these things, what you really trying to do at the fundamentallevel is having impact. You are trying to have impact, you are trying to havethe things you do, the things that you spent your time doing. Having impactmeans change something around the world. And for me, I think, the lesson is reallysimple, and it’s particularly important in the area which we lived and for methe industry in which I work. Which is that this is all about scale. It’s allabout scale. Having impact is all about how you do something that scales and byscale I mean things that can have broad impact, potentially, things that havedecreasing marginal cost, things that can scale beyond one-to-one interactionyou have has a person. Ithink the most important thing about growing a business successfully isthinking ahead about where you are gonna be. So I think about, like the threetips you have for scaling an organization. The first I think most important isto think big. People think about how do you manage, how do you motivate anorganization. And they think about management, you know, basically the scienceof administrating a business was leadership. And my favorite definition ofleadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management saysas much as possible. When you have a big vision, when you’re thinking reallybig, something that can change the world. So in my favorite example, connectingthe world, which was Mark Zuckerberg’s vision for Facebook. That’s the kind ofthing that excites people and motivates them. That’s get them to follow you. Notjust because they work for you, they need to do what you say, but because theybelieve in what you’re trying to do. And when you’re trying to scale anorganization, you need to go really quickly and get people to accomplish morethan they thought was possible. And I think that comes from internal motivation,which really comes from a vision that’s big enough. Ithink the most common mistake I see people make, and man makes mistakes too, butwomen do a lot is that they’re too worried about the upward trajectory and notworried enough about growth. So the two corporate jobs I have taken, I went fromTreasury to Google and I went from Google to Facebook, have one thing incommon, which is that, they were more “junior”, other people worries was notmine, than other jobs I was offered. When I went to Google, Google was like 250people, I was gonna be an business unit’s general manager, except for they weren’ta business unit. Susan was just here, she helped to recruit me. This was nonejob of all time. I mean there was no job there. And I was offered like senior-sounding,see more senior roles and more established companies. But I really believe inwhat Google was doing and Eric Smith gave me great career fancy. He says, “gofor growth”. Growth moves everyone up, it was growing at work. So I went tosmaller company with more junior less defined job. You know, when I came out atGoogle, it seems obvious. Now it comes to Facebook, but at all time, a lot ofpeople ask me, right, you remember this, what are you doing? You are going towork for a 23-year-olds? You know, no one knows that Facebook is gonna be, youknow, the next MySpace or Friendster. Like, you are not CEO, you could be CEOsomewhere else. What I saw was something that mattered, Facebook matteredwithout authentic identity. And an opportunity for growth. So at each stage I havecared less about my level, I kindda think it’s silly, than I have about theunderlying growth. And I do think this is really important for everyone toknow. Howdo you communicate authentically? How do you figure out what to say and whatnot to say in a way that is authentic? And what Fred says, and I really believethis is true, is to start from the fundamental understanding that there is notruth. There is my truth; there is your truth; that everything is subjective. Andso if you always start from the position of this is what I believe; I don’texpect you to believe it; I don’t think you have to believe it; I’m not sayingit’s true, you can actually always communicate authentically. This get worse asyou get more senior. Here is the answer. You’re not getting anyone in anywhereto say anything. And if you walk in a room and say, I believe this for thisreason. What do you believe? If you share your truth in that language, you givepeople room to talk authentically, to communicate authentically. And that ishugely important to these relationships at any stage. Ithink the second thing is that you hire big. And big, I don’t mean famous. Imean I hire for whom you are. So when you’re growing organization really quickly,what happens is that what normally takes an organization years happens in aperiod of just months. So when I was in Google, you know my team went from 4 to4000 in about five years. That means that if you look at these first fourpeople I hired, in order for them to be part of the people who I was running,that organization, they need to do, you know, ten or fifteen years’ worth ofgrowing and, you know, getting experience in a much shorter period of time. Soif you think you’re gonna grow quickly, hire for what you think you’re gonnaneed, over-hire, hire people who are more qualified, have more experience orhire people right out of school but can overachieve in their current roles. Idon’t think it’s the number of years in the work that matters. It’s hiring thepeople that you’re gonna need them now because that happens so quickly. Ireally believe we live best when we walk side by side with our colleagues. Andto achieve this, you’re gonna have to do the opposite of what I’m doing rightnow. You are gonna have to not just talk but really listen. And you have to goone step further, which is not just listen but find a way to get people toactually tell you the truth. Thereis no such thing as complete control. Nothing. No one has complete control inany situation. People that are leading organizations in some ways have least.Because not only do they have to control what they do, they have to help persuadeeveryone else what they do. But, if you’re able to take responsibility. I’m notlate because of the traffic; I’m late because I didn’t leave early enough toaccount for the fact there is traffic. The project didn’t get finished notbecause my partner didn’t do it, my colleague didn’t do his part. The projectdidn’t get finished because I didn’t set up a team where my colleague want todo his part. When you take responsibility, and you take full responsibility,that is the most empowering thing and you can do it at any stage. You have todo it when you’re raising money if you’re an entrepreneur; you have to do it ifyou’re trying to persuade people to work with you, you have to do it at allstages. Oneof the things I talked about in my book is the importance of measuring resultsnot on face time. If you as a company measure face time, you will be rewardedwith face time. If you’re talking about people who are working really hardrather than people who are getting great results, people who works really hardwill not focus on results. In my job at Facebook, Mark and I check to run thecompany really focus on results. We have one employee actually for a while whofamously was one of our highest performers, but just ain’t like in the officevery much at all. And we were publicly applaud him. You know, no one see him ina week, but look what’s happening. And we were publicly saying his results wereamazing if he feels like doing it, you know, sit in his basement, go ahead. Notevery company can do that; different companies have different constraints, butmany more companies can do this. Thebest kind of leadership starts by finding something you really believe in.Facebook exists because Mark Zuckerburg believed that the world will be abetter place if we all use technology to share our connects. He believed thatenough to drop out of school at 19, and he believed it enough to hang on to thevision and hold on to it, even people tried to take it away from him overyears. I joined Facebook along with so many others because I too believe eventhat vision. And now the most important part of my job is to keep myself andeveryone else in Facebook maniacally focus on what we are trying to do day inand day out. So, start. Start by finding a company you believe in, a productyou love, something that cause you really, really care about. Because not onlywhen you inspire yourself will you be inspired, but you in turn will inspireothers. And that’s the most critical part of great leadership. Allorganizations have some form of hierarchy, people in organizations, if you aredoing a manager, will do what you tell them to do, even in facebook at least atsome of the time. But great leaders don’t want compliance, they don’t wantpeople to follow orders. Great leaders want real excitement, genuineensutheasm, real commitment. Great leaders don’t just win the minds of theirteam, they win their hearts. Great leaders don’t just issue commands, they heedvoices of those around them. Careersare not ladders, the days are long gone, but jungle gyms. Don’t just move upand down; don’t just look up. Look backwards, sideways, around the corners.Your careers and your life will have starts, stops, zigs and zags. Don’t stressout of the white space, the path you contra, because there is in life both the surprisesand the opportunities.