Assertive = 武断
Risk-taking = 爱冒险
Independent =独立
Easily-angered =易怒
Strong-willed =意志力强
Territorial = 占有欲强
Achievers =事业有成
Utilizes = 善于最有效利用事物
Responsible = 有责任感
Upbeat = 乐观
Skeptical 疑心重
Generous = 慷慨大方
Easily drained = 缺乏耐性不安分
Multitaskers = 一心多用
Intelligent = 聪明伶俐
Nervous = 容易紧张
Insightful = 洞察力强
Cautious = 谨慎小心
Adaptable = 适应力强
Nurturing 具有强烈的父性或母性本能
Cozy homebodies = 重视家庭温暖与安定
Escapists 逃避现实
Reminiscing 喜欢怀旧
Loyal = 忠诚
Easily discouraged = 容易气馁
Outspoken = 坦率直爽
Very worrisome = 多愁善感
Impressive = 给人印象深刻
Realists = 现实主义
Givers = 乐于奉献
Optimistic = 积极乐观
Laid-back = 喜欢享受
Indulgent = 任性
Balanced = 公平客观
Restrains feelings = 情绪不外漏
Amicable(Friendly) = 友好和善
Sensual = 世俗
Clingy at times = 有时喜欢粘人
Observant = 观察力敏锐
Reserved = 含蓄
Private = 注重隐私
Intriguing = 有魅力
Obsessive = 有强迫症
Persuasive = 令人信服
Imaginative = 想象力丰富
Self-Critical = 自我批判
Compassionate = 有同情心
Eager to learn = 乐于学习
Sarcastic = 爱挖苦人
Aloof at times = 时而冷漠
Quirky = 古怪
Unique = 独特
Ambitious 有抱负
Rebellious = 叛逆
Inventive = 充满创造力
Understanding = 善解人意
Stubborn = 固执
Spontaneous = 即兴的
Aggressive = 咄咄逼人
Generous = 慷慨
Intolerant = 偏执
Tantalizing = 爱秀逗
Temperamental = 情绪化
Able to forgive = 易原谅他人
Reactive = 活跃
Independent = 独立
Unpredictable 无法预测
Sensitive = 敏感
Complex = 复杂世故
Afraid of failure = 害怕失败
Practical = 实用主义
Responsible = 有责任感
Intense = 紧张
Comforting = 会安慰人
Often insecure = 常常没有安全感
Resourceful = 足智多谋
Needs stability = 追求稳定