
印度中央政府周二通知,印度已记录了 22 例冠状病毒的 Delta plus (德尔塔加强版)变体病例。Delta plus 由 Delta (B.1.617.2) 变体的突变形成,并且尚未被印度卫生部归类为“关注的变体”,印度卫生部长拉杰什 布山在新闻发布会上说。“迄今为止,除印度外,已在英国、葡萄牙、瑞士、波兰、日本、尼泊尔、中国和俄罗斯发现了 delta plus 变种。”
根据印度卫生部的数据,印度在过去 24 小时内报告了 42,640 例新增病例(91 天内最低)、81,839 例出院和 1,167 例死亡。


印度:位于海得拉巴的生物技术公司巴拉特生物科技的 Covaxin 在 3 期试验中显示出 77.8% 的疗效。政府消息人士周二告诉 CNN-News18,该公司的第 3 阶段试验疗效数据已获得印度政府的主题专家委员会 (SEC) 的批准。Covaxin 也有可能在今天获得印度药品监督管理局 (DCGI) 的批准。
Hyderabad-based biotechnology company Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin has shown 77.8% efficacy in phase 3 trials. The company’s phase 3 trial efficacy data has been approved by the Centre’s Subject Expert Committee, government sources told CNN-News18 on Tuesday. Covaxin is also likely to get clearance from the Drugs Controller General of India today. NEWS18
印度:辉瑞 (Pfizer) 首席执行官阿尔伯特·布尔拉(Albert Bourla周二表示,他的美国公司正处于获得印度政府批准其新冠疫苗的最后阶段,并补充说,一旦获得批准,这家制药巨头将在今年内向印度供应 10 亿支疫苗。
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Tuesday said his US-based company is in the final stages of getting approval for its Covid-19 vaccine from the Indian government, adding that when approved, the pharma giant will supply one billion to India within this year. NEWS18
6 月份,印度各地的水泥价格均有所上涨。Kotak Institutional Equities 的最新经销商渠道调查显示,全印度的价格环比上涨 4%,至每 50 公斤袋 376 卢比。这是由于印度南部的价格环比上涨 11% 至每袋 415 卢比。
Cement prices have improved across India in June. The latest dealers channel check by Kotak Institutional Equities showed that all-India prices rose 4% to ₹376 per 50-kilogram bag, on a month-on-month (m-o-m) basis. This was led by an 11% m-o-m rise in prices in southern India to ₹415 per bag. Livemint
BENGALURU: Top virologists and domain experts have played down fears of an impending third wave of Covid-19 infections, insisting there is no scientific basis to suggest a fresh surge would hit anytime soon.
“There is no scientific data or any technical basis to predict a fresh surge,” said Dr Vijaya, virologist and retired IISc professor of microbiology. “However, what we need to be careful about is the possibility of the receding present wave getting aggravated by people throwing caution to the wind.” TOI
新德里:印度将从周三开始与美国在印度洋地区 (IOR) 进行为期两天的空战演习,这是又一次军事接触,以进一步巩固该地区的协同作用和互操作性。
NEW DELHI: India will kick off a two-day air combat exercise with the US in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) from Wednesday, in yet another military engagement to further consolidate synergy and interoperability in the region. TOI
印度:北方邦反恐怖主义小组 (ATS) 逮捕了来自德里的两名神职人员,他们涉嫌通过金钱、工作和婚姻等手段引诱该邦一千多人皈依伊斯兰教。根据官员的说法,两人的目标是女性以及失业者、穷人和残障人士。
The Uttar Pradesh Anti Terrorism Squad (ATS) has arrested two clerics from Delhi for allegedly converting more than a thousand people to Islam in the state by luring them with money, jobs and marriage, among other things. As per officers, the two targeted women as well as unemployed, poor and physically challenged people. TOI
新德里:周一,印度政府对 2020 年消费者保护(电子商务)规则提出了一系列修正案,包括禁止电子商务平台上的不当销售和欺诈性闪购。
NEW DELHI: The government on Monday proposed a series of amendments in Consumer Protection (E-Commerce) Rules, 2020, including a ban on mis-selling and fraudulent flash sales on e-commerce platforms.
All measures have been taken after the Centre received several representations from aggrieved consumers, traders and associations complaining against widespread cheating and unfair trade practices being observed in the e-commerce ecosystem, it said in an official release. TOI
印度:Battlegrounds Mobile India(绝地求生手游印度版) 更新后不再与中国服务器共享数据。
最近,全印度贸易商联合会 (CAIT) 致信联合 IT 和通讯部长 拉维·香卡·普拉萨德(Ravi Shankar Prasad),要求禁止 Battlegrounds Mobile India。
Battlegrounds Mobile India Not Sharing Data With Chinese Servers Anymore After Update: Report
Recently, the Confederation of All India Traders (CAIT) has written a letter to Union IT and Communication Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad demanding a ban on Battlegrounds Mobile India.
印度国家公司法法庭(NCLT)周二批准了Kalrock-Jalan财团的决议计划,为捷特航空回归铺平了道路。据CNBC TV18报道,印度民航总局孟买分会要求印度民航总局和民航部在90天内为该航空公司分配航班时刻。一位政府官员告诉CNBC TV18,印度民航总局和民航部将研究详细的命令,然后再决定航班时刻。
The National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) on Tuesday paved ways for Jet Airways to come back by approving the Kalrock-Jalan consortium’s resolution plan.
The Mumbai bench of the NCLT has asked the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) and Ministry of Civil Aviation (MCA) to allot slots to the airline within 90 days, CNBC TV18 reported. A government official told CNBC TV18 that the DGCA and civil aviation ministry would study the detailed order before deciding on slots. NEWS18
北京:市政府教育局周二表示,TikTok 所有者字节跳动的创始人将向中国东南部城市龙岩市捐赠 5 亿元人民币(7,735 万美元)用于教育。
BEIJING: The founder of TikTok owner ByteDance will donate 500 million yuan ($77.35 million) to the southeastern Chinese city of Longyan for education, the city government's education bureau said on Tuesday. TOI