
四年级英语下册期末测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词(  )1.A.bedroom         B.bathroom      C.living room(  )2.A.ball                 B.girl                C.pencil(  )3.A.fourteen          B.forty             C.fifteen(  )4.A.pen                 B.pencil            C.picture(  )5.A.science            B.subject          C.study二、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的词是否相符。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”1.



(  )                   (  )                  (  )4.


(  )                   (  )三、听录音,选择你所听到的句子(  )1.A.There is a table in the living room.B.There is a ball in the livingroom.(  )2.A.What’s in the bedroom?B.What’s in the bathroom?(  )3.A.There are fifteen girls in my class.B.There are fifty girls in myclass.(  )4.A.I have a PE class this afternoon.B.I have a music class thisafternoon.(  )5.A.How many bags do you have?B.How many books do you have?四、听录音,找答语(  )1.A.There is a chair in it.     B.I like it best.C.There are twenty.(  )2.A.They have twenty.        B.There are twenty.C.They are twenty.(  )3.A.Play and act.                B.That’s great.C.We have six classes.(  )4.A.I like books.                 B.I have ten.C.They’re in the bag.(  )5.A.Yes, I am.                            B.No, I’m not.C.Yes, I do.笔试部分一、判断句中单词画线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“√”,不同的打“×”(  )1.We listen and do in anEnglish class.There is a bigtable in my kitchen.(  )2.In my study there’s anew desk.I like musicvery much.(  )3.How many books do youhave?There are ninehundred students in my school.(  )4.We need eleven bags.They have ninetypens.(  )5.Let’s speak English.Peter, how many teachersare there in your school?二、根据图片和句意补全句子1.There is a new __________

inmy     bedroom.2.I have a __________

andfour __________

inmy schoolbag.3.Mr Zhao is our new English__________

.4.How many __________

lessonsdo you have in a week?5.There are some __________

onthe shelf (书架).6.There is a __________ under the__________

.7.Is there a __________

onthe wall?三、用thereis, there are, have, has的正确形式填空1.__________ some desks in ourclassroom.2.How many rooms __________ inyour home?3.__________ an English classtoday.4.How many pens do you__________?5.Amy __________ two classes thisafternoon.四、单项选择(  )1.We have ________ art teacher.A.a                                B.an                 C./(  )2.How many ________ do you have?A.lesson                        B.subject          C.shirts(  )3.Jim and Tom ________ like PElessons.A.doesn’t                     B.don’t            C.aren’t(  )4.--- Do you have a scienceteacher?--- ________A.Yes, I am.                  B.No, I don’t.  C.No, I do.(  )5.There ________ an apple andfour oranges in the fridge.A.am                            B.is                   C.are(  )6.--- How many boys are there inyour class?--- There ________only one.A.am                           B.is                  C.are五、选择正确的答语A.There are two.B.We have six.C.There’s a table in it.D.Chinese.E.Yes, I do.(  )(1)Whatsubject do you like best?(  )(2)What’sin the kitchen?(  )(3)Howmany beds are there in your bedroom?(  )(4)Howmany lessons do you have a day?( )(5)Do you like your new bag?六、连词成句1.books,   how,  do,   you,   many,   have   (?)________________________________________________________________2.best,   what,   do,  like,   subject,   you   (?)________________________________________________________________3.TV,   in,   there,  a,   my,   is,   living room   (.)________________________________________________________________4.are,   how,  teachers,   there,   many,   school,   your,  in   (?)________________________________________________________________5.Chinese,   what,   you,  do,   in,    class,   do,   a   (?)________________________________________________________________七、按要求完成下列句子1.There is a chair instudy. (就画线部分提问)____________________ __________ __________ there in your study?2.We like English. (改为一般疑问句)____________________ like English?3.We have two lessons inthe afternoon. (就画线部分提问)____________________ lessons __________ you have in the afternoon?4.Do you have a computer? (作肯定回答)__________,__________ __________.5.They are maths, Chinese andscience. (就画线部分提问)What ____________________?八、阅读理解Amy: Hello, John!John: Hello, Amy!Amy: What day is ittoday?John: It’s Tuesday.Amy: What classesdo you have in the morning?John: Well, let mesee. We have science, art and music.Amy: What subjectdo you like best?John: I like artbest. What about you?Amy: I like art,too. But I like music best.John: How many artclasses do you have in a week?Amy: Three.(  )(1)Howmany classes does John have in the morning?A.Two.                          B.Three.           C.Four.(  )(2)Whatsubject does John like best?A.Science.                     B.Art.               C.Music.(  )(3)DoesAmy like art, too?A.Yes, she does.            B.No, she doesn’t.C.She likes music.(  )(4)Howmany art classes does Amy have in a week?A.Three.                        B.Four.             C.Five.(  )(5)Whatday is it today?A.It’s Wednesday.        B.It’s Monday. C.It’s Tuesday.参考答案听力材料一、1.bathroom   2.pencil   3.fourteen   4.picture   5.science二、1.pen   2.bag   3.football   4.living room   5.music三、1.There is a table in the livingroom.2.What’s in the bathroom?3.There are fifty girls in myclass.4.I have a music class thisafternoon.5.How many bags do you have?四、1.What’s in the kitchen?2.How many girls are there inyour class?3.What do you do in an Englishclass?4.How many books do you have?5.Do you like music?听力部分一、1~5BCACA二、1.× 2.√ 3.√ 4.× 5.√三、1~5ABBBA四、1~5ABABC笔试部分一、1.√ 2.× 3.× 4.× 5.√二、1.computer   2.pen; pencils   3.teacher   4.maths5.books   6.ball; armchair   7.clock三、1.There are   2.are there   3.There is   4.have   5.has四、1~6BCBBBB五、(1)~(5)DCABE六、1.How many books do you have?2.What subject do you like best?3.There is a TV in my livingroom.4.How many teachers are there inyour school?5.What do you do in a Chineseclass?七、1.How many chairs are  2.Doyou   3.Howmany; do4.Yes; I do   5.are they八、(1)~(5)BBAAC

