

There are fifty _____ in our school. They are all friendly to us.

  A. woman teachers

  B. women teacher

  C. woman teacher

  D. women teachers


【易错原因】复合名词变复数时,忽视由man和 woman构成的复合名词这一特殊形式。


【试题解析】由man和 woman构成的复合名词变复数时,前后两个名词都要变成复数。


I'm so hungry. Please give me _____ to eat.

  A. three bread

  B. three pieces of bread

  C. three pieces of breads






What is _____ brother?

He is a policeman.

  A. Jim's and paul's

  B. Jim and Paul

  C. Jim and paul's






Do you know Robert?

Yes. he is _____ university student. He likes sports and runs for _____ hour every morning.

  A. a: a

  B. a: an

  C. an: an

  D. an: a




【试题解析】第一空表示泛指含义,且 university是以半元音音素开头,故用a;第二空表示数量“一”,且hour以元音音素开头,故用an。


Tong Liya is _____ famous actress who acted as a country woman in _____ 1970s in the TV show Ordinary World.

  A. a: /

  B. a: the

  C. the: the

  D. the: /






Does your father go to work by _____ car every day?

No, he sometimes takes _____ bus.

  A. a: the

  B. the: a

  C. /: a

  D. a; /






The skirt looks nice on you. Where did you buy _____ ?

  A. it

  B. one

  C. that




【试题解析】句意为:“这条裙子穿在你身上很漂亮,你在哪儿买的?”用it指代上文中的 the skirt, 指同一物。


I don't like _____ watch. I like _____ .

  A. me; your

  B. my; your

  C. me; yours

  D. my; yours




【试题解析】句意为:“我不喜欢我的手表。我喜欢你的(手表)。”两个空均表示所有关系,所以用物主代词。第一空修饰名词 watch,用形容词性物主代词;第二空用名词性物主代词 yours,作动词like的宾语,相当于your watch。


Judy and I will go to the beach tomorrow.

It's so nice. Enjoy _____ .

  A. yourselves

  B. yourself

  C. herself


【易错原因】忽视 Judy and I表示复数概念。


【试题解析】enjoy oneself为固定短语,意为“玩得开心”,又由 Judy and I可知,是两个人,因此反身代词应用复数形式。


Mum, what would you like, coffee or tea?

_____ .Just water, please.

  A. Either

  B. Both

  C. Neither

  D. None




【试题解析】由“ Just water.”可知,咖啡和茶都不需要,故选表示“两者都不”的neither,either“两者中的任何一个”;both“两者都”。


Hello, Linda speaking. Who's _____ ?

Hello, this is Martin.

  A. he

  B. you

  C. that

  D. this






The meat is _____ delicious.

Yes. but don't eat _____ .

  A. too much: too much

  B. much too: too much

  C. too much: much too

  D. much too; much too


【易错原因】分不清 much too和 too much的区别。


【试题解析】句意为:“这肉太好吃了。”“是的,但不要吃太多。”much too修饰形容词或副词,表示“太,非常”;too much修饰不可数名词,表示“太多”。第一空修饰形容词delicious,故用 much too;第二空空格后省略了不可数名词meat,用 too much修饰。


I know you are shorter than your brothers, but you run _____ .

  A. more faster

  B. fastest

  C. faster

  D. fast


【易错原因】只注意到than,忽视 your brothers为复数。


【试题解析】由题干中的 your brothers可知,比较的范围是三者以上,故用fast的最高级形式fastest修饰run。


Basketball is so exciting that _____ people play it for fun.

  A. million

  B. two millions

  C. million of

  D. millions of


【易错原因】分不清 million表示确切数目和大约数目的用法。


【试题解析】million不单独使用,当其前有具体数字时,million用单数,排除A、B;不表示具体数字而表示大约数目时,要用 millions of,意为“大量,数百万的”。


Doing eye exercises _____ one of the useful ways to protect our eyes.

  A. is

  B. are

  C. were




【试题解析】动名词短语 Doing eye exercises作主语,谓语动词用单数形式,故选A。


Do you know the exact date of his death?

No. but I remember he died _____ a cold Friday night.

  A. in

  B. by

  C. on

  D. at


【易错原因】at night意为“在晚上”,但表示在具体某一天的晚上时用介词on。

【正确答案】 C



The castle stands in a quiet place _____ the main road at the far end of the river.

  A. to

  B. for

  C. off

  D. out




【试题解析】由句中的 a quiet place可知,那个城堡位于一个安静的地方,“远离”主要街道,故只有off符合题意。


Catherine got married _____ a policeman twenty years ago.

  A. with

  B. for

  C. to


【易错原因】误认为“嫁给某人”用 get married with sb.


【试题解析】句意为:“凯瑟琳20年前嫁给了一位警察。” get married to sb.“嫁给某人,跟某人结婚”,为固定短语。


She hurriedly _____ the child and took him downstairs.

  A. put on

  B. wore

  C. dressed

  D. had on


【易错原因】未掌握 put on,wear,dress和 have on的区别。


【试题解析】句意为:“她迅速地给孩子穿好衣服,带他下楼。”put on,wear和 have on后接衣服;dress表示“穿衣服”时,后接人作宾语。 dress sb.意为“给某人穿衣服”,故选C。


The little dancer from Australia looks _____ in the long skirt.

  A. gently

  B. happily

  C. beautiful

  D. lovely


【易错原因】误认为look为动词,要用副词修饰;忽视 lovely为形容词。


【试题解析】句意为:“来自澳大利亚的那个小舞蹈演员穿着长裙,看起来很可爱。"gently“有礼貌地,文雅地”,是副词;happily“快乐地”,是副词; beautifully“漂亮地,美丽地”,是副词;lovely“可爱的”,是形容词。look看上去,看起来”,是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,故选D。


She said she returned the book to the library. I'm sure she _____ .

  A. takes

  B. is

  C. was

  D. did




【试题解析】句意为:“她说她把书还回图书馆了。我确信她归还了。”助动词did代替句中 returned the book这一动作,故选D。


Could you _____ the computer for me, dear? I want to check my e-mails.

Certainly, I'll do it right away.

  A. turn on

  B. turn down

  C. turn off

  D. turn up




【试题解析】句意为:“亲爱的,请你给我打开电脑好吗?我想查看我的电子邮件。”“当然可以,我马上给你开机。” turn on“打开”;turn down“调低”;turn off“关闭”;turn up“调高”。


Next month we're going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday _____ .

  A. will begin

  B. has begun

  C. begins

  D. is beginning




【试题解析】as soon as“一…就…”,引导时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时,故选C。


My husband always _____ me flowers every week before we got married, but now he never _____ .

  A. sends; does

  B. sent; does

  C. was going to send; do

  D. sent; do


【易错原因】忽视了 we got married的时态对解题的重要性。


【试题解析】第一空前后虽有 always和 every week,但句中的时间状语是 before we got married,表示过去经常性的动作,故用一般过去时;第二空强调现在的情况,且与前面的动词相同,故用助动词do代替,又因主语为he,故用does。


Which team do you think _____ the game?

Hard to say. There are still ten minutes before it ends.

  A. won

  B. has won

  C. will win

  D. wins






Tim told us that his company _____ robots to do some of the work.

  A. uses

  B. will use

  C. has used

  D. would use






Look! The police _____ the food onto the bank of the river.

  A. am carrying

  B. is carrying

  C. are carrying

  D. are carried




【试题解析】结合“Look!”可知要用现在进行时,可先排除D;主语The police是表示复数意义的集体名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,故与之搭配的be动词是are。


Has your friend completed his design?

Not yet. He _____ on it last night.

  A. worked

  B. has worked

  C. is working

  D. was working


【易错原因】忽视语境,只注意到时间状语 last night,误用一般过去时。


【试题解析】由 last night可知要用过去时,又由“ Not yet”可知,设计还未完成,此处表示“昨晚正在做”,要用过去进行时。


Amy, can we give away these soft toys? We _____ them for many years.

Mom, but I want to keep the bear.

  A. bought

  B. had

  C. have bought

  D. have had




【试题解析】问句中的时间状语 for many years为一段时间,句子应该用现在完成时,同时动词用延续性动词。buy为非延续性动词,其延续性动词为have,意为“拥有”,可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,故选D。


We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didn't you come?

Because I _____ that movie twice.

  A. have watched

  B. had watched

  C. was watching

  D. would watch




【试题解析】由句意可知,watch所表示的动作发生在 last night之前,即“过去的过去”,因此空格处用过去完成时。


Claudia, are you going to Jeff's birthday party on Saturday?

Unless I _____ .

  A. will be invited

  B. am invited

  C. was inviting

  D. invited




【试题解析】句意为:“克劳迪娅,你参加杰夫这周六的生日晚会吗?”“除非我被邀请。” unless意为“除非”,引导条件状语从句,谓语动词用一般现在时表示将来的动作,且I与 invite构成被动关系,故选B。


Jenny, you should practice as often as you can _____ the piano competition.

  A. fail

  B. to fail

  C. win

  D. to win




【试题解析】此处应用动词不定式结构作目的状语,又根据 practice as often as可知to win符合题意。as often as you can为“as...as...”结构。


The World Cup is coming. I won't _____ any game.

I'm looking forward to _____ every match of it, too.

  A. miss; to watch

  B. miss; watching

  C. to miss; watch

  D. to miss; watched


【易错原因】分析不清第一空作谓语,不能用非谓语动词形式;第二空忽视look forward to中to为介词。


【试题解析】won't为助动词,后面跟动词原形,一起构成谓语,故第一空用miss;look forward to表示“盼望,期望”,to是介词,后面跟动名词形式,故第二空用watching。


Who's the boy in white T-shirt _____ under the tree?

My friend.

  A. stand

  B. to stand

  C. stood

  D. standing






_____ do you like Huo Zun's new song?

Very much. You know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful music.

  A. Why

  B. How

  C. When

  D. What




【试题解析】句意为:“你认为霍尊的新歌怎么样?”“我非常喜欢。你知道我喜欢歌词优雅、旋律美妙的歌曲。”“ How do you like…?”为固定结构,意为“你认为…怎么样?”


He can hardly stay awake because he is so tired, _____ ?

  A. does he

  B. isn't he

  C. can't he

  D. can he


【易错原因】忽视了句中表示否定含义的 hardly。


【试题解析】在通常情况下,陈述部分是主从复合句时,附加问句的主语和助动词要与主句保持一致。根据主句中的can和 hardly可知,附加问句应用 can he。


Please _____ your exam papers once again before handing them in.

  A. going over

  B. went over

  C. go over

  D. to go over






_____ terrible news! Three of us didn' t pass the exam.

  A. What

  B. How

  C. What a






I'm not going swimming this afternoon.

_____ .I have to help my mother do some cleaning

  A. So am I

  B. So I am

  C. Neither am I

  D. Neither I am




【试题解析】上句为否定句,所以此处要用 neither引导句子,排除A、B;表示“我也不打算去”要用“ Neither am I.”,故选C。

