【11/13 今日美史】“不让座”改变美国种族政策
Supreme Court Rules Segregated Busses Illegal
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While the Supreme Court case Brown v Topeka Board of Ed ruled segregation illegal for schools, many private businesses in the south persisted in segregated seating. This was most famously challenged in December of 1955 by passenger Rosa Park’s refusal to surrender her seat to a white passenger and her arrest. This resulted in the Montgomery Bus Boycott where Alabama’s black population refused to use the busses for over a year to protest the segregationist policies. The bus company faced financial ruin supporting their rules. In the Supreme Court, however, it was argued that public services, like schools, could not be segregated as they violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court agreed with that argument on this date.

Segregation laws stemmed out of the Jim Crowe and “Black Codes” of American states (not just in the South) going back to the country’s foundation and before. Segregation was ruled constitutional under the separate but equal mentality in the 1896 Plessy v Ferguson case, which failed to account for quality and conditions of separate facilities. The segregated rules of the bus companies, for example, required black passengers to surrender preferential seating to whites: what Ms Parks protested and was arrested for in 1955. This was a defeat of one of the more obvious, but by no means last, practices of institutionalized racism.
Montgomery Bus Boycott, segregation, Rosa Parks, Civil Rights