

 1.大堂副理 Assistant Manager       TEL  8000


The Assistant Manager in the lobby will beat your service at any time.

2.问讯∕留言  Information ∕ Message          TEL  8000


You can tell our Information Desk the place to go if you want to be intouch with telephone message or visitors when you are out.

3.预订∕接待  Reservation ∕ Reception        TEL 8001


The Front Desk will provide you with the service of reservation andregistration any time.

4.收银∕结账  Cashier                TEL 8002


It’s located at the Front Desk in the lobby. We will provide the 24-hourcheck-out service of your fees during your stay.

5.外币兑换  Foreign Currency Exchange      TEL  8002


服务时间:06:00- 24:00

It’s located at the Cashier desk. We will also provide the service ofexchanging foreign currency.

Service Hours:06:00am-12:00pm

6.信用卡  Credit Card            TEL  8002


Welcome to use the following cards:Great Wall, the Peony, Longcard, the Gold Ear, Visa, Master, AmericanExpress, Dinersclub and JCB etc.

7.退房时间  Check-out Time              TEL 8000


Check-out time is 12:00 at noon. Youwill have to pay an extra half of daily fee if you check out after 12:00a.mand the whole fee if you do after 18:00 p.m.Please contact the Reception Desk if your check-out has to be delayed.

8.客房门卡 Room Card               TEL 8000


We offer you the IC lock. Please return the card to the Cashier Desk whenyou check out. The IC card will not work when you delay the check-out time andyou must contact the Reception Desk to continue your time.

9.行李服务 Luggage Service             TEL 8002


We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggageservice.

10.大堂保险箱  Lobby Safe box            TEL 8002


Each room is fitted with a safe box, yourvaluable belongings are recommended to be kept in the safe. By the way, the lobby provides free safes for biggervaluable belongings. The hotel management is notliable to any loss or damage valuables left in the gust rooms.

11.商务中心 BusinessCenter             TEL 8007



Located in the lobby, we provide you with the comprehensive secretarialservice. such as typewriting in Chinese or in English, Fax and copying service,E-mail service, purchasing ticket, mailing, etc.

Service Hours:08:00am-10:00pm

12.残疾人士设施  Handicapped Facilities        TEL  9155


We also offer wheelchair and walking stick. Please contact the LuggageRoom if you need.

13.租车 Car Hire        TEL  9155


Please contact the Concierge if you need a car, the serviceis available for 24 hours.

14.着装  Dressing


We advise you to wear the proper formal dress in allrestaurants and public places.

15.停车  Parking


Wehave the parking area. Please park your car as shown. We are not responsiblefor any damage if you hinder the path, fighting-fire and security etc. Pleaseinform our guard if your car need special care. We will make some notes and becare for the car. Please don’t leave your valuables in the car. If you haveones, please place them in the safe deposit box of the Front Desk in the lobby.


1.客房中心  Housekeeping Center     TEL  9688


Wewill serve you the whole day. Please contact housekeeping center forassistance.

2.房间清洁服务  RoomCleaning          TEL  9688


Hang “Make up Room” signboard at thedoor knob or call housekeeping, and then we’ll clean your room at soon aspossible.

3.房间夜床服务  Turn-downService        TEL  9688


We have do turn down service for you everyday, please contact housekeeping center.

4.洗衣服务  Laundry Service            TEL  9688


We offer dry cleaning, washing and pressingservice .The Room Attendant comes to collect the washing bag before 10:00am every day and send it back inthe same day. Express service is available also to you within 4 hours. Pleaserefer to the Laundry List in your room. for details.

5.小酒吧  Mini-Bar                  TEL  9688


There is a mini-bar with many kinds of drinkand snacks in your room. We will replenish them and the sum of charge will berecorded. If you want anything else, please contact housekeeping center.

6.房间加床服务  Extra Bed         TEL  9688


Contact with reception desk for extra bed inthe room if you need.

7.叫醒服务  Wake-upCall           TEL  8000


Please dial “9” to contact with the Operatorand confirm your wake-up time.

8.饮用水  Drinking Water            TEL  9688


The water from the tap in the bathroom canbe drunk directly. You may use the electronic kettle to boil the water. Pleasecontact housekeeping for assistance.

9.电话  Telephone                  TEL  8000


Every room is equipped with the directinternational and domestic dialing system. If you want to make a long distancecall, please check the 《Telephone Directory》or dial“9”for help.

10.电吹风  Hair Dryer             TEL  9688


There is a hair dryer in the room for you.

11.电熨斗/烫衣板  Iron / Iron Board                  TEL 9688


There are iron and iron board inhousekeeping center. Please contact us for assistance. Please take care ofyourself.

12.房间保密/电话免打扰             TEL 8000

Keepthe Room Number Secret/Avoid Being Disturbed by Telephone 


If you’d like to keep the room number secretand avoid being disturbed by telephone, please.

press the key of“DND” on the wall and contact the Operator by “9”.

13.失物招领  Lost And Found       TEL  9688


Please contact housekeeping, If you havethings lost. we will keep the lost things for 3 months. Perishable goods willbe kept 3 days. We are entitled to deal with them beyond the deadline.

14.电视节目  TVChannel          TEL   9688


Each room provides remote-control colorTV with satellite & cable channels. If you want toknow the program arrangement, check playbill please.

15.网上漫游  InternetService             TEL  9688


The guest rooms had fixed with broadbandaccess and wireless internet also.You can get on the internet in your room for free.

16.空气调节  Air Conditioner          TEL  9688


The hotel has the central air-conditioningsystem. There is individual air-conditioning control in every guest room. Forassistance, please call housekeeping.

17.电源总开关  Energy Saver        TEL  9688


There is an Energy Saver in each room. Youmay get the electricity inserting the room card into the switch on the wall. Don’tforget to take the card when you are out.

18.电源说明  PowerSupply                    TEL  9688


The voltage of power supply in your room is 220Vand 110V.Contact us if you need an adapter or transformer. electric orcooking equipments without permission is forbidden inorder to guarantee your safety. Please don’t use other appliance of high power.

19.无烟楼层 Non-smoking floor              TEL  9688


Our hotel specially prepares non-smoking floor for you on the 6thfloor for the guests who don’t smoke.

20.医疗服务 Clinic Service             TEL  8000  9688


For any assistance, please contact housekeepingcenter or front desk.

21.环境保护  EnvironmentalProtection     TEL  9688


For the sake ofenvironmental protection and avoid consuming too much detergent, please placethe used towels in the towel basket. We will change the bed sheet, bed cover,pillow case every two day during your stay in our hotel.

22.紧急情况  Emergency              TEL 9688 8000


If any emergency happens, please contact housekeeping center or front desk.


1.宴会预订  Banquet Reservation            TEL  9777


服务时间: 07:00-22:00

We have different kindsof small and big banquet halls、multi-function hall and 18 balconies,located on 1st-3rd floor. Please contactF& B Reservation Center if you need get-together and relevant publicactivities .

Service Hours:07:00am-10:00pm

2.中餐厅  ChineseRestaurant         TEL  9777


服务时间:午餐11:30-13:30  晚餐17:30-21:30

Located on the 1nd and 3rdfloor of the hotel,it provides you with many kinds of special dishes as Canton flavor such as Abalone,Bird’s net and the shark fin.,and also provides you withspecial Sichuan cuisine and Zhangjiakou dishes.

ServiceHours:L 11:30am-01:30pm     S 05:30pm-09:30pm

3、会议室  Conference Room            TEL   9688


Located on the 3 floor, has 8 Various-specification conference rooms whichcan hold 10

to 200 persons.If you need, please contact the marketing & sales department.


1.健身房  Gymnasium Center          TEL 9022


服务时间: 10:00-22:00

Located on the 1st floor, all kinds of exercisers equipment and facilities for you to choose.

Service Hours:10:00am-10:00pm

2. 棋牌室  Chess and Mahjong Room        TEL  9022



Located on the 1floor, the environment is elegant and it has advanced and automatic Mahjong machines.

Service Hours:24 hours

3、游泳馆  Swimming Pool              TEL  9022



Located on the 1st floor, provides you with comfortable and spacious environment for health.

Service Hours:10:00a



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