EUCHEN 履约协议 流程 中文版

所有希望与我们合作的买家和代理商都要遵守的协议。Protocol to Be Followed by All Buyers and Agents Willing to Be Working with Us:以下是所有希望与我们合作的客户和代理一步一步来遵循的程序Below you will find the Procedures to be followed, step by step, for all Clients and Agents who wishes to work with us.   It is good to remember that each deal has its particularities and conditions that apply,  which could lead to certain.minor changes in our Protocol.   Thanks!请记住,每笔交易都有其特殊性和适用的条件,这是好事。这可能会导致我们的协议出现某些微小的变化。   谢谢!1.代理商联系我们后,谷物供货商 发行NCNDA;1.After Agent approaches us Grain suppliers issues a NCNDA;2.买方/代理商签发LOI(意向书)给谷物供货商。LOI(意向书)需要有一个不超过3个工作日的新日期(不包括周末和银行假期)。 注意产品名称;转基因或非转基因;数量(请记住,在谷物中,最少起订12,500 / MT,食用油除外);规格;包装,必须提到任何特殊要求;即期或合约;付款方式;完全的买方的联系方式;业务负责人的姓名,在公司买方中的职位,签名和盖章。代理应检查LOI(意向书),如果存在拼凑而成,请拒绝。任何缺失的信息或细节,都是我们公司处理LOI(意向书)所需的。2.Buyers/Agents Issue a LOI Addressing Grain suppliers. LOI need to have a fresh date not older than 3 Working days (Weekend and Bank Holidays are excluded). Be aware of the Product Name; GMO or Non-­ ­GMO; Quantity (remember that in Cereals and Grains the MQO is 12,500/MT, except Edible Oils); Specifications; Packing, any special requirement has to be mentioned; Spot or Contract; Payment Instrument; complete Buyer’s contact details; name of the person in charge of the Operation, position in the Company’s Buyer, signature and seal. Agent should review LOI, and if patchwork is present, please reject it. Any information or details missed are needed to have a LOI in conditions to be processed by our Company3.谷物供货商发出FCO;任何代理商均无权代表谷物供货商发行FCO,每份文件均需向公司索取。3.Grain suppliers issues FCO; No Agent has the authority to issue any FCO on behalf of Grain suppliers. Each Document needs to be requested from the Company;4.买方向谷物供货商发出新的ICPO,包括RWA/BCL,银行对银行[MT799];该ICPO 必须符合买方签署并盖章的与谷物供货商的FCO相同的条件4.The Buyer issues a fresh ICPO addressing Grain supplier, including RWA/BCL, Bank to Bank [MT799]; the ICPO has to come in the same conditions as per Grain supplier FCO signed and sealed by the Buyer5.谷物供货商 根据买方的要求,从银行到银行发送(POP)货物证明5.Grain supplier sends POP, Bank to Bank [when requested by Buyer]6.谷物供货商发出买卖协议(SPA)草案,以进行讨论和评论。 任何代理商均无权代表谷物供货商发出任何买卖协议(SPA)草案。 每份文件均需向公司索取。6.Grain suppliers issues a SPA Draft to be discussed and commented. No Agent has the authority to issue any SPA Draft on behalf of Grain suppliers. Each Document needs tobe requested from the Company7.一旦双方就最终合同达成一致,谷物供货商就会发布最终 合同+形式发票(PI)。7.Once final Contract has been agreed by both Parties, Grain suppliers issues Final Contract + Proforma Invoice (PI)8.买方签发《付款草案》,供我行批准。谷物供应商可以使用可转让信用证和不可转让信用证MT700,以及可转让SBLC和 非转让SBLC MT760。如前所述,支付工具有不同的版本,买方应在交易初期提及他们的支付工具。应在早期阶段LOI(意向书)提及他们的支付工具。这将确保 谷物供货商 在此过程的后续阶段提供合格报价,而不会造成任何麻烦。8.The Buyer issues Draft of The Payment Instrument for approval in our Bank. Grain suppliers can work with Transferable L/C and Non-Transferable L/C MT700, as well with Transferable SBLC and Non-Transferable SBLC MT760. As mentioned, Payment Instruments have different verities and Buyers should mention their Payment Instrument in the early stages (LOI). This will ensure Grain suppliers to provide a qualified quote without any hustling in a later stage of the process.9.经我行批准付款方式后,买方发送信用证;9.After approval from our Bank to the Payment Instrument, Buyer sends LC10.谷物供货商支付2%的PB来激活买方的支付工具。 试单交易将不会获得2%的PB,因为它只是单一货运。10.Grain suppliers issues PB 2% to activate de Payment Instrument;  SPOT Deals will not get PB 2% because it is just ONE SHIPMENT.11.谷物供货商 签发 不可撤销佣金保障协议(IMFPA),由代理商签名并盖章;11.Grain suppliers issues an IMFPA to be Signed and Sealed by Agent12.物流装运开始。12.Uploading Logistics Starts定价过高:Overpricing:通常,不欢迎定价过高,因为这会扭曲我们的竞争价格。但是,如果买方的委托书对定价过高充满信心,则卖方和买方之间的分成比例将是60%-40%。In general, overpricing is not welcome, since it is distorting our competitive prices. But in case, Buyer’s Mandate is confident in the overpricing, the split will be 60% -­­ 40% between Seller’s and Buyer’s side.佣金:Commissions:谷物供应商向所有代理商(包括他们背后的集团)提供固定的佣金,即 X 美元/吨。我们计算出具有竞争力的尖锐价格,不想用高额的佣金将其抹去。Grain suppliers is offering a fixed commission of USA$ X /MT to all Agents (including the group behind). We calculate sharp competitive prices and do not want to extinguish them through high commission.货物证明(POP):Proof of Product (POP):我们在适当的时候为每个买家提供POP文档。 这是在合同签订后,付款方式已提供给卖方。 每个购买者将根据以下信息获得自己的POP文件:ICC原则。 这些文件受我们的保密法规约束,我们不会中断任何人的诉讼程序。We provide POP Documents for each Buyer, but at the right time. This is after the Contract has been signed and the payment instrument has been made available for the Seller. Each Buyer will get his own POP Documents according to ICC principles. These documents are under our confidentiality regulation and we will not break proceedings for anyone. Grain suppliers is kindly asking you to read this Document and to work according this guideline, to ensure a smooth working atmosphere. All this is made to protect you and your working efforts. We looking forward to have a fruitful further with you!谷物供货商恳请您阅读本文件,并根据本指南开展工作,以确保工作氛围顺利。所有这些都是为了保护你和你的工作努力。我们期待着与您有一个富有成效的进一步合作!

