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绘本,picture book,其实就是我们小的时候所说的“图画书”,比如小人书、漫画书等。绘本这两个字,是从日语传过来的。在国内一些人的反复强调和吹捧之下,如今的绘本似乎有了一种比图画书更高的地位,事实上,两者是一回事。
今天,我给大家介绍一套以jpg图片格式为主、辅以多种格式的国外名家英文原版绘本。既然是出自名家之手,质量肯定是有保证的,比如Aska's Animals这个系列:
'The first horses were made of sea foam.

They rode their waves to the beaches

Then broke loose and dashed for shore.

Wild horses, raging with pride -

Look how much of the untamed sea

Is within them still.'

'Branching antlers are a clue

To the mysteries of the deer.

Gentle, fleet-footed, leaping with delight,

They were once tree spirits

That were restless for flight.'

'"In dreamtime," the kangaroo explained,

"We were made of gum tree sap and red clay.

Then, we were hidden away in caverns far below."

"So, we leapt and thumped and shook the earth

Until the rock ceiling cracked.

And out we sprang, like a river in full flow."'

'Racing over grass like frantic ghosts,

Hares go mad in the moonlight.

For the moon was once the skylight door

Through which the first hares toppled.

Each night they chase it, hoping to return home.'

'Sand-coloured and humped like the dunes,

Camels rest beneath a pale moon.

The first camels were shaped by a lonely song

Of the wind whispering over shifting sands.'

'Hunters of the hot grasslands

The golden lions make their stand -

Shaggy-maned and fierce as that first pride

Forged long ago in the glowing furnace of the sun.'




About Bunnies

Aska's Animals

Beach Day

Beauty And Beast

Bunny Trouble

Carl's Birthday

Cathedral Mouse

Charming Opal

Cupid And Psyche

Each Peach Pear Plum

Flower Garden

Franklins School Play

Frog On His Own

Frogs Sing Songs


Like A Windy Day

Little Red Riding Hood

My Day In The Garden

My Grandma Lived In Gooligulch

Noah's Ark

On My Island

Owl Babies

Paradise Garden

Pigs Pigs Pigs

Puppy Too Small

Sector 7


So Say The Little Monkeys

The 4 Seasons

The Cabbage Soup Solution

The Day It Rained Hearts

The Green Frogs

The Lonely Lioness

The Mandarin Ducks

The Owl And The Pussy Cat

The Snow Princess

The Tale Of The Mandarin Ducks

The Weaving Of A Dream

The Whole Night Through

This Little Chick


What Do You Hear?

Where Are You Going

Where Have You Been

Where's My Share

Wind Child

Winnie In Winter

Zelinsky, Paul O - Hansel And Gretel

Zelinsky, Paul O - Rapunzel

Zelinsky, Paul O - Rumpelstiltskin



