南阳市MedAccred _AC8121电子电缆和线束组件的审核标准 (57)
30.2 Connector Strain Relief
30.2.1 P- Is there a procedure for the installation of strain relief?YES/NO
30.2.2P- Is there a procedure that defines and controls materials used to build up wire bundles for clamp fit and wire protection?YES/NO
30.2.3 P- Is there a procedure for the acceptance criteria for connector strain relief?YES/NO
30.2.4C- Is there evidence that strain relief procedures for connectors are being followed in accordance with procedures?YES/NO
30.2.5 C- Does the strain relief support all cables, harness, and wires to prevent movement and strain on the cables, harness, and wires in the termination?YES/NO
30.2.6 C- Is locking hardware used in the backshell or strain relief clamp fully compressed?YES/NO
30.2.7 C- Are unauthorized materials prevented for being used to build up wire bundles?YES/NO
30.2.8 C- Is the procedure for acceptance criteria for connector strain relief available and being followed?YES/NO
30.3 Assembly of Sleeving and Boots to Connector Bodies
30.3.1 P- Is there a procedure that defines installation and controls the shrinkage of sleeving and boots on connectors?YES/NO
30.3.2 P- Is there a procedure for the acceptance criteria for connectors with sleeving and boots?YES/NO