
The King & The Cobbler

源自:网络 | 朗读:Phoenix


Once upon a time, there was a king who worried day and night about what tomorrow might bring.
He feared he would lose his power, his wife might not love him, his subjects would become disloyal.
He could not sleep for all his worries about the future.
One day the king noticed a poor cobbler hard at work in the marketplace.
The fellow wore ragged clothes and was thin as a blade of grass, but his smile was bright as the moon.
Surely this man must worry, how could he smile so brightly? The king decided to find out.
The next day the king dressed in rags and walked to the market just as the cobbler was finishing his work.
Secretly he followed the cobbler and watched him buy a loaf of bread before returning to his tumbledown hut.
When the cobbler was inside, the king knocked upon the door.
When the cobbler answered, the king said, 'Please sir, can you spare some food for a beggar?'
'Of course,' the cobbler said.
“当然,” 鞋匠说。
As they were eating, the king asked, 'Why are you so happy?'
'Today I earned enough money fixing shoes to buy this loaf of bread!'
'But what if you don't earn enough for food tomorrow?' the king asked.
'I have faith,' the cobbler answered. 'All will be well.'
我有信心,” 鞋匠说,“一切都会好起来的。”
This impressed the king, and when he left, he wondered what would happen if the cobbler could not earn his bread.
Surely then he would not have such faith.
The king decided to test the cobbler.
The next morning in the marketplace, the cobbler saw a new sign in the marketplace.
The king had decreed[dɪ'kriːd]  no one was permitted to repair shoes.
From this day on, whenever someone's shoes wore out, that person must buy a new pair.
The cobbler was puzzled, but he did not despair.
When he saw an old woman trying to pull a heavy bucket of water from the well, he walked over to help and carried her bucket home for her.
'Thank you, son,' she said, and she rewarded him with a coin.
That evening the king once again dressed in rags and hurried to the cobbler's hut.
'Surely he'll be weeping tonight,' the king said, but through the window, he saw the cobbler sipping soup and smiling.
The king knocked. 'I came to see if you were all right,' he said,
'for I saw the new decree. How on earth did you pay for this soup since you could not fix shoes?'
'I carried water,' the cobbler said. 'Please, come in and share my soup. You look hungry.'
'But what will you do tomorrow?' the king asked. How could this man have such faith?
'I have faith,' the cobbler said. 'All will be well.'
The king approached the cobbler and asked, 'Do you know who I am?'
'Of course,' the cobbler said, 'you are the king.'
The king shook his head and said, 'I am the beggar who came to your door,' and then he told the cobbler of his tests.
'Your faith has driven away my fears about the future,' the king said, and he announced the cobbler would become his most trusted adviser.


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