Astronomy Picture of the Day——飞越土卫六计划

Robotic Dragonfly Selected to Fly AcrossTitan

Video Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins U.Applied Physics Lab.

Explanation: If you could fly across Titan,what would you see? To find out and to better explore this exotic moon ofSaturn, NASA recently green-lighted Dragonfly, a mission to Titan with plans todeploy a helicopter-like drone. Saturn's moon Titan is one of the largest moonsin the Solar System and the only moon known to have a thick atmosphere andchanging hydrocarbon lakes. After development, building, testing, and launch,Dragonfly is currently scheduled to reach Titan in 2034. The featured animatedvideo envisions Dragonfly arriving at Titan, beginning its airborneexploration, landing to establishing a radio link back to Earth, and then continuingon to another trans-Titanian flight. It is hoped that Dragonfly will not onlyhelp humanity better understanding Titan's weather, chemistry, and changinglandscape, but also bolster humanity's understanding of how life firstdeveloped on our young Earth.





Astronomy Picture of the Day——NGC 1566:像西班牙舞者的旋涡星系

Astronomy Picture of the Day——广袤的日冕

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