科研动态|Diabetes Care: n-3脂肪酸生物标志物与2型糖尿病发病风险的关系

科研动态·Vol. 49

Frank Qian
钱帆博士(FrankQian, MD, MPH)现为贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心、哈佛医学院附属医院住院医生,获得芝加哥大学医学博士及哈佛大学公共卫生硕士学位。他在本科和研究生期间,在芝加哥大学、哈佛大学、范德堡大学等多位教授的指导下开展对乳腺癌、卵巢癌、糖尿病及心血管疾病的的遗传学和营养流行病学研究,并和中国疾病预防控制中心和首都医科大学的教授开展研究合作。在诸多高影响杂志发表SCI论文,包括美国医学会杂志内科学子刊(JAMA Internal Medicine)、美国糖尿病学会杂志(Diabetes Care)、美国国家癌症研究所杂志(Journal of theNational Cancer Institute)等杂志;在多个中、美学术会议上作学术报告。钱帆共获得10余项学术荣誉和科研资助,包括美国心脏学会、美国Alpha Omega Alpha(AOA)医学荣誉协会、美洲中华医学会、中国卫生政策和管理学会(海外)等。曾在2018-2020年期间担任哈佛大学公共卫生评论(Harvard PublicHealth Review)副主编。在临床上,曾担任麻省总医院内科门诊临床实习医生。
来源于海鲜(包括鱼类和贝类)中的n-3多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3 PUFA)被证明与心血管代谢危险因素相关,因此考虑海洋来源的n-3 PUFA可影响糖尿病的发生与发展[1]。短期临床试验的荟萃分析发现,鱼油补充剂可以降低肥胖的发生率,降低甘油三酯和炎症标志物水平,升高脂联素水平,进而改善血糖控制[2-4]。然而,观察性研究的结果不尽相同。尤为值得一提的是,鱼类/海鲜类的摄入与糖尿病发生率在美国人群中呈正相关趋势,而在亚洲人群中多为负相关[5]。相比于饮食摄入来说,生物标志物不会受回忆偏倚的影响,并且可以结合饮食和代谢的共同影响,更为直观且全面地代表人体内n-3 PUFA的水平。目前,n-3 PUFA生物标志物和新发2型糖尿病的关系还未被系统且全面地研究。由于富含n-3 PUFA的食物是许多人群饮食结构中的重要组成部分,因此进一步了解n-3 PUFA生物标志物与2型糖尿病的关系是目前临床和公共卫生的重点。
2021年3月3日,哈佛大学陈曾熙公共卫生学院的Qi Sun教授团队的Frank Qian博士等在国际权威期刊《Diabetes Care》上发表了关于n-3 PUFA生物标志物与2型糖尿病关系的研究[6]。该研究发现,较高的来源于海鲜中的n-3 PUFA生物标志物水平与较低的2型糖尿病风险相关,而植物来源的n-3 PUFA生物标志物与2型糖尿病风险并不显著相关。
该研究纳入了来自14个国家的20个前瞻性队列研究的数据。该研究的研究对象为18岁以上的成年人(n=65,147),并有 α-亚麻酸(ALA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳五烯酸(DPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)各生物标志物中某一项或多项的数据。该研究排除了在基线被诊断为糖尿病的研究对象。研究人员计算了各生物标志物之间的Pearson相关系数,并且在每个被纳入的队列研究中,使用多变量调整的Cox回归分析模型计算了各生物标志物与随访期间新发2型糖尿病的风险比(Hazard Ratio, HR)和95%置信区间(95% Confidence Interval, 95% CI)。其后,研究人员使用逆方差加权荟萃分析汇总计算得出了总相对危险度(Relative Risk)。该研究进一步通过对研究对象的地理位置、性别、种族、甘油三酯水平等划分了不同的亚组,并在每个亚组中检验了各生物标志物与2型糖尿病的相关性。此外,研究人员使用了剂量效应荟萃分析来研究各种不同测量来源(脂肪组织、血清、血浆磷脂等)中各生物标志物与2型糖尿病的剂量效应。
在调整各类相关因素后,海鲜来源的n-3 PUFA生物标志物与2型糖尿病风险显著相关。其中,相比于EPA最低的10%的研究对象,EPA最高的10%研究对象的2型糖尿病风险降低8% (HR=0.92, 95%CI 0.87-0.96)。相比于DPA最低的10%研究对象,DPA最高的10%研究对象的2型糖尿病风险降低21% (HR=0.79, 95%CI 0.73-0.85)。相比于DHA最低的10%研究对象,DHA最高的10%研究对象的2型糖尿病风险降低18% (HR=0.82, 95%CI 0.76-0.89)。相比于以上三种n-3 PUFA生物标志物的总和最低的10%研究对象,总和最高的10%研究对象的2型糖尿病风险降低19% (HR=0.81, 95%CI 0.75-0.88)。ALA与2型糖尿病风险不相关(HR=0.97, 95%CI 0.92-1.02)。
在各亚组分析中,海鲜来源n-3 PUFA生物标志物与2型糖尿病风险的关联仍有显著意义。
在该项研究中,通过脂肪组织、血浆甘油三酯以及胆固醇酯来测量n-3 PUFA生物标志物的队列研究较少,因此在以上三种测量来源中单独得出的结果统计功效较低。
本项研究中n-3 PUFA生物标志物为单一时间点测量,而生物标志物水平可能会随时间变化进而影响研究结果。

Dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids can broadly be divided into alpha linolenic acid (ALA) or long chain omega-3 fatty acids, also referred to marine omega-3 fatty acids as they are typically derived from fish and seafood, and can include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosapentaenoic acid (DPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These fatty acids vary in their chain lengths, with ALA, EPA, DPA, and DHA being comprised of 18, 20, 22, and 22 carbon atoms, respectively. The four fatty acids we studied are essential, i.e., they are obtained almost entirely from the diet, with minimal endogenous synthesis, though small amounts of ALA can be converted to EPA, as well as EPA and DHA may be metabolized to form DPA. Food sources for ALA include walnuts, flaxseeds, soy products, and vegetable oils (particularly soybean oil or canola oil). On the other hand, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids are obtained primarily from fish/seafood (particularly oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, or sardines) as well as in certain fortified foods such as milk and eggs. Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA are also often taken in the form of fish oil or cod liver oil supplements.

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) recommends for the general population to consume about 8 ounces (~227 grams) per week of various seafood products, which will provide approximately 250 mg per day of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. This level of intake has been shown in many prior studies to be related to a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease, and in particular, sudden cardiac death. A similar amount of intake has also been suggested for pregnant and breastfeeding women to help promote optimal brain development among infants. However, this recommendation should be balanced with the known risks of methylmercury exposure from seafood products, particularly large species of fish such as tuna or king mackerel. The DGA has also recommended intakes of ALA, ranging from 1-1.6 g per day, to promote optimal cardiovascular health.

Previous individual studies and even meta-analyses have shown conflicting findings on whether fish/seafood intake is beneficial or detrimental for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. The vast majority of prior studies have used dietary questionnaires, which have the limitations of measurement error and recall bias. Our study employed a global consortium of studies using objective biomarkers of omega-3 fatty acids, which functioned as a robust proxy of dietary intakes, and confirmed prior findings (predominantly from cohort studies conducted in Asia) that fish/seafood intake may be beneficial for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Our work has important implications for future dietary guidelines and perhaps highlights new therapeutic targets for the prevention and treatment of diabetes.

While our study demonstrated an inverse association between marine omega-3 fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes, the specific mechanisms underlying our findings remain incompletely understood. Additional research is needed to understand how these fatty acids may influence pathways of glucose-insulin homeostasis, inflammation, adipocyte function, and cell membrane functions that collectively reduce metabolic risk. Analyzing the downstream metabolites of these fatty acids may be a useful approach to gaining additional insights into how these fatty acids exert their beneficial effects, and human clinical trials should continue to assess whether supplementation with these fatty acids or their respective metabolites may reduce the risk of incident diabetes.
[1]. Mozaffarian D, Wu JH. Omega-3 fatty acids and cardiovascular disease: effects on risk factors, molecular pathways, and clinical events. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011;58(20):2047-2067.
[2]. Bender N, Portmann M, Heg Z, Hofmann K, Zwahlen M, Egger M. Fish or n3-PUFA intake and body composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev. 2014;15(8):657-665.
[3]. O'Mahoney LL, Matu J, Price OJ, et al. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids favourably modulate cardiometabolic biomarkers in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials. Cardiovasc Diabetol. 2018;17(1):98.
[4]. Brown TJ, Brainard J, Song F, Wang X, Abdelhamid A, Hooper L. Omega-3, omega-6, and total dietary polyunsaturated fat for prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ(Clinical research ed.), vol. 366, pp.14697-l4697.
[5]. Wallin A, Di Giuseppe D, Orsini N, Patel PS, Forouhi NG, Wolk A. Fish consumption, dietary long-chain n-3 fatty acids, and risk of type 2 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. Diabetes Care. 2012;35(4):918-929.
[6]. Qian F, Ardisson Korat AV, Imamura F, et al. n-3 Fatty Acid Biomarkers and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: An Individual Participant-Level Pooling Project of 20 Prospective Cohort Studies. Diabetes Care. 2021.
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