高效中学生的七个习惯The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens(PDF+MP3)

Seven Habits这个说法,最早出自一本名为《The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People》的畅销书,“高效人士的七个习惯”,作者Stephen R. Covey,顾名思义,说的就是,如果你们想成功,想“高效”,那么来吧,这里有七条建议,是我从“高效人士”(highly effective people)那里学来的,你们照做不误,一样能做到高效!其实,不瞒你们说,这本书我并没有仔细看过,因为我觉得我已经够高效了,再看这本书,徒增焦虑!并且,从目录来看,这里所说的东西我基本都知道,也都做到了。
那么,The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens这本书,是个什么情况呢?很简单,此书作者Sean Covey,是FranklinCovey Education的总裁,前述《高效人士的七个习惯》的出品人。事实上这本书还有一本姊妹篇,《The Seven Habits of Happy Kids》,你看他们是不是要一网打尽,七个习惯用于所有年龄段


Growing up in my home was at times a big pain. Why? Because my dad always made me take responsibility for everything in my life.

Whenever I said something like “Dad, my girlfriend makes me so mad,” without fail Dad would come back with: “Now come on, Sean, no one can make you mad unless you let them. It’s your choice. You choose to be mad.”

Or if I said, “My new biology teacher is the worst. I’m never going to learn a thing,” Dad would say, “Why don’t you go to your teacher and give him some suggestions? Change teachers. Find a tutor if you have to. If you don’t learn biology, Sean, it’s your own fault, not your teacher’s.”

People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be. He never let me off the hook. He was always challenging me, making sure that I never blamed someone else for the way I acted. Luckily my mom let me blame other people and things for my problems or I might have turned out psycho.

我们看到,其实这本书的语言有点偏口语化,不少地方,比如let me off the hook,是典型的口语说法。
