
Photo credit: John via Wikipedia

#美国秋景#  宾夕法尼亚州秋季的点州立公园(Point State Park)。点州立公园(Point State Park,当地称为The Point)是宾州州立公园,位于美国宾州阿勒格尼县匹兹堡市中心,占地36英亩(150,000平方米),在阿勒格尼河和莫农加希拉河的交汇处,两河汇成俄亥俄河。

Point State Park in Fall, Pennsylvania

Point State Park (locally known as The Point) is a Pennsylvania state park on 36 acres (150,000 m2) in Downtown Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, USA, at the confluence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, forming the Ohio River.

新英格兰佛蒙特州巴尼特村(Barnet)——在美国最东北端,以其秋天鲜艳的色彩而闻名。 摄影:Carol M. Highsmith.

Village of Barnet, Vermont. New England - in the most Northeastern part of the United States, is famous for it's vibrant colors in the autumn.

阿拉斯加州诺姆市(Nome)外朝圣者温泉(Pilgrim Hot Springs)的日出。 照片由美国能源部/阿拉斯加能源和电力中心(ACEP)CPike拍摄。

Sunrise at Pilgrim Hot Springs outside of Nome, Alaska. Photo by U.S. Department of Energy / CPike, Alaska Center for Energy and Power (ACEP).

华盛顿DC著名的樱花树因春季时盛开樱花而闻名,到了秋季则呈现另一番美景。照片来自Tim Brown。

Washington DC’s famed cherry trees, known for their blossoms in the spring, bring another kind of beauty in the fall.


华盛顿DC 的一个温暖的秋日里,游客们的倒影反射在越战纪念碑抛光的雕刻墙上。Tim Brown拍摄

All at the Wall

On a warm autumn day, visitors are reflected in the polished, engraved wall of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.


骑行者在马里兰州西部享受秋叶的景色。 Tim Brown拍摄

Autumn bike ride

A cyclist enjoys the fall foliage in western Maryland.



Autumn farm scene.

Trees on a family farm in Western Maryland display the colors of autumn.



