UH - Fujiya & Miyagi

Uh uh

Ah ah

Uh chaka oh taka taka

Uh chaka oh taka taka

Uh chaka oh taka taka

Uh chaka uh uh

I guess i wasn't feeling ok

I felt that space time

Went back forth sideways

I'm putting out fires all over the place

I guess it knocked me sideways


She made me go uh uh uh


Uh uh

Uppercase and underlined

We are as prickly as a couple of porcupines

I'm putting out fires all over the place

Pick a letter lower down the alphabet


She made me go uh uh uh


Uh uh

Oh sock it to me

Oh sock it to me

Oh sock it to me

I'm putting out fires all over the place

I guess it knocked me sideways


She made me go uh uh uh


Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

I spy with my little eye

Something beginning with c

I arrange my records alphabetically

I'm putting out fires all over the place

Pick a letter lower down the alphabet


She made me go uh uh uh


Uh uh uh uh uh uh



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