背景音乐:Shinedown - I'm Alive

The Economist/经济学人:
Tencent takes on Apple in China
Mr Brennan speculates that Tencent might even launch a WeChat phone, which would make Tencent’s offering completely independent of the iPhone. Anywhere else in the world, it would be foolish to go up against the Californian giant. In China, though, the native firm may have the advantage.

About time the smug Apple people get some serious challenges.
New russian troll (ex christopher c)
It should be noted that WeChat is an extremely good "app". It works really well and is very powerful. A sort of Asian WhatsApp. I would say the target is Apple but also Facebook.
Tencent to Apple : "We come in peace". Kiss of death instead! Cutting future growth in app sales will commodify Apple and confine it as a hardware producer.
AN - SynBio
As a start, I guess it simply means Tencent can start to remove part of the 30% levy AppStore is charging on its own apps (mainly games) by channeling users via its own payment system instead.
Tim Cook, ostrich.
JAIHAin reply to A Yap
It's not so much a choice that WeChat makes but the consumers. Interestingly, like China, Japan has its own popular domestic app Line which I assume has to do with the particularities of E Asian languages and mentality.

Tencent 腾讯
take on… 与…较量
speculate 推测
launch 推出;发布
offering 提供的产品;出售物
go up against 对抗
native 本土的
smug 自鸣得意的
kiss of death 死亡之吻
commodify 使商品化
confine 限制
hardware producer 硬件生产商
levy 税款
channel 引导;开导
have to do with… 与…相关
particularity 独特性
mentality 心态;精神状态