2020年地理学十大研究主题 ——基于82本地理学SSCI刊物和26种中文人文经济地理类期刊的报告
基于84本地理学SSCI刊物(见表1,除了有2本期刊在web of science下载不了数据)和26本中文人文经济地理、自然资源与环境CSSCI来源期刊(2019-2020)(见表2)的数据,我们借助Citespace文本挖掘及可视化软件,对2020年地理学前沿研究的数据进行了主题分析。
表1: 地理学(GEOGRAPHY)领域SSCI期刊及其影响因子
表2: 中文人文经济地理、自然资源与环境CSSCI来源期刊(2019-2020)目录
(5)本报告图谱均采用g-index,k值为25进行可视化,裁剪方式为Pathfinder和Pruning sliced networks。

图1. 2020年地理类SSCI期刊关键词共现图谱
01 Politics, Space &Governance
政治、地方与治理是地理学研究的核心话题,也是2020年最为庞大的主题之一,该主题集聚了城市化、基础设施、权力、经济和绅士化等关键词。在该主题中,学者们对人道主义(Humanitarianism)、热点区域(Hotspots)、后资本主义(Postcapitalism)等话题极为关注[1,2],也关心气候治理、环保政策等引起的空间边缘化[3]、跨境治理[4]等问题,而集合理论(Assemblage thinking)被广泛地应用于权力的讨论中[5]。
02 Health & Environment

03 Gender, Work & Race
04 Knowledge, Network & Innovation
05 Mobility & Migration

图2. 2020年人文经济地理、自然资源与环境CSSCI来源期刊文献关键词共现图谱
06 乡村振兴
07 国土空间规划

08 高质量发展与新型城镇化
09 城市群
10 土地利用与绿色发展
[1] Pallister-Wilkins P. Hotspots and the geographies of humanitarianism[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2018, 38(6): 991-1008.
[2] Chatterton P, Pusey A. Beyond capitalist enclosure, commodification and alienation: Postcapitalist praxis as commons, social production and useful doing[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2019, 44(1): 27-48.
[3] Rice J L, Cohen D A, Long J, et al. Contradictions of the Climate-Friendly City: New Perspectives on Eco-Gentrification and Housing Justice[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2020, 44(1): 145-165.
[4] Scheidel A, Del Bene D, Liu J, et al. Environmental conflicts and defenders: A global overview[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2020, 63: 102104.
[5] Savage G C. What is policy assemblage?[J]. Territory, Politics, Governance, 2020, 8(3): 319-335.
[6] Murton G, Lord A. Trans-Himalayan power corridors: Infrastructural politics and China's Belt and Road Initiative in Nepal[J]. Political Geography, 2020, 77: 102100.
[7] Paudel D, Le Billon P. Geo-Logics of Power: Disaster Capitalism, Himalayan Materialities, and the Geopolitical Economy of Reconstruction in Post-Earthquake Nepal[J]. Geopolitics, 2020, 25(4): 838-866.
[8] Han X, Webber M. From Chinese dam building in Africa to the Belt and Road Initiative: Assembling infrastructure projects and their linkages[J]. Political Geography, 2020, 77: 102102.
[9] Lai K P Y, Lin S, Sidaway J D. Financing the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): research agendas beyond the “debt-trap” discourse[J]. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2020, 61(2): 109-124.
[10] Williams J, Robinson C, Bouzarovski S. China's Belt and Road Initiative and the emerging geographies of global urbanisation[J]. The Geographical Journal, 2020, 186(1): 128-140.
[11] Rogers S, Chen D, Jiang H, et al. An integrated assessment of China's South—North Water Transfer Project[J]. Geographical Research, 2020, 58(1): 49-63.
[12] Huang Q, Yang M, Jane H-A, et al. Trees, grass, or concrete? The effects of different types of environments on stress reduction[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 193: 103654.
[13] Riad P, Graefe S, Hussein H, et al. Landscape transformation processes in two large and two small cities in Egypt and Jordan over the last five decades using remote sensing data[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 197: 103766.
[14] Pearsall H, Eller J K. Locating the green space paradox: A study of gentrification and public green space accessibility in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 195: 103708.
[15] Le Billon P, Kristoffersen B. Just cuts for fossil fuels? Supply-side carbon constraints and energy transition[J]. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2019, 52(6): 1072-1092.
[16] Christophers B, Bigger P, Johnson L. Stretching scales? Risk and sociality in climate finance[J]. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 2018, 52(1): 88-110.
[17] Thew H, Middlemiss L, Paavola J. “Youth is not a political position”: Exploring justice claims-making in the UN Climate Change Negotiations[J]. Global Environmental Change, 2020, 61: 102036.
[18] Power E R, Williams M J. Cities of care: A platform for urban geographical care research[J]. Geography Compass, 2020, 14(1): e12474.
[19] Spencer J H, Finucane M L, Fox J M, et al. Emerging infectious disease, the household built environment characteristics, and urban planning: Evidence on avian influenza in Vietnam[J]. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2020, 193: 103681.
[20] Sonn J W, Lee J K. The smart city as time-space cartographer in COVID-19 control: the South Korean strategy and democratic control of surveillance technology[J]. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2020, 61(4-5): 482-492.
[21] Desjardins M R, Hohl A, Delmelle E M. Rapid surveillance of COVID-19 in the United States using a prospective space-time scan statistic: Detecting and evaluating emerging clusters[J]. Applied Geography, 2020, 118: 102202.
[22] Manzo L K C, Minello A. Mothers, childcare duties, and remote working under COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: Cultivating communities of care[J]. Dialogues in Human Geography, 2020, 10(2): 120-123.
[23] Datta A. Self(ie)-governance: Technologies of intimate surveillance in India under COVID-19[J]. Dialogues in Human Geography, 2020, 10(2): 234-237.
[24] Springer S. Caring geographies: The COVID-19 interregnum and a return to mutual aid[J]. Dialogues in Human Geography, 2020, 10(2): 112-115.
[25] González-Hidalgo M, Zografos C. Emotions, power, and environmental conflict: Expanding the 'emotional turn’ in political ecology[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2019, 44(2): 235-255.
[26] Hall J J. 'The Word Gay has been Banned but People use it in the Boys’ Toilets whenever you go in’: spatialising children’s subjectivities in response to gender and sexualities education in English primary schools[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 2020, 21(2): 162-185.
[27] Straughan E, Bissell D, Gorman-Murray A. The politics of stuckness: Waiting lives in mobile worlds[J]. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2020, 38(4): 636-655.
[28] Siemiatycki M, Enright T, Valverde M. The gendered production of infrastructure[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2019, 44(2): 297-314.
[29] Faria C, Mollett S. 'We didn’t have time to sit still and be scared’: A postcolonial feminist geographic reading of 'An other geography’[J]. Dialogues in Human Geography, 2020, 10(1): 23-29.
[30] Jakimow T. The Familiar Face of the State: Affect, Emotion and Citizen Entitlements in Dehradun, India[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2020, 44(3): 429-446.
[31] Rivera-Amarillo C, Camargo A. Zika assemblages: women, populationism, and the geographies of epidemiological surveillance[J]. Gender, Place & Culture, 2020, 27(3): 412-428.
[32] Pavlidis A. Being grateful: Materalising 'success’ in women's contact sport[J]. Emotion, Space and Society, 2020, 35: 100673.
[33] Rosenman E, Loomis J, Kay K. Diversity, representation, and the limits of engaged pluralism in (economic) geography[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2019, 44(3): 510-533.
[34] Anwar M A, Graham M. Between a rock and a hard place: Freedom, flexibility, precarity and vulnerability in the gig economy in Africa[J]. Competition & Change, 2020: 1024529420914473.
[35] Ramírez M M. City as borderland: Gentrification and the policing of Black and Latinx geographies in Oakland[J]. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2019, 38(1): 147-166.
[36] Alkon A H, Cadji J. Sowing Seeds of Displacement: Gentrification and Food Justice in Oakland, CA[J]. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 2020, 44(1): 108-123.
[37] Varga A, Sebestyén T, Szabó N, et al. Estimating the economic impacts of knowledge network and entrepreneurship development in smart specialization policy[J]. Regional Studies, 2020, 54(1): 48-59.
[38] Seabrooke L, Tsingou E. Revolving doors in international financial governance[J]. Global Networks, 2020, n/a(n/a).
[39] Sigler T, Martinus K, Iacopini I, et al. The role of tax havens and offshore financial centres in shaping corporate geographies: an industry sector perspective[J]. Regional Studies, 2020, 54(5): 621-633.
[40] Barbieri N, Perruchas F, Consoli D. Specialization, Diversification, and Environmental Technology Life Cycle[J]. Economic Geography, 2020, 96(2): 161-186.
[41] Abbasiharofteh M. Endogenous effects and cluster transition: a conceptual framework for cluster policy[J]. European Planning Studies, 2020, 28(12): 2508-2531.
[42] Colding J, Colding M, Barthel S. The smart city model: A new panacea for urban sustainability or unmanageable complexity?[J]. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2018, 47(1): 179-187.
[43] Lynch C R. Contesting Digital Futures: Urban Politics, Alternative Economies, and the Movement for Technological Sovereignty in Barcelona[J]. Antipode, 2020, 52(3): 660-680.
[44] Acemoglu D, Restrepo P. The wrong kind of AI? Artificial intelligence and the future of labour demand[J]. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 2020, 13(1): 25-35.
[45] Zhao P, Liu X, Shi W, et al. An empirical study on the intra-urban goods movement patterns using logistics big data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2020, 34(6): 1089-1116.
[46] Srivastava S, Vargas Muñoz J E, Lobry S, et al. Fine-grained landuse characterization using ground-based pictures: a deep learning solution based on globally available data[J]. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2020, 34(6): 1117-1136.
[47] Tazzioli M. Governing migrant mobility through mobility: Containment and dispersal at the internal frontiers of Europe[J]. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2019, 38(1): 3-19.
[48] Martin D, Minca C, Katz I. Rethinking the camp: On spatial technologies of power and resistance[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2019, 44(4): 743-768.
[49] Paul A M, Yeoh B S A. Studying multinational migrations, speaking back to migration theory[J]. Global Networks, 2021, 21(1): 3-17.
[50] Belloni M. When the phone stops ringing: on the meanings and causes of disruptions in communication between Eritrean refugees and their families back home[J]. Global Networks, 2020, 20(2): 256-273.
[51] Chen J. Displacement, emplacement and the lifestyles of Chinese 'snowbirds’ and local residents in tropical Sanya[J]. Social & Cultural Geography, 2020, 21(5): 629-650.
作者 - 爱吃瓜的猕猴桃 & 安宁
审核 - 安宁
编辑 - 赵如雨
数据收集 - 杨晓婷
分析&撰稿 - 爱吃瓜的猕猴桃