
盐胁迫威胁着世界各地的农作物产量。 据报道,许多NAC转录因子参与了不同的非生物胁迫反应,但目前尚不清楚这些转录因子的丧失如何改变植物的转录组。 以前的报道表明,OsNAC45的过表达增强了水稻的耐盐和干旱能力,并且OsNAC45可能调节两个特定基因OsPM1和OsLEA3-1的表达。 结果 在这里,我们发现ABA抑制了OsNAC45在根中的表达,而NaCl促进了它的表达。 免疫染色显示,OsNAC45位于所有根细胞中,主要在中柱中表达。

OsNAC45的缺失降低了水稻对ABA的敏感性,并且过表达该基因具有相反的作用,这表明OsNAC45在ABA信号响应中起着重要的作用。 OsNAC45的敲除还导致根中更多的ROS积累,并增加了水稻对盐胁迫的敏感性。 转录组测序分析发现,在OsNAC45敲除植物中成千上万的基因表达不同。

图  不同浓度下,OsNAC45敲除和过表达表型。大多数下调的基因参与了植物的胁迫反应。 实时定量RT-PCR表明,OsNAC45可以调控七个基因,包括OsCYP89G1,OsDREB1F,OsEREBP2,OsERF104,OsPM1,OsSAMDC2和OsSIK1。结论 这些结果表明OsNAC45在水稻的ABA信号响应和耐盐性中起着至关重要的作用。 对该基因的进一步表征可能有助于我们了解ABA信号途径,并培育出更耐盐胁迫的水稻。Salt stress threatens crop yields all over the world. Many NAC transcription factors have been reported to be involved in different abiotic stress responses, but it remains unclear how loss of these transcription factors alters the transcriptomes of plants. Previous reports have demonstrated that overexpression of OsNAC45 enhances salt and drought tolerance in rice, and that OsNAC45 may regulate the expression of two specific genes, OsPM1 and OsLEA3–1.ResultsHere, we found that ABA repressed, and NaCl promoted, the expression of OsNAC45 in roots. Immunostaining showed that OsNAC45 was localized in all root cells and was mainly expressed in the stele. Loss of OsNAC45 decreased the sensitivity of rice plants to ABA and over-expressing this gene had the opposite effect, which demonstrated that OsNAC45 played an important role during ABA signal responses. Knockout of OsNAC45 also resulted in more ROS accumulation in roots and increased sensitivity of rice to salt stress. Transcriptome sequencing assay found that thousands of genes were differently expressed in OsNAC45-knockout plants. Most of the down-regulated genes participated in plant stress responses. Quantitative real time RT-PCR suggested that seven genes may be regulated by OsNAC45 including OsCYP89G1, OsDREB1F, OsEREBP2, OsERF104, OsPM1, OsSAMDC2, and OsSIK1.ConclusionsThese results indicate that OsNAC45 plays vital roles in ABA signal responses and salt tolerance in rice. Further characterization of this gene may help us understand ABA signal pathway and breed rice plants that are more tolerant to salt stress.

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