TE||The maker of chefs



法国厨神Paul Bocuse谈烹饪理念


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The maker of chefs



Paul Bocuse, popularly acclaimed as the best French chef since Escoffier, died on January 20th, aged 91

保罗·博古斯(Paul Bocuse),是继埃斯科菲以来法国公认的烹饪界的泰斗,于1月20日去世,享年91岁。

In impish mood, Paul Bocuse would roll up the sleeve of his whites to reveal, on his left bicep, a tattoo of a Gallic cock crowing. An American GI had done it for him during the war, and it seemed just right for his subsequent career as France’s most celebrated chef. This was a man who was called the pope, even God, by lowlier meal-makers, and whose death, said Emmanuel Macron, had chefs everywhere weeping in their kitchens.

保罗·博古斯心情愉悦时,会像孩子似的常把白袖子高高卷起,左二头肌上露出高卢雄鸡的纹身。二战中,一名美国大兵给他纹的这只雄鸡,似乎也恰巧预示了他在之后的职业生涯中将成为法国最著名的厨师。技艺不如他的厨师都称他为美食界的“教皇”,甚至是“上帝”;法国总统埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)发表悼词(在推特上),他的去世让全国各个地方的厨师都在厨房里痛哭哀叹。

He was the most decorated of them all, and not simply with Michelin stars, of which his restaurant, L’Auberge du Pont de Collonges “Paul Bocuse”, near Lyons, had held three for over 50 years. (To match his three stars he had, for almost as long, three women, fairly harmoniously; his appetites were large.) With his whites he usually wore the tricolore collar of a Meilleur Ouvrier de France, and occasionally his Légion d’Honneur on its red ribbon. On that glorious evening in 1975, when his medal had been pinned on by the president, they had sat down to his own invention, black-truffle soup VGE, for Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. It was served ever after in his restaurant, in specially inscribed white bowls.

作为厨师,他获得了最多的勋章(荣誉),他的位于里昂郊外的餐厅L’Auberge du Pont de Collonges,连续五十多年获得米其林三星餐厅的至高荣誉(和他的三星级餐厅相匹配的是,他有三个相处非常和谐的女人以及他的欲望。)他经常穿着白色工作服,戴上代表法国最佳手工艺者的三色领子,偶尔在红丝带上别上法国荣誉军团勋章。1975年那个荣耀的夜晚,瓦莱里·吉斯卡尔·德斯坦(Valéry Giscard d’Estaing)总统亲自为博古斯戴上荣誉军团勋章,并一同享用了博古斯为他创制的佳肴:“VGE”黑松露酥皮汤(“soupe aux truffes VGE ”)。自此之后,博古斯的餐厅内开始供应这道大餐,每次都盛在专门的白瓷碗内。

The cockerel proclaimed his patriotism, as if it were in any doubt; he was ever the small boy who loved to run after marching bands on the 14th of July, shouting and singing. For what country was better provisioned than France? Her shores were washed with a seething bouillabaisse of fish, her gardens laden with good things; Charolais cattle grazed the fields, chickens from Bresse pecked in farmyards. And the wines! He was France’s most fervent ambassador, setting up restaurants in America and Japan, and providing food both for Disney’s French enterprises and for Concorde—always taking his own ingredients with him, to be sure they were the best.!


每年的7月14日法国国庆日,法国人都要隆重纪念这象征自由和革命的日子。这一天夜晚埃菲尔铁塔为火树银花所映衬,成为欢乐海洋,与法国国庆日相关的历史事件是 法国人民攻占巴士底狱。

Nitrogen, pfuit!

He could crow about French cooking, too. From Carême to Maître Escoffier to himself, there was none better. Cuisine classique had become over-fussy, but its fundamentals, butter, cream and wine, were so magical that nothing could replace them. (A dish of just-made fromage frais with cream was, for him, pure joy.) With a little simplifying, more emphasis on freshness, French cuisine would again be unbeatable. He signed on briefly to nouvelle cuisine, but in the end it bored him; nothing on the plate, lots on the bill, was his conclusion. Instead his menus offered the grand, substantial dishes of the decades: duck with foie gras, pike quenelles, fillet of beef Rossini, coq au vin. The only inventions of his own were the truffle soup and sea bass in pastry. He was no fad-follower, no fiddler. Molecular cuisine, bof! Nitrogen, pfuit! Give him some sausage and a glass of good Mâcon, in the company of friends, any day.


作为“新法餐”的革新者, “保罗先生”的烹饪理念可以说是推动了近代西餐文化的发展。“烹饪和音乐一样,在形式上很难有所创新,更多的是在于诠释。”博古斯对于烹饪心得如是阐述。这位善于发现,敢于创新的老人,在厨师生涯中最大的贡献要数自主创立一种“新式烹调法”。与传统的埃斯科菲耶风格——浓重、油腻、辛辣烹饪方式不同,博古斯的新式烹调注重保持菜品的原汁原味,让食物更清淡,更新鲜,也更美观。时代在进步,人们的生活习惯也在发生变化,新式烹调法前所未有地动摇和重塑了法国的烹饪文化,越来越多的厨师跟随他采用新式烹调法,也成为当今厨艺文化的一种标杆。

What made him most content, though, were two apparently smaller things. The first was the rescue of his family name. The Bocuses had been chefs since the 18th century, always in that little auberge on the Saône: the house he had been born in, with the murmur of the river outside. There he caught fish, and in that kitchen, at nine, he had first served up veal kidneys with puréed potatoes. But the restaurant had been sold, and the name lost, by his grandfather, and not until 1959 could he get the building back. He won his first Michelin star when there were still paper cloths on the tables. Gradually it became splendid, with crimson shutter sand green paint, a ceremonial courtyard and much brass. Inside, preserved as a shrine, was his grandmother’s kitchen, with its battery of copper pans; and the name “Paul Bocuse” marched in neon across the roof.


The second source of pride was easier to overlook. By the 21st century, celeber the war, chefs toiled and broiled behind the scenes, while the owners patrolled the dining rooms. At La Mrity chefs were everywhere, foraging, posing, fronting restaurants, writing books. Yet when he began, just aftère Brazier’s in Lyon, as an apprentice, he had to feed the pigs and do the laundry, as well as bring in the coal. Perhaps his chief accomplishment was to make chefs emerge, proud of themselves.


They had every reason to be, as artisans who loved their craft. A good chef like himself worked (and worked, and worked!) by instinct, accepting that a recipe would be subtly different every time. That final seasoning, with the tips of the fingers, was a beautiful gesture, his signing of the dish. And once it was done, the chef should leave the kitchen, greet the diners, present what he had made. Hence the many portraits of him in his restaurant, so that even when he was away, or no longer cooked himself, he was there. He positively encouraged his cooks to open their own restaurants, and was delighted to welcome 650 students each year to his chef’s school at écully. Even young women came—though he preferred women in bed, and smelling of Chanel rather than cooking fat.


A chef’s sense of his own importance began, he insisted, with the uniform: the calot or the tall toque, the immaculate white jacket and the apron, the clothes of his trade. That moment when, preparing for his entrée en scène, he tied his apron ribbons round his capacious waist, was the proudest part of all. And he might just have time too to roll up his sleeve, flash a smile and cry “Cocorico!”, in case anyone doubted who, and which country, ruled the culinary world.




Yi, 女,财务民工,经济学人爱好者






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