“动词 名词 介词” 分类归纳与专项练习

2017 年高考全国 Ⅲ 卷考查了以下这道语法填空题:

After school she plans to take a year off to model full-time before going to university to get a degree      68      engineering or architecture.

解析: 表示“获得某方面的学位”,是 get a degree in 。 又如:take /get a degree in law 获得法律学位。 因此 , 此空填介词 in。


请在空格处填入一个适当的介词, 完成句子。


 动词 + 名词 + 介词

1. Don' t be absent-minded. Pay attention _______ what I'm saying in class.

2. Mary gave birth_______ a healthy baby girl last night.

3. The criminal set fire _______ the house and then fled his


4. It' s cruel to make fun _______ people who are deaf.

5. She moved to France and we lost touch_______each other.

6. She found it difficult to keep pace _______ him as he

walked so fast.

7. There was a time when I lost interest____learning English.

8. He is kind-hearted and takes delight_____helping others.

9. Linda lost track ____ her family in the Second World Wall.

10. The careless driver lost control_______the truck and

bumped into a building.

11. She didn' t take notice _______ what I said at that time.

12. Rose took possession________the property after the

death of her parents.

13. Did you entirely make sense ________ what I told you

this morning?

14. He caught sight ______ a dark figure in the shadows.

15. He reads the newspapers every day to keep track______

current events.

16. When mom is ill, he always takes the responsibility to

take care _______ his younger sister.

17. Can you make room _______ an extra table?

18. You must ask permission ________entering my bedroom.

19. We're supposed to show respect ________our admirable


20. They have responsibility _______ the traffic accident

which happened yesterday.

21. They are busy making arrangements _______ the opening ceremony.

22. They are doing research ______ the cause for the mysterious disease.

23. I had mercy______the beggar and gave him some change.

24. It' s normal for friends to play jokes _______ each other.

25. The naughty boy takes delight in playing tricks ________


26. It' s rude manners to make comments______others at will.

27. People hurried to take shelter ________ the storm as

soon as it came.

28. Cuba gained independence_______Spain in 1898.

29. Real friends should have trust_______each other no matter what happens.

30. You cannot do justice_______such a complex situation in just a few pages.


 动词 + a / an + 名词 + 介词

31. She put an advertisement ________ selling her car in the

local newspaper.

32. The homeless child, who lost his family in the earthquake, has a thirst ________ love.

33. The boy called Sam has a gift _______ painting.

34. Poor as he is, he has a hunger _______ knowledge.

35. Journalists usually have a nose _______ something new.

36. My younger brother has a bent_______ music and aims

to be a musician when he grows up.

37. He has an interview______the manager' s job next week.

38. He refused to make a judgment ______the future development of the company.

39. The President is trying to make a bid _______ popular


40. They made a request _______ further aid.

41. Tina got a reward _______ his good behavior at school.

42. He made a bargain _______ his partner that they should

tell each other everything.

43. He had a quarrel _______ his wife about the money she

spent on clothes.

44. She had a talk_______her parents about her major at u-


45. We had an argument_______ the waiter about the bill.

46. I' ve got an appointment_______the dentist at 3 o' clock.

47. He made a note________the information in case he

might forget it.

48. The doctors are having an operation_______the patient.

49. He' ll give a speech _______ human rights in public.

50. During the summer holiday, the Smiths made a trip

______Tibet by plane.

51. If you have time, pay a visit_______ the local museum.

52. She has decided never to tell a lie _______ anybody.

53. She obtained a degree_______ engineering from London


54. They conducted a campaign_______racial discrimination.

55. We' re supposed to strengthen the fight _______ crime.

56. He was not aware that he had committed an offence

_______ society.


 动词 + a / an + 形容词 + 名词 + 介词

57. The trip last week left a deep impression _______ me.

58. Climate has a great influence _______ agricultural production.

59. Good health has a close connection ________ the food

we eat.

60. Ann had a long conversation ________ her husband the

other day.

61. I had a heated discussion ________ him about the dif-

ferences between Britain and the U.S.

62. I had a long chat ________ her about how to solve the

challenging problem.

63. The old man made a small charge______mending my


64. Many people expressed a strong preference _______ the

original plan.

65. The little boy has a strong desire ________ a toy bear as

his birthday gift.

66. My deskmate has a strong appetite _______ going abroad

for further study.

67. I have a great affection _______ my hometown, where I

was born and raised.

68. It' s hoped that scientists can make a major break-

through________ cancer research.

69. She holds a firm belief ________ the fact that her dream

is sure to come true in the near future.

70. Though young, he has a wide range ________ knowledge

of / about music.

71. Young as he is, he has a good command_______Spanish.

72. The couple made an unsuccessful attempt________a


73. Rainfall has a close relation_______crop production.

74. The government made an official commitment ________

public services.

75. These measures would make a valuable contribution

________ reducing industrial accidents.

76. We can safely draw a conclusion________her facial ex-

pression that she is pretty satisfied with the election result.


 动词 + 形容词 + 名词 + 介词

77. It seems that you don't realize reading in bed does great harm ________ your eyesight.

78. Every school attaches great importance _______ the safety

of students.

79. The destructive typhoon did great damage ________ the


80. I have complete confidence ________ her. She'll be perfect for the job.

81. I have great faith ________ you, believing that you can

do a good job.

82. He takes great pleasure ________ solving all kinds of


83. John takes great pride ________ his son who does well

in all the subjects.

84. This product has strong competition ________ the market

in terms of price.

85. Mr. Green expressed deep anxiety______his son' s safety.

86. His father expressed deep worries ________ his attitude

towards study.

87. We aim to maintain high standards______customer care.

88. The government places strict restrictions ________ imported goods.


 动词 + 限定词 + 名词 + 介词

89. She forms the habit________keeping a diary in English.

90. If you have the freedom ________ speech, it means that

you have the right to say whatever you like.

91. I' m so delighted to make the acquaintance ________

some famous musicians at the party last week.

92. All the workers in this company expressed their demand

________ higher pay.

93. Nothing would satisfy his greed ________ power.

94. My aunt put the blame ________ the broken vase on me.

95. They conveyed their heartfelt thanks ________ our timely help.

96. Nearly all the customers expressed their satisfaction

________ the service of the restaurant.

97. He put his heart ________ the work, ignoring anything

around him.

98. ThefirsttimeshevisitedChina,shelostherheart ______ it.

99. To arouse her students' interest ________ English, she

always tries different approaches ________ teaching.


 动词 + 不定代词 + 形容词 + 名词 + 介词

100. The traffic accident caused some minor injuries ____ her.

101. We made many donations ________ the children in the

remote mountainous areas.

102. For convenience, I' ve made some adjustments_____the

original plan.

103. Smoking has many negative effects________our health.

104. She didn' t make any reference ________ her illness in

the last letter.

105. I asked her where she went, but she made no reply

________ me.

106. She didn' t have much success ________ finding a

well-paid job.

107. Actually I have no intention ________ hurting your

feelings in public.

108. They continued talking and showed no consideration

________ my feelings.


 动词 + 某人 + 限定词 + 名词 + 介词

109. You owe her an apology ________ what you said this


110. She was overweight and the doctor gave her a prescrip-

tion ________ obesity.

111. Professor Yang gave us some advice ________ how to

enlarge our vocabulary.

112. She gave me some practical tips ________ how to save



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22. into / on 23. on 24. on 25. on 26. on 27.from 28. from 29. in 30. to

二、 31. for 32. for 33. for 34. for 35. for 36. for 37. for 38.on / about / of 39. for 40. for 41. for 42. with 43. with 44. with 45.with 46. with 47. of 48. on 49. on / about 50. to 51. to 52. to 53.in 54. against 55. against 56. against

三、 57. on 58. on / upon 59. with 60. with 61. with 62. with 63. for 64. for 65. for 66. for 67. for 68. in 69. in 70. of 71. of 72.at 73. to 74. to 75. to/towards 76. from

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