Fabian Treiber 是德国斯图加特的一位艺术家。他的绘画探索了室内的主题,用它来「 质疑主观投射和我们对现实的感知 」。与其说决定他作品是形式上的,不如说是叙事上的,他更关心的是作品的审美质量,而不是现实的准确性。A Day On, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 170×145 cmShoreline, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 60×60 cmNight Moves, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 120×95 cmFellow, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 130×110 cmFacades, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 80×65 cmRiverside, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 180×220 cmWindswept, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×240 cmNiche, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 160×120 cm绘画从来不受制于我们的现实,每一幅画都有它自己的现实。在我的画中,我很刻意地回到了一个边界,在这个边界上,绘画逐渐脱离了对现实的再现,开始从它自己的内部做出断言。」A Night on, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 145×130 cmSunrise doesn’t Last all Morning, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×460 cmNightlife, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×120 cmFlat, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 250×200 cmDryer at Night, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 130×95 cmMy Chair #3, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 100×85 cmVoyager, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 150×180 cmRay, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 45×40 cmTreiber 的作品在抽象的框架内,但形象艺术的重要元素在他的作品中共存。沿着抽象世界和具象世界之间不断变化的边界逻辑,Treiber 使用的视觉描述来源于日常的图像装饰。他的视觉矛盾仍然很好地站在那里,并提供了一个更鲜明的性格和一个更大的品质,灵活和开放的刺激多种解释。All of a Sudden, there was a big Wind, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 165×290 cmSupper, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 120×95 cmNightout, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×120 cmFridays, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 145×130 cmDesk, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 145×130 cmMinibar (3), 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 80×65 cmPlein Air, 2021, Acrylic, Oil Pastel and Ink on Paper, 37×28 cmUntitled (Standards of Living #3), 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 80×65 cmTreiber 碎片化的空间中看似未完成的构图,似乎需要进一步的绘画工作来实现最终的视觉表现。「 未开发 」的绘画仍然活着,并在完整的作品旁边平等地共存。这些未完成的细节可以解读为 Treiber 艺术过程之旅的一种行为。对他来说,这个过程的重要性真的很重要,因为他的目标是在画布的严格界限内讲述一个故事。Beachbar, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 120×100 cmTabletop, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 160×120 cmNightvision, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×120 cmGape across the Corridor, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×230 cmDawn, 2019, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 190×320 cmLost Weekend, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 180×280 cmPale Shelter, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 140×120 cmTwo days lost, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 150×180 cm总的来说,他的画布为这些过程的发生、投射和建立新的过程提供了独特的空间。此外,艺术家邀请参观者用他/她的头脑来理智地填补空白,提出更多的解释。通过忽略最终的艺术作品结果,艺术家提出了关于他的视觉构成的各种可能的解释。为了发出挑战,Treiber 向他的艺术遭遇发起了挑战,并呈现了一种激烈想象力的创造性互动。Bed at Night, 2020, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 175×300 cmTempting, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 80×65 cmOn the Beach, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 175×305 cmGlass Table, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 180×220 cmCompanions 1, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 45×38 cmLights, 2020, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 95×95 cmPalazzo, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 220×180 cmTrolley Passing, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 120×100 cm对于 Treiber 来说,画布是一个富饶而自主的空间。色彩斑斓的调色板和各种各样的图画描绘自己建立了一种自由的状态。这位德国艺术家使用动态的抽象手势来描绘画布上的艺术安排,解构了他所描绘对象的形状和线条。由于具有说明性的简单性,几乎是图解性的,Treiber 的通信代码包含了更深层次的功能。他的一些作品可以被看作是当代静物画,突出了他独特的语言速写的图形表现。Call, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 165×145 cmThe perfect companion, 2020, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 60×60 cmIsland, 2021 - Acrylic, Ink and Pastels on canvas, 180 · 160 cmCommon Ground #1, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 60×47 cmLay low, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 150×180 cmOver white Knuckles, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 180×90 cmTourist, 2018, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 80×70 cm从另一个角度来看,零碎安排的重要性也是在他的词汇中引入了一种透明的图形概念的一种额外的视觉信息。试图探索 Treiber 绘画的空间,透明的视觉效果效果很好,因为它模糊了抽象和具象之间的界限。除了画布上各种淡色的使用和混合,这条线的设计过程构成了 Treiber 艺术技巧的主要核心,无论它代表的是一个花瓶、一个苹果还是另一个家庭景观;不管是不是抽象的。Caravan, 2019, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 120×90 cmTrespass, 2021, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 110×90 cmOthers, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 45×40 cmCollapse All, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 95×95 cmLate night, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 145×120 cmOutside the Window, 2020, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 210×170 cmTrainee, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 190×160 cm
Fabian Treiber
Fabian Treiber 1986年出生于德国路德维希堡(Ludwigsburg)。他在斯图加特国家艺术与设计学院学习绘画和媒介设计。
Treiber 在他的画中做出的决定是正式的,而不是叙述的。在这样做的过程中,他引发了一种意识上的突破,从而宣称所谓的错误是绘画的本质,其效果是,他的作品似乎不太正确,但恰恰是正确的。
A guy came over from Blackpool, 2018, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 190×145 cmPeel, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 140×170 cmPalmsprings, 2018, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 210×160 cmMy Chair I, 2019, Acrylic and Ink on Canvas, 100×80 cmEvening, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 310×175 cmLake View, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 80×70 cmStudio, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 140×390 cmMy Chair II, 2019, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 100×80 cmBelle, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 130×110 cmA manner of speaking, 2020, Acrylic, Pastel and Ink on Canvas, 45×38 cmYellow Table, 2017, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 130×110 cmKitchenette, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 145×120 cmBoilermaker, 2018, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 120×100 cmJigger, 2018, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 160×140 cmNecessities, 2020, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 45×38 cmRoom with a view, 2018, Acrylic, ink and synthetic laquer on canvas, 220×180 cmWatching, 2020, Acrylic and ink on canvas, 45×38 cm