
 英语晨读 ·


本次文献选自Antony AB,  Mazzola AJ,  Dhaliwal GS, et al. Neurostimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Head and Facial Pain: A Literature Review[J]. Pain Physician, 2019, 22(5):447-477. 本次学习由陈阳住院医师主讲。

For SCS, novel technologies are currently being tested to best therapeutically stimulate the active targets. For instance, closed-loop systems have the ability to automatically adjust stimulation levels to maximize the overall time the patient receives the optimal therapeutic dose. These advances have the capabilities to be adapted to treat head and facial pain. With innovative technology and an expanding knowledge base, the future for neuromodulation remains promising.



The nerves of the head and face form an elaborate and often interconnected network. A stimulus affecting one nerve has the ability to cause responses of nearby structures and may mimic symptomatology from other regions. Common first-line therapy primarily consists of oral medications. As many patients continue to progress to chronic states of pain, surely the current treatments are lacking. Historically, interventions such as nerve blocks and surgery served a role in this intractable population. Lately, the field of neuromodulation has become instrumental in this vulnerable subset of treatment failure patients. Neuromodulation has the opportunity to have a longer duration of relief than injections and often has a lower risk profile compared with other surgical procedures, partly owing to the reversibility of the stimulator implantation.



Many patients live with facial pain that is refractory to conservative treatment. As discussed earlier, multiple pathologies have shown positive results with PNS of various targets. For neuromodulation to be effective, the patient must be correctly diagnosed and selectively chosen so that targeted nerve stimulation can allow for a successful outcome. Larger, randomized, controlled trials are required before many of these treatments can be defined as standard of care and evidenced-based medicine. The future of craniofacial nerve stimulation is promising as advances in our overall collective knowledge, as well as in hardware and surgical technique, allow for better outcomes.


Much of the advances in neuromodulation for the head and face will stem from perfecting the techniques previously described and devising ideal treatment plans including optimizing patient selection. Some of the strongest evidence for implantable neuromodulation in facial pain includes ONS for both migraine and occipital neuralgia, and SPG microstimulation for CH (Table 3). Regarding noninvasive neuromodulation, there is positive evidence for tVNS for both migraines and CHs, as well as combined transcutaneous supraorbital plus supratrochlear nerve stimulation for migraines (Table 3).




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