新西兰艺术家 Joshua Davison立体绘画欣赏

新西兰艺术家 Joshua Davison 使用引人注目的3D效果,创建了华丽的调色刀风格。

Joshua Davison is a 24 year old self-taught contemporary painter and sculptor with a diverse body of work themed around portraiture and botanics. He works with oils, acrylic, wood, epoxy resins and spray paint to create artwork that hopes to blur the line between painting and sculpture.
Joshua is inspired and motivated by the old masters, the path to truly original thinking, the bridge between science and art, instigating a range of emotions with artwork, and the prospect of reaching mastery. In a world where it seems everything’s already being done, everywhere, at all times, true originality is rare and mysterious and is often a term loosely thrown around. He looks up to other contemporary artists such as Miles Johnston, Ivan Alifan, Loribelle Spirovski and Henrik Uldalen who are truly original and beautiful modern painters.

约书亚·戴维森(Joshua Davison)是一位24岁自学成才的当代画家和雕塑家,从事以肖像画和植物学为主题的多元化工作。他用油画、丙烯酸、木材、环氧树脂和喷漆创作艺术品,希望模糊绘画和雕塑之间的界限。



